After the Yinxu land was opened.

The Spiritual Qi has also become stronger around the Tiankeng. Members of the Yan Huang Team, while alerting, take the opportunity to absorb and refining these Spiritual Qi. It is rare to know the opportunity.

Everyone can take advantage of this opportunity to refining more and more. If you want to enter the Yinxu land next time, you can’t just enter it casually.

So every time the Yinxu open, the time when Spiritual Qi leaks is precious time for everyone to cultivate.

“There should always be no one coming tonight!” At the entrance, the newly joined members of the Yan Huang Team, Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi greedily absorbed.

“Rest assured, this is Hangzhou, and ordinary Martial Artists would not dare to come, rest assured that cultivation is too rare.”

“If we give us more cultivation time, maybe we can break through Realm, and we can become the Grandmaster of the realm.”

The members who can join the Yan Huang Team are not weak.

“It’s so strong, this place must be the Yinxu land.”


A thunderous voice exploded directly in the hearts of members of the Yan Huang Team, shaking each and everyone, almost falling to the ground with a shock on his face.

I saw the entrance down.

I do not know when a gigantic little giant appeared, reaching a height of about 2 meters, like the hill, as the other party quickly walked Teleport, the ground was shaking slightly.

“Here is the Forbidden Land of our Yan Huang Team. No one can come in.” A small boss of Yan Huang Team lowered his face and shouted at someone.

“I’ve heard the name of the Yan Huang Team a lot, but it’s up to you, little ants, to go away!”

A loud noise made a loud noise. Under the earth’s shaking, the pillars of soil condensed by the earth rushed out from the ground.

Peng peng peng!

These Yan Huang Team’s Martial Artist one after another crashed and flew out. This scene came too suddenly, there was no time to be prepared, each and everyone spit blood.

“Hurry up and alert, here comes the Western power.”

Yan Huang Team recognized it at a glance under the spit of blood. This is an authentic power tool, and it is also an Earth system power.

Powers are divided into five attributes.

Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth!

Each attribute has great power, and the giant in front of him has the Earth system ability, which can control the earth for its use, and once confronted, it is hard to resist.

The little giant not at all prevented Yan Huang Team from notifying others, but stood quietly, with a look of intoxication on his face.

“Yinxu land, the Small World of the Chinese people, I didn’t bother to come to Huaxia this time, I must take enough Spirit Stone to go back this time. Unfortunately, this place is not in our west, otherwise it would be so troublesome.”

This little giant is called John Charlie, nicknamed Earth God, and can control the power of the earth, very overbearing.

Suddenly John Charlie frowned, and moved towards the distance, a pillar of soil rushed out.


“John Charlie, your temper is still the same as Berserk. You can do it at any time. In any case, we are from the same place. Shouldn’t you be happy in this foreign place?”

In the distance, a white man came out, with a size of about 1 meters, and his whole body was up and down spread all over with strong muscles, and the muscles were a bit ridiculous and full of great visual shock.

“Johnson and Johnson, it’s you. I didn’t expect you to come to Huaxia. Didn’t you say that in this life you will not come to Huaxia?” John Charlie Complexion Sank.

“Have you? Did I say that? I don’t remember it at all.” Johnson said, “Mysterious East, World is famous, you can come, why can’t I come? Or is you prepare a People monopolize the resources here, I do n’t think you have that ability, after all, China has the first War God Ye Xuan, and his Sword Technique is unparalleled. One sword can cut your head. “

John Charlie heard the words War God Ye Xuan, and his eyes still showed a look of dreading. After all, that one was not so provocative, otherwise he would not dare to sneak in to China.

“Hmph, I’m not Ye Xuan’s opponent, could it be, you are also Ye Xuan’s opponent? I said the same is very difficult to deal with.”

Johnson and Johnson haha ​​laughed, “Anyway, the purpose of this time is the same, that is, for the Moon Spirit Stone, not as good as we unite once about how about it? You want to know Huaxia here experts as common as the Clouds, although you have the protection of the earth, you may not be able to withstand the attacks of a group of people. You and me are different. “

John Charlie secretly came to Huaxia at this time, indeed for the Moon Spirit Stone, because the Moon Spirit Stone can improve the power, but he did not want to cooperate with anyone, but did not expect that Johnson and Johnson actually inquired about the opening time of the underworld.

Just have to admit, Johnson & Johnson’s words are still very caring.

After all, this is not Western World, because it is Huaxia, the distant east, and mysterious atmosphere is everywhere.

“It’s okay to cooperate, but if you play the hell during this time, don’t blame me for piercing your head with a soil piercing,” John Charlie said coldly.

Johnson came forward with a smile, waved his hand, and the wind blades moved directly towards the members of the previous Yan Huang Team.

“We are all our own people now, and I will never pit you, poison widow, you say!”

Johnson and Johnson controlled a wind blade directly moved towards a night and cut it off.

In the name of the poisoned widow, John Charlie’s face changed slightly, and he turned to look at it, apparently with a hint of disbelief.

“Johnson and Johnson, you really have no gentleman etiquette, in any case, I am also a weak woman, you are so embarrassed to show me the edge, are you not afraid to cut my face?” At night, a silhouette went come out.

This is a blonde woman in a tight leather coat, with a bumpy figure, which has great lethality to everyone.

Just under the curve of lithe and graceful is a fearsome terror.

Want to know that the poisoned widow is a recidivist on the wanted list. It is scary, but no one has ever seen the true face of the poisoned widow.

“I heard that you want to cooperate, not as good as plus how about it?”

Neither Johnson & Johnson nor John Charlie like poisoned widows, because poisoned widows are too heavy to kill, and you do not know how she does it.

Because the poisoned widow possesses terrifying extremely poisonous, it is also very difficult to deal with in the power.

“Why don’t you want to? I’m still worried that I’m taking advantage of it, not yours.” Poison widow smiled again and again.

This smile touched and moved people’s hearts, making both powers follow.

“Enough! Poison widow, don’t show your power to us, will I let you join?” John Charlie floated a Grand Dao earth ripples against the mind attack of Poison Widow.

Because this psychic attack can affect a person’s state, once it is invaded, it will become a Puppet-like existence, so the poisoned widow has been deeply jealous, which is why.

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