The arrival of Wumen and Shen Family will undoubtedly make the Grandmaster Experts present a lot of pressure. After all, no matter whether Wumen is good or Shen Family, it is not easy to offend!

Two great influences came before the Yinxu land opened, and even Yan Huang Team seemed to have to compromise to give them a face.

The easiest thing in this game is Lin Fei. He has no interest in Martial Arts and Shen Family. Regardless if he is Three Great Families or something else, as long as he doesn’t mess with him, everything will be gone. .

What happened at not at all one night!

There were no more Spirit Stones in the black swirl, which made many Grandmasters feel disappointed.

The first month ’s Spirit Stone fell on Shen Sky Monarch ’s hands, and everyone was not confident to grab it, so we can only wait for the second block, but for when the second month ’s Spirit Stone will appear, everyone has no idea So I can only wait.

Around Huang Swirl, Yan Huang Team has set up temporary tents.

Lin Fei sleeps alone in a tent. He sleeps more peacefully than anyone.

The world is big and the biggest sleep, no one can stop it.

“It really is out of the ordinary. Even the slightest leak of Spiritual Qi has made the cultivation jealous.”

Upon awakening, Lin Fei refreshed.

Next to the big swirl, each and everyone Grandmaster Expert one after another occupies a place, eyes closed cultivation.

It can also be seen from where the Grandmaster Expert is located. The most overbearing one is the Shen Family. The Shen Sky Monarch is sitting next to swirl, the closest place is Wumen and Yan Huang Team, and then mainly These Grandmaster Experts look like a ladder.

Lin Fei didn’t care much about the leaked Spiritual Qi.

Although he could snatch these Spiritual Qi in one breath, it was not useful to Immortal’s body.

“It will become very interesting when the Yinxu land is opened.” Lin Fei squinted. He is most curious about the Yinxu land now, is it Secret Realm, and is there a Sect? Is the biggest meaning.

“Young Lin, it’s a rare opportunity like this. You don’t plan to cultivation. I think they have been cultivation for one night.” Director Xue came over and smiled and moved towards Lin Fei.

Lin Fei shook his head. “In such a small place, there are not a lot of Spiritual Qi leaked out. A group of people have no effect in this cultivation, and I still don’t go to the fun.”

“Still you can see it.” Director Xue didn’t admire Lin Fei.

In front of these Spiritual Qi, even he was very tempted. The average person like Lin Fei couldn’t sit still.

If the Spiritual Qi at the bottom of the tiankeng is ten, the outside is at most about one or two, which is completely incomparable.

For Martial Artist, this is no different than a big supplement.

Director Xue knows everything, Lin Fei has stayed at Strange World, and Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi over there are much richer, and there is no comparability at all.

If Lin Fei full power goes, the Grandmaster Expert present will not be able to grab a trace of Spiritual Qi cultivation.

It’s just that Lin Fei is too lazy to do that, it’s no different from anti-aircraft guns.

“Director Xue, are there any living people in the Yinxu land? Or is the Yinxu land is just a deserted place.” Lin Fei curiously asked, about the Yinxu land, Lin Fei didn’t know much about it, so he was right about The situation inside is quite interesting.

Just interested in one thing.

Director Xue frowned and said with a bitter smile, “If anything else, I can really guarantee it, but in a place like this, I really can’t guarantee that there are living people in it? There are not many people in the Yinxu land, but this kind of thing is not guaranteed, so there will be people from the Yan Huang Team headquarters to participate in the whole process. “

Without asking the answer from Director Xue, Lin Fei was a little disappointed.

Lin Fei is also not interested in coming from the Yan Huang Team headquarters.


The bottom of the tiankeng became lively again, because there was another wave of people.

After this wave of people appeared, the most headache was Director Xue.

This is because the God’s house is one of the Three Great Families, and the leader is God ’s power and God ’s invincibility. It ’s so strange that you do n’t come if you do n’t come.

Lin Fei smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth after seeing God Tianquan and God invincible. He thought these two guys had run back, but he never thought about the Yinxu place.

Shen Tianquan and God Invincible did not intend to miss the ruins of the Yin Ruins. Although they came with Know Lin Fei, they still had courage in their hearts.

Because they know, they have missed a place like Yinxu land, and the loss for their Three Great Families will be very large. Anyone can not go to the Yinxu land, but only they Three Great Families cannot go.

When God Tianquan and God invincible saw Lin Fei, his heart was still a little bit scared. It was this man who suffered a loss from their God’s house over and over again, but they did not dare to show any trace of anger, killing intent.

Then only pretend to be grandson.

The only thing that made them more fortunate was that Lin Fei not at all said something to them, as if they were an ordinary person, and not as good as sighed in relief. If Lin Fei started to say something, then their god family There is really nowhere to put his face. It is impossible to fight with Lin Fei. It is not dare to give them 100 guts. There is no certainty of victory. This is suspected of the existence of God Level Expert.

Even seven or eight Grandmaster Experts are not their opponents.

Without pretending to be a grandson, could it be still uncle? Unless it’s a brain drain.

“Isn’t this invincible? What wind has blown you up, and I heard that you were stubborn in the Eastern Sea, being beaten up, how about it? When are you going to get revenge?”

When the divine power and the God Invincible had just arrived, and they weren’t even planning to do anything, Shen Sky Monarch on the other side said cynically, and his tone pointed directly at God Invincible.

God’s invincible face was suddenly green and white for a while. This was a riot in the Eastern Sea. Naturally, it was also known in the Martial Dao circle, especially the Shenjia and Shen Family have always been deadly opponents.

God invincible and Shen Sky Monarch are the leaders in younger generation.

The two usually fight less. Once they meet, either you press me or he presses you, and it’s not uncommon in the circle.

Therefore, Shen Sky Monarch and Divine Invincibility have rarely met on their own initiative. As long as they meet, various things will inevitably occur.

“I did not retaliate against none of your business.” God invincible glanced at Lin Fei with Yu Guang, seeing the other party not at all, his face changed too much, sighed in relief.

He really didn’t dare to say much, especially in this matter, the Lord was sitting beside him, and at the same time he was secretly proud of himself, “Shen Sky Monarch, you will continue to make trouble, and you will have a hard time. ”

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