There is nothing dare to conceal where God is invincible, and he has told everything in fifteen and ten. Now he just wants to stay away from Lin Fei as far as possible. As long as he sees Lin Fei, there is never any good thing.

Now God is invincible and even more afraid to peek into Bloodline’s Bloodline on Fire Phoenix. This is not what he can peek at.

Who made Lin Fei so immortal appeared at this time, and gave him 100 courage to dare not do that.

“You, you actually went to the underworld.” Fire Phoenix was startled.

On the contrary, Lin Fei heard a haze. He didn’t really hear any shady ground, but from the words, it can be seen that this shady ground should not be an ordinary place. Maybe it is Heavenly Paradise. Even Secret Realm almost exists.

“Isn’t it about the Yinxu land, has it been traceless? How can you find the Yinxu land, and you can know our Firehouse Bloodline from the Yinxu land.” Fire Phoenix usually carefree, now I also realized the seriousness of the problem.

Earlier, Fire Phoenix simply thought that people came to the Fire House for the reason of marriage, but now it seems that this is not a simple marriage, but to peep at everything in their Fire House.

God invincible shook his head and said, “I do n’t know how to get in, anyway, this is what my father told me. If you want to know, ask me father.”

At this time, the god invincible directly sold him father, anyway he did not know all this.

“Okay, you can roll now.” Lin Fei waved his hand, and God invincible flew out and fell to the ground. A dog came to slay the mud. past.

“Brother Lin, why did you let him go? This guy might find someone.” Fire Phoenix stomped angrily.

Lin Fei smiled and shook his head. “He’s useless even if he’s looking for someone. Right, what’s the source of this yin deficiency? I hear it seems that this place is quite different.”

Fire Phoenix is ​​also a half-knowledge, “Yinxu land, I just heard father they said, it is said to be a special secret space, no one knows where it is, but there are a lot of treasures in the yin deficiency. I even heard that there are still some powerful people coming out of the yin. “

“In simple terms, the most famous dark spot in our country is Kunlun. Although everyone knows where Kunlun is located, this Kunlun is only on the surface, the real core is the Yin ground, and there is the real Kunlun. . “

“It is said that 50 years ago, an expert came out of Kunlun Yinxu, defeated Experts along the way, and finally received a disciple, and this disciple is now, our domestic first War God Ye Xuan.” Fire Phoenix Talking, both eyes worshiped.

In so simple a way, Lin Fei understands that this shady land is far worse than Secret Realm.

At the same time, I also became interested in this yin deficiency and remembered it in my heart. “

“Let’s go in and see, maybe there will be more news about the invincible father know.”

In fact, if Lin Fei didn’t mention it at this time, Fire Phoenix would also go in and speak to his father, because this god is too shameless, and actually came up with such thoughts, if it was n’t for Heavenly God ’s invincible initiative to say, After a long period of time, their fire house will be thoroughly eaten by the God’s house with a leash.

This is not what Fire Phoenix would like to see.

Coming out of the Lianwu family, Fire Phoenix knows more or less mysterious things, and I am convinced of this.

In the hall.

Huo Tianlin and God Tianquan are talking and laughing, as if they are old friends for many years.

With God’s invincible panic coming in, the atmosphere at the scene was broken.

“Dad, let’s go, that bastard is here.”

Seeing the invincible look of God, Huo Tianlin frowned, and the whole body stood up. “What happened? Is it someone in our Huo family who has done something to you? You tell me the name, I go Teach them well. “

Although he said this in his mouth, his heart was also very shocked. However, no one in the knower’s younger generation is an invincible opponent, even if it is the Grandmaster Expert, it does not necessarily overwhelm the opponent.

But now God’s invincible appearance is obviously being bullied, which makes Huo Tianlin a little hard to imagine. It is more aware that maybe someone has broken in.

And God is invincible and people do not have any advantage, so I hurried back. If this is the case, then as the Master here, it is necessary to fire the fire, to let the other know that here is the fire It is not an ordinary place, nor is it anyone who wants to make trouble. The Huojia face must not be left behind.

Shen Tianquan was in the mood to come. He had heard it. The Huo Tianlin of the Huo family really planned to marry and had a complete attitude. But at this time, when he heard what his son said, he did n’t frown. “Who’s here? Look at you like this, don’t lose it. You are also a Grandmaster in any case.”

Of course, God’s right to heaven was Lin Fei’s arrival.

God invincible heard even more anxious, “Dad, Lin Fei that brat is here. What do we do now?”

At this time, God and God heard clearly, complexion sank, the smile on his face stiffened, and he sat down on the sofa as if having a long needle, “What are you saying, Lin Fei is here, he is not in Eastern Sea? How did it appear in Hangzhou? You are sure you read it right. “

God invincible said with a bitter smile, “You see me like this now, how could I be so embarrassed if he didn’t come, you also know younger generation, I really don’t put anyone in my eyes. But Lin Fei is one of them. “

Huotianlin was also confused and unfamiliar with the name Complete, but I do n’t know why it seems to have been heard somewhere, but I could n’t remember it for a while. Afraid, I’ll clean them up for you. “

“Yes, yes, yes, this Lin Fei is really supposed to be cleaned up, so please trouble Brother Huo.” Shen Tianquan’s mind also turned fast. Now that Lin Fei is here, it must be purposeful. If you let Lin Fei When confronted with the fire family, at least you don’t have to worry about the two coming together.

“Dad, I’m back. I want to tell you something.”

After the voice of God and Heaven fell, Fire Phoenix and Lin Fei walked in.

After seeing Lin Fei, Divine Right and Divine Invincibility both stepped down the first step, and they were really afraid of this guy.

And Huo Tianlin’s face was abnormal. “Phoenix, who asked you to bring in a man, will not let him leave.”

Huo Tianlin was planning to marry, but when I saw this scene, my whole heart started to explode, especially in the presence of Patrarch. How did this end?

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