Fire House Villa.

Huo Tianlin is warmly entertaining God’s heavenly power and God’s invincibility.

There is no doubt that Fire Sky Pro is very much in favor of this time of marriage.

When God’s heavenly power and God’s invincibility came, it was already very certain. Today’s fire home is not as good as it was then, and the Bloodline Curse may be do not know by others, but they are clear.

Continuing in this form, the Huojia will become an ordinary family in a few decades.

This is not allowed by any powerful family, so marriage becomes very important.

So this is also one of the reasons why God ’s Heavenly Power has won the other ’s favor. As long as the Huojis want to continue to stand in Hangzhou, they must accept the goodwill of their gods, and the marriage of the Gods and the Huojis has many benefits. .

Without saying anything else, the Light and Fire family Bloodline can make his son a God Level Expert. At that time, the pattern of Three Great Families in the south will change from then on.

Because no God Level Expert has appeared in Three Great Families so far, whoever cultivates a God Level Expert first can unite all the forces in the South.

This is the dream of everyone in the Three Great Families in the South. It can be said that everyone is working hard to cultivate the next generation, and in this next generation, God Invincible is the highest voice.

In addition, the fire family still has treasure to stay, and this point of God ’s power has also secretly bought the people of the fire family, so this time, in addition to the marriage, in fact, there is a more peeping idea of ​​this treasure.

As the so-called treasure is a virtuous person, you are the one who is going to fall. Why do you still hold such a good treasure? Treasures like this should fall into their hands and play a real role. .

“Brother Huo, we talked for so long, what about you daughter? It wouldn’t be shy to hide!” God Tianquan joked.

God invincible also looked around.

He’d also heard of this Fire Phoenix, the kind of grumpy little pepper.

In the eyes of God’s invincibility, this temper is not much. Besides, a woman with a bit of temper has a sense of accomplishment when conquered, so he also wants to take a look at this Fire Phoenix.

Although I have never seen Fire Phoenix, Fire Phoenix’s influence in the south is not ordinary.

When it comes to this Fire Phoenix, Fire Sky Pro is a little uncomfortable, and his face is a bit uneasy, because just now he heard his hand report and the daughter ran out again.

Huotian Lindu regrets that no one was arranged to guard the daughter, otherwise it would not become embarrassing now.

“Girls will be a bit shy. I’ll arrange for someone to call her over here.” Huo Tianlin is indeed Patriarch. Opening a mouth is a lie. Right now, God needs to satisfy them. In case of daughter’s, Something is not right, and if the marriage is turned off, it ’s bad!

“You go and call Young lady, how long do you want God Young Master to wait? It’s not like that.” Huo Tianlin shouted to his confidant, his face calmed.

The confidant naturally knows that Fire Phoenix Young lady has left the villa, but she also replied earnestly, “Patriarch, wait a minute, I will call Young lady back.”

When his confidante came out of the hall, anxious expression also appeared on his face, like an ant on a hot pot.

Now go to Young lady, he really does n’t know where to look for it, but this is what Lord explained. He does n’t go and ca n’t. He can only pray that the young lady did n’t go far. Otherwise, today is really troublesome.

Being Lord’s confidant naturally also knows how capable the gods of the Three Great Families in the South are.

“Young lady, Young lady, you are really wayward this time.”

The confidant hurriedly called for the young lady.

But before I went out, I saw Huo Young lady and came back with a young man. The confidant couldn’t help but hesitated to see the situation, and it was really bad.

“Young lady, Lord is looking for you.”

Fire Phoenix eventually brought Lin Fei to the villa.

To be honest, she was still very flustered, but she knew about Father’s temper, and if she got angry, something would happen to them.

Fire Phoenix is ​​not worried about Lin Fei or his father. Although Father is a Grandmaster Expert, Lin Fei’s strength seems to be Grandmaster.

This is what Fire Phoenix is ​​most worried about. Moreover, in addition to his father today, there is also the divine right of the Southern God ’s house. An old fox is best at plot against.

If he did, Fire Phoenix was really worried that Lin Fei would suffer.

If she could, she really didn’t want Lin Fei to meet her father and people from the house of God, especially now, but she couldn’t stand Lin Fei’s visit.

In front of Lin Fei’s strength, Fire Phoenix had no strength to stop and could only be brought over.

“You don’t have to look for it, I’m going now, right, my father now how about it?”

“Lord is in a good mood, just because Young lady didn’t go, it seems to be annoying.”

Reported truthfully.

Fire Phoenix is ​​not unexpected, she knows today is a marriage operation. If she doesn’t go, her father will definitely have no good complexion. When I think about the expression after Lin Fei comes over, I feel that my father’s complexion will be very beautiful.

Lord’s confidant was also observing this young man, but he just searched all the memories in his mind, not at all. Any news about this man couldn’t help but be shocked. “Young lady, where did you find this? Such a man. “

It is conceivable that a big accident may occur later.

“I don’t think we need to go in anymore, someone moved towards us.” Lin Fei laughed suddenly and looked towards the front.

“People are here?” Fire Phoenix moved subconsciously and looked forward.

It didn’t take long before I actually saw a silhouette come over.

“God Young Master is here, it is God Young Master is here.” Lord’s confidant said low.

Fire Phoenix couldn’t help getting nervous, “Brother Lin, you really don’t have to wait.”

Lin Fei smiled even more happily, “No need, no need, maybe I still have acquaintance with this person.”

“This must be the fire young lady. I don’t bother to come out in person.”

God invincible saw a silhouette of fire red far away, he knew that this was Fire Phoenix, the pearl of the fire family in the palm, and the big sister recognized in the southern circle.

“Old friend, long time no see, I went to the scourge of Bing Qingya last time. This is another scourge of Fire Phoenix. You are really frustrating.”

“Who is talking here.”

God walked over invincibly and quickly, complexion sank, annoyed.

He has suffered a lot in Bing Qingya, and he has not forgotten it, so he definitely does not want anyone to mention the name Bing Qingya again.

“It’s me, your old friend!”

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