After Lin Fei said this, several old men present, including Director Xue, were dumbstruck.

Finally, Director Xue said on his own initiative, “Spirit Spirit Stone, Young Lin, you do not know? This shouldn’t be true. Knowing Spirit Stone is a treasure of our Martial Artist cultivation, but it absorbs Heaven and Earth Sun and Moon Elf It is very rare, and every month the appearance of Spirit Stone will cause a Contest. “

Hearing Director Xue ’s explanation, Lin Fei didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, isn’t it similar to Spirit Stone, but just a different name.

Lin Fei thought it was something. It turned out to be this kind of thing, but it was just called Tai Yi.

“I listened to mysterious and secretive, and some didn’t come back.” Lin Fei laughed, “It’s just a different name, it makes me think for a while.”

Everyone was shocked again.

Moon Spirit Stone is a rare treasure. Listening to Lin Fei’s words seems to be not uncommon. People are more mad than people.

“Let’s figure it out. About seven or eight days later, in a suburb outside our Hangzhou city, there should be a monthly Spirit Stone. This is also roughly calculated by a group of us. The specific range will not exceed two or three. Kilometers, so this time we would like to invite Young Lin to join us to defend against foreign enemies. “

If it was something else, Lin Fei really didn’t have much interest, but this month Spirit Stone has a bit of interest. After all, this Spirit Stone with Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi is very helpful to him.

Although he now has a Heavenly Paradise, this Heavenly Paradise has just been created, and it will take a long time to change it.

Something similar to Spirit Stone is a little different from Tai Yi.

“I’m curious. Isn’t the place where Spirit Stone could it be appeared this month? Or is it for special reasons.” Lin Fei curiously asked.

No matter in Strange World or somewhere, Lin Fei believes that everything like Spirit Stone is the result of a Vein of ore. It is impossible to say that one appears here and one appears, which is not normal. Already.

Director Xue shook his head. “We have not investigated the origin of the month Spirit Stone. Anyway, the month Spirit Stone will appear once, and each time a Contest appears, and this time we heard that Western forces have sneaked into our Hangzhou city and want the Contest Moon Spirit Stone, because this month the Spirit Stone is not only very helpful to our Martial Artist cultivation, but also has a certain improvement for the ability. I heard that this time it was World Morrison, ranked 30th in Sect. “

“Young Lin, if it is normal, we would not take it seriously, but this Morrison ’s strength is very strong, ranking 30th in the World Sect division. Although it is only the last, but no one dares I despise his strength. Although the strength of our old man is good, it looks worse than them. There is no certainty. “

Several old men laughed bitterly.

The counterpart Grandmaster, strength also has divided into high and low, the disparity is still very large.

“As a member of Huaxia, since I have encountered this kind of thing, then I have to take care of it.” Lin Fei not at all rejected Director Xue’s invitation. In fact, I also wanted to see Spirit Stone this month. He knows better than everyone else. Since Spirit Stone appeared one month ago, it can’t appear alone, there must be some connection.

If there is a month of Spirit Stone’s Vein of ore on Earth, it will be very helpful for him.

Director Xue and several old men are sighed in relief. Not afraid that Lin Fei disagrees, he is afraid that Lin Fei will not agree.

“Come here, drink tea, drink tea.” Director Xue initiatively poured tea for Lin Fei.

During the period, I explained it in detail and let Lin Fei know more.

The grand meeting in the afternoon continued.

Su Xiaowan ’s live-streaming fans increased again, from one million to two, 3,000,000, and welcomed countless rewards.

From afternoon to evening, a bright smile kept on his face.

“Brother Lin, I guess I really want to be a big anchor this time. Without you, I wouldn’t even dare to think about it this day.” Su Xiaowan was also very excited, totally beyond her imagination.

Her live broadcast career ushered in the most important day, rising to 500 million at the highest popularity, so that she has always had guts in the dream.

“It’s good to be a great anchor. I can also say that when I go out, I have eaten with this great anchor and said that going out has more face.” Su Xiaowan Puchi smiled loudly.

After knowing Su Xiaowan is the anchor, Lin Fei knows that Su Xiaowan lacks an opportunity. After all, whether it is a person or other aspects, it is very good. As long as there is an opportunity, it will inevitably be a fire.

In the evening.

Lin Fei returned to the Evergreen Hotel.

While in the lobby, Lin Fei noticed that there were a few strangers here, and gaze from time to time moved away from him. Although the movement was very subtle, Lin Fei could see it clearly.

Lin Fei walked into the elevator as if he hadn’t seen it.

Just a few small ants, there is no need to pay too much attention.

Not at all people ambush in the room.

Lin Fei was a bit surprised.

What the hell is happening to these guys?

In the subconscious, Lin Fei thinks that these people should be from Tianhu Wuguan. After all, Zhang Kai and Feng Dong are crippled outside today. It can be said that there is no opportunity to practice martial arts in this life.

It is equivalent to hitting a big slap in Tianhu Wuguan, so it is also normal for them to come to revenge at this time.

When he walked into his room, Lin Fei thought someone would come to sneak attack.

If the people at Tianhu Wuguan dare to come to sneak attack, then Lin Fei does not recommend going to Tianhu Wuguan to give them a lesson.

Until 12 o’clock in the evening.

The door suddenly rang, and it was very hasty.

When Lin Fei opened the door, he found an envelope outside.

“Interesting, really interesting.”

After opening the envelope, there was only a note inside.

“Su Xiaowan is in my hands. If she wants to be okay, come to No. 365 West Lake to welcome the drive of Young Lin.”

After seeing the words on the note, Lin Fei not at all got angry and closed the door behind him.

“Really do not know, are you wise or clever? Su Xiaowan Mingming is okay, but he wants to flicker me out with a piece of paper, you really have a long ability.”

Lin Fei put up and down a Spiritual Mark in Su Xiaowan’s body. In the perception, this Spiritual Mark did not at all left that position, which proves that Su Xiaowan did not at all.

The words on this paper became a lie.

If the average person saw this note, they would definitely go to this address, but Lin Fei could see it at a glance.

“Since you gave me an envelope in the middle of the night, if I didn’t go, it wouldn’t have disappointed you.”

Lin Fei also wanted to see who in the middle of the night wanted to see himself.

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