That night, a hot news appeared on all news channels in Hangzhou.

Online is breaking through millions of clicks.

A young man driving a luxury car broke into a plaza by car, terrified the aunt plaza, the countless aunt and the six gods.

This is not over yet.

Some people tried to catch the young people, but they were slammed into a storm and fell to the ground.

After a raging Fist Technique, the young man ran into West Lake again and jumped off the lake naked, making countless people panic, especially the sister, one after another covering his face.

Lin Fei doesn’t know it all.

Nothing in the night.

“Brother Lin, you are too good, Zhang Kai’s brat is hot.” Su Xiaowan said on chirp chirp twitter twitter as soon as she came.

Su Xiaowan know Zhang Kai will be embarrassed, but did not expect it will directly hit the hot news.

Especially those aunt Plaza who were interviewed, can’t wait to tear Zhang Kai into a fragment.

“I didn’t do anything,” Lin Fei said. “Those were all done by himself.”

“Seriously, I was especially happy to see Zhang Kai’s look.”

“Just be happy.” Lin Fei said with a smile, “Today I will take you to the martial arts grand meeting.”

“Then I’ll start broadcasting.”

Su Xiaowan mentioned the martial arts grand meeting with fans a few days ago, and the response was very enthusiastic.

The fans look forward to for a long time.

“Don’t let me show up,” Lin Fei said.

“I will never let you show your face.” Su Xiaowan said with a smile.

“Then leave.”

The address of Wulin Grand meeting is not in the urban area, but in a mountain village on the outskirts.

On the outskirts of the mountain village.

from time to time There are luxury cars.

“Wow, Brother Lin, are these all going to the martial arts grand meeting?”

Along the way, Su Xiaowan has seen a lot of luxury cars, with the lowest starting at 100,000, most of which are at the level of one million.

“It should be all.”

“I always thought that the Martial Artist was fictional. I didn’t expect it to be held in the villa, and it was so rich.

Su Xiaowan was surprised.

Lin Fei is very clear that Martial Artist is not as poor as he thought, but rather rich.

Driving a million cars is actually quite normal.

By the time of the villa, Su Xiaowan was startled again.

The parking lot is full of luxury cars.

More than expected.

“This is Wulin grand meeting.”

Su Xiaowan came up and down from the car, could not help but startled.

Both men and women are young and Complete are young, wondering if they came to the place.

“Yeah!” Lin Fei said, “could it be you thought you were all from Old Codger?”

Su Xiaowan nodded, really thought so, and felt that she really underestimated this martial arts grand meeting.

“Thank you Brother Lin brought me here today, otherwise, I do n’t know, martial arts grand meeting can still be like this.”

Su Xiaowan has learned.

“Take you there for insight.”

Lin Fei smiled and took Su Xiaowan to the gate of the villa.

Someone registered at the gate.

Lin Fei reported his name, and the person at the door turned it out. After confirming it, he handed Lin Fei a pass.

“You can go in.”

The villa is large.

“I didn’t expect that there is such a big mountain village in the suburbs. It’s really do not know not to come.”

Su Xiaowan was surprised.

As a Hangzhou person, Su Xiaowan really do not know that there is such a place.

“Then I opened the broadcast.”

Su Xiaowan can’t wait to open the live broadcast software.

The live broadcast started.

Su Xiaowan went live, and a group of fans came in immediately.

The popularity also instantly reached over 100,000.

“What a beautiful mountain house.”

“Is this the Wulin grand meeting?”

“Why does it feel like a vacation.”

“Good look forward to.”

Su Xiaowan first introduced the situation to everyone, which led to some cheers in the live broadcast room.

Lin Fei thinks that Su Xiaowan is very good at being a anchor and also speaks well.

It takes a certain measure to become a streamer.

Wait until you enter the villa lobby.

In the lobby, people in groups of three or four chatted.

The most obvious is a banner, “Warm friends from all walks of life are welcome to participate in the martial arts grand meeting!”

Seeing this scene, Su Xiaowan Puchi smiled.

“Is it surprising?”

Su Xiaowan nodded, “It was unexpected.”

“If you treat them as ordinary people, you must be wrong. Any one of these men and women can easily lay down a few robust men.”

“Ah!” Su Xiaowan really couldn’t see, “Will this be too exaggerated.”

“No exaggeration.”

In Su Xiaowan’s live room, everyone was faint. This is the martial arts grand meeting?

“I’m sure you’re not in the wrong place.”

“Critical damage.”

“I don’t believe it.”

The fans were really shocked, basically shocked.

This is the martial arts grand meeting, it is really bragging.

“Not good, no video is allowed here.”

At this time, someone came over, his face was slightly sinking, and he said to Su Xiaowan, at the same time, his hands stretched out, as if to grab the mobile phone.

After all, Su Xiaowan came to this place for the first time.

As soon as the other party came up to pick up the phone, the behavior was Complete.

“Friend, there doesn’t seem to be any restrictions on this place.”

The moment this person grabbed him, Lin Fei fired, took it on the other’s wrist, was impartial, and held it.

This person was apparently stunned, apparently did not expect someone to grab their hand, looked up at a young man, Complete’s strangeness, and immediately got lucky, but no matter how he moved, he could never get back.

“Could it be, you are embarrassed to bully a girl. Since it is a martial arts grand meeting, you must be more propaganda. Could it be you are embarrassed to bully a woman.” Lin Fei said with a smile.

“Who are you?” The man said, and his heart sank, Expert from there.

“I’m a regular Martial Artist who came to the martial arts grand meeting.”

The man almost didn’t come out with mouth spurt blood.

This is also called ordinary Martial Artist?

To know, he is the Dark Martial Artist himself. He just made a dark effort in the past, but it has no effect.

Realized this guy was an Expert.

“Everyone has seen it, don’t make a big deal.” Lin Fei retracted his hand, but a force struck him and took a few steps.

The man looked up and down, “You’re amazing!”

Turned away!

do not care.

“Brother Lin, all right!” Su Xiaowan was a little worried.

“It’s okay, just keep on broadcasting.”

Su Xiaowan also reassured and began to continue broadcasting.

Many young people present also saw this scene and were somewhat surprised.

do not know what is the origin of that man and a woman.

That is an expert at the villa.

“Su Xiaowan, you dare to come out.”

Su Xiaowan didn’t broadcast live long, and angry roar sounded outside the hall.

Only saw the entire group rush in.

When this entire group came in, many people changed their color.

“People at Tianhu Wuguan.”

“It seems like something is going to happen.”

Su Xiaowan turned back and saw Zhang Kai with a claw mark on her face.

Puchi laughed.

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