Originally, everyone thought that the worship banquet of Longteng Mountain Villa was very lively, but I did not expect the following post, which instantly made the entire Martial Dao circle sensation.

The first descendant of Southeast Asia guessed that in the recent period, the large and small martial arts halls of the Eastern Sea have been swept away. The strength is so amazing that everyone in the Martial Dao circle scolds constantly, but no one dares to go Challenging the mountain.

It is really that the opponent ’s strength is too horrible.

However, I did not expect that Guessing Mountain did not go to Lie Family to find the trouble of Lie Tian, ​​but instead went to Lin Fei of Longteng Mountain Villa, which made everyone startled, and at the same time, he could not look forward to it.

One Southeast Asian No.XNUMX Expert, one Eastern Sea No.XNUMX Expert, both of them are No.XNUMX Experts, although everyone is not very satisfied with the name Lin Fei is the Eastern Sea No.XNUMX Expert, but in any case, seven or eight Grandmasters are planted in Long Teng Shanzhuang, anyway, has something to do with this Lin Fei, so everyone should look forward to this battle than anyone else.

For the first time, some more silhouettes of Martial Artist began to be added to the entrance outside Longteng Shanzhuang.

In everyone’s subconscious, naturally it is hoped that Lin Fei of Longteng Villa will defeat the No. XNUMX heads-up division in Southeast Asia. This will save his face more or less, but once he is not his opponent, the face of Eastern Sea is really thorough Lost it.

The mountain road leading to Longteng Villa.

An ordinary black Volkswagen slowly drove up.

Finally stopped at the entrance of Longteng Villa.

Three people came up and down the Volkswagen.

Headed by a middle-aged man about 40 years old.

Next to the middle-aged man was a young man.

“Are you sure this Lin Fei is in the villa today.” The middle-aged man asked the young man next to him.

“We in Wumen have been staring, Lin Fei is in the villa.” The young man said, “Chairman, let’s go to the door like this, I’m afraid it’s difficult to communicate with this Lin Fei, I heard this Lin Fei We have a good temper. Let’s go to the house at this time, I’m afraid it’s the right time? “

Middle-aged man said with a smile, “The days don’t matter, the important thing is that we can make Lin Fei feel our kindness, and everything is known only after talking about it. I believe that as long as the smart person will not refuse, we march out Olive branch. “

In the Eastern Sea area, the Yan Huang Team has the most influence and all Martial Artists who are constrained, but under the Yan Huang Team, there is another powerful force named Wumen.

The martial arts are all Martial Artists, and the influence is also Complete.

This is actually not much different from the Martial Artist Guild in the game, but now the martial arts influence is not as strong as the Yan Huang Team. After all, the Yan Huang Team has the first Expert.

“Master, let’s see you for a long time no see, you are still as good as ever.”

The door of Longteng Shanzhuang opened.

You Zishan came out.

When You Zishan met the people, his face did not change slightly, and he smiled and said, “It was President Li, we have really been gone for a long time.”

Li Tianqiang said with a smile, “Come out and don’t mind asking me to sit in and sit down, see you by the way, this Lin owner.”

You Zishan naturally knows the origin of this Li Tianqiang from Vice President of Wumen.

The Wumen grand meeting director of the Eastern Sea doesn’t care much about things, so basically everything is handled by the Vice President, but at this time, the Vice President came to Long Teng Shan Zhuang, which really surprised You Zishan, but that’s all .

“I have to inform my Boss first, but I can take you to sit in the living room for a while. It’s another thing for Boss to see you. I can’t guarantee this.”

Lin Fei is free these days.

“Master, you’re as big as this villa, it feels like you’re a bit less and lonely.”

Since the incident that day, Lin Fei had Su Mei moved to Longteng Villa the next day.

Because only here, do not be afraid of any danger, especially at this critical time, it is difficult to guarantee that some people will have any crooked thoughts, simply let Su Mei live in Longteng Shanzhuang, anyway, Longteng Shanzhuang.

“If we are martial arts, we need to be peaceful and noisy.” Lin Fei said with a smile.

Su Mei really likes this place, because it feels more comfortable to come here than anywhere else.

This feeling has never been seen elsewhere.

“When did the Master start teaching me Martial Arts? Martial Arts cultivation is so good that it really can fly, omnipotent?” Su Mei actively poured a cup of tea for Lin Fei, her eyes asked brightly.

Now Su Mei puts down everything, almost restored to look like a young girl, any idea can come up.

“Flying is really good,” Lin Fei said. “On the premise that you have to work hard to cultivate, otherwise, even the best innate talent, if you are not serious, this life will be difficult to reach this level.”

Su Mei happily said, “Wow, there’s a Flying ground, Master, can you Flying ground?”

Lin Fei chuckled, “You guess.”

Su Mei muttered, “Master is necrotic, could it be, can you tell me, please make me happy? In any case, I also have a motivation.”

Lin Fei haha ​​laughed.

“Boss, our villa is here for guests. It’s from Wumen and it’s Li Tianqiang Vice President.”

Lin Fei has naturally heard of this martial art, second only to Yan Huang Team. It can even be said that Martial Arts and Yan Huang Team sometimes work in opposition.

Don’t think it’s impossible, but in fact it is.

It’s just that Yan Huang Team didn’t know why, and didn’t do anything to Wumen, it just limited the development of the other party.

The martial influence of Eastern Sea is basically similar to Yan Huang Team.

This is what Lin Fei heard from You Zishan.

Lin Fei took a sip of tea. “Interesting, Wumen people don’t come early or late, but at this time, are they going to talk to me?”

Youzishan Road, “If Boss doesn’t want to see, then I’ll ask them to leave.”

You Zishan is now full of vigor and masters the formulation of Longteng Mountain Villa. He is really not afraid that someone will make trouble here, even the Vice President of Wumen is the same. If he doesn’t give his face, just throw it out and see who is more embarrassed.

“It ’s not easy for people to come here, so bring it here, came to me and I want to hear what Vice President can tell me.

When You Zishan left, Su Mei curiously said, “Master, this Wumen name sounds antique, why haven’t I heard of it?”

Having lived in the Eastern Sea for so long, Su Mei has never heard of Wumen.

Lin Fei said with a smile, “You just have to read more and talk less, after all, this world is actually more dangerous than you think.”

Su Mei felt she had really opened the door.

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