Now guessing the mountain, it was completely frightened.

It can be said that there is fear and anxiety even deep in the bones.

Although Lin Fei is just an ordinary young man, even inconspicuous in the crowd, but such a person can easily Paragon his Life and Death!

A God Level Expert!

For many years, no God Level Expert has appeared.

Hundreds of guts to Guessing Mountain, dare not Impudent.

In that year, Southeast Asia was not without God Level Expert, but it was not killed by Huaxia ’s God Level Expert. Otherwise, it ’s the turn of the current Guess Mountain to jump out. As the saying goes, there are no tigers on the hill, and the monkey is called King. Guess This is what the mountain looks like.

“You have moved my disciple. Do you think I can spare you?” Lin Fei said slightly with a smile. “I only need a little bit of power to tell you to kill completely. What ’s the best in Southeast Asia? Expert, in my eyes it’s just a joke that’s all. “

“Lord, don’t kill the old man, don’t kill the old man, the old man is still useful, the old man is willing to help you to attract the people who secretly contribute to the flames, and then kill them backhand.” Guaishan beg for mercy, “old Man is willing to be a running dog of the lord, and no matter how he fights, no one can doubt the relationship between me and the lord. “

“You’re quite smart, and you know the other way around.” Lin Fei naturally knows who is helping people in the dark.

For a descending division like Guaishan, it is actually a bit useful. After all, this guy still has some means. The overall strength is a lot stronger than You Zishan. Even one person is not too much against two Grandmasters. pressure.

Most importantly, this guess is the first descendant of Southeast Asia.

Lin Fei is not interested in this, but the Southeast Asian side belongs to mountain forest land and produces a variety of rich resources. Lin Fei is interested in this.

I want to know that Lin Fei has now collected Su Mei eldest apprentice, so when the master has to get some resources, cultivate this eldest apprentice.

Back from Strange World crossed over, Lin Fei’s Storage Ring was all shattered, and none was left. It can be said that there are no resources for resources.

But if you guessed the number one expert in Southeast Asia like Hill and helped collect all kinds of resources there, it would save a lot of trouble.

That’s why Lin Fei trampled the mountain without a kick.

“Lord, as long as you spare the old man, any major event, the old man is all done, and the old man is also very influential in Southeast Asia. As long as the lord says a word, the old man will do everything for you.” Guess Where can Shan take care of that many now, as long as he can survive, then everything is fine.

Lin Fei looked at Guaishan in the ground. “You should be thankful that you haven’t tampered with my eldest apprentice. Otherwise, you don’t have that many time to speak here.”

Raising your hand, Rune in a Spiritual Mark instantly hits Gu Shan’s mind.

“This is the special mark I gave you, you can appreciate it.” Lin Fei laughed, and controlled the Spiritual Mark.

Guashan’s head, including the body not far away, instantly trembled to varying degrees.

The original pain was magnified again, reaching a hundredfold.

“Lord, it’s too painful, old man can’t help it, it’s too painful.”

Lin Fei stepped on Mount Tai’s head, otherwise, guessing the mountain at this moment would be rolling.

The body not far away has done not know how many laps it has rolled, and the body has cracked open, blood flowing.

Guai Shan had no doubt that if he continued in this way, even if the other party did not kill himself, the bloody one could make him dry and die.

This kind of terrifying pain is like a bad one dreams. Guessing mountain life for so long, for the first time to experience the pain, pain to every inch of the depth of the bone marrow, even the blood and flesh cells followed the severe pain.

Facing this kind of suffering, Guessing Mountain could do nothing but bear it passively.

It was only a few seconds before and after, but Guaishan couldn’t bear it anymore, it was the life of Guaishan.

Real life is not as good as death!

“How about it? It feels cool in a bad mood?” Lin Fei snapped his fingers.

Gu Shishan, who was trembling, finally stopped.

The expression “avoided a catastrophe” was displayed on the entire face, “The lord old man served, the old man really did. In the future, the old man will never dare to disobey the command of the lord. The old man is willing to be your dogleg for life.”

Lin Fei kicked Guaishan’s head with a kick.

“Go back now and sing this play. You can suffer less if you are satisfied with singing. Otherwise, you will enjoy this intense pain every first and fifteenth.

Lin Fei picking up the guessing mountain is indeed like playing, and no longer has to look at guessing the mountain.

Came to Su Mei’s side and shook the head gently, “Fortunately, I didn’t wake up, otherwise it would be really hard to explain.”

Lin Fei reached out and hugged Su Mei, turned around and left, like a gust of wind, leaving no traces.

After Lin Fei left, Guaishan returned to his body again, but his body was up and down spread all over with large and small trauma. The repercussions after the pain left behind, told Guaishan all the time, this and Not dreaming, just now he really was on the edge of Life and Death.

Guessing the mountain is clearer, and the fact that she didn’t hurt the girl herself was the only chance to survive.

Guessing Hill has regretted the coming of Huaxia, and he said that the Huaxia hidden dragons and crouching tigers, he has not always believed, even when God Level Expert was born, Guessing Hill did not have much fear of Huaxia.

But at this time, Guess Shan actually turned over a big heel, and this big heel made him unable to turn over in his life. As for the Spiritual Mark in his mind, it was impossible.

His Spiritual Forces are like a child and a lord in front of this Spiritual Mark. A moment of coercion overwhelms him to move even a little bit.

Guess the mountain grows sighed, walked out of the reed bushes, there is no longer the previous spirit.

If it weren’t for the scene in the reeds, who would have thought that the Southeast Asia ’s first descending master guessed that Shan had already suffered a huge loss, and even freedom of life would be gone.

Lin Fei hugged Su Mei, the powerful Spiritual Force unfolded, forming a special area.

Everywhere I went, no matter whether it was an electronic device or a pedestrian, Lin Fei couldn’t see the rapid running.

After sending Su Mei back to the room, and clearing away the demons by the way, Lin Fei left with a smile.

Before leaving, a strong Spiritual Mark was hit on Su Mei, instantly sealing his Bloodline power.

At this moment, Su Mei is really a normal girl.

Unless the strength is stronger than Lin Fei, otherwise it is invisible.

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