Wave after wave of loss made Guaishan, the Southeast Asian’s first descendant, bleeding.

Especially after the Shadow Snake died, this is one of his trump cards.

This was just the beginning, but it was completely destroyed by the opponent with no difficulty, which directly exposed him to backlash, and even backed off three steps, while also spitting three blood, the entire face paled with it.

“Who the hell are you? There can be no Expert like you in Eastern Sea who can kill the old man Shadow Snake with no difficulty.” Gua Shan covered her chest, and her breathing was quick.

The influence of the Shadow Snake on Guessing the Mountain is still great. This Shadow Snake is best at speed. It can be said to blink out of several dozen meters in a blink of time. There has never been a Martial Artist that can resist the Shadow Snake. Attack, and most people are not qualified to let the guessing mountain release a shadow snake.

But now he was broken by this young man, and even killed the few shadow snakes he had. This is the only shadow snake that was cultivated after 20 years.

It was such a huge loss in the Eastern Sea that the eyes of the mountain were going to be dark.

“I told you all, don’t play this little move, you don’t want to listen to it, are you okay now?” Lin Fei laughed. “Since you want to know my name, that’s OK, you’ve lost that anyway. Many, if I do n’t tell you your name, just in case you ’re furious, you ’re on the road to Yan Huang, and do not know who it is. It ’s so uncomfortable. Listen, my name is Lin Fei, and Longteng Shanzhuang is my one. Are you satisfied now? I still know that you are still going to challenge me. I have n’t even seen me before. You, the formidable No. XNUMX bower in Southeast Asia, are a bit too low. I really doubt how you behave in Southeast Asia. The eyesight of the first head division is really not good. “

Pu pu!

Two more sounds!

Guaishan also took two steps back, followed by two blood leaks, and the pupils shrank, trembling with fingers at Lin Fei. “You, you are Lin Fei. Impossible, you are just the first in the Eastern Sea that they have launched. Expert, how could there be such a strong strength. “

The words Lin Fei directly subverted all the impressions of Guaisan.

Although Lin Fei is now known as the Eastern Sea’s No. XNUMX Expert, eight Grandmasters before and after were planted in Longtan Mountain Villa, which are well known.

Guess Shan didn’t recognize Lin Fei’s strength so much, so he put his real focus on the fierce sky of Lie Family.

But now, Lin Fei has not done much, but he has suffered heavy losses, at least 10 years to recover, and even more years later.

Right now Lin Fei is just like a horrible existence, without a trace of breath on his body, knowing this strength, guess Shan can feel terrifying.

“You see that you vomited blood again? Isn’t it just two names, what’s the big deal?” Lin Fei said with a smile, “know why would I come to you?”

Knowing Lin Fei at Guaishan will come to find myself, especially in the middle of the night, it seems that he has been following him all the time. He thought he would follow someone who is very difficult to deal with Guaishan, but he never thought that one day he would Being followed.

“Lin Fei, since you took the initiative to jump out, then the old man will complete you, dare to ruin the good of the old man, and the old man will lose a lot of money. The old man will not kill you. It is difficult to swallow the anger in my heart.” Guess Shan As soon as the blood on the corner of the mouth was wiped, he ran across in a few steps, came over with an elbow attack, and smashed into Lin Fei’s face door.

As the first head-falling division, Guaishan not only has a powerful head-falling technique, but also close combat. The whole body of the fist and foot joints are all up and down with weapons. When Guaishan starts, the whole body is filled with a dark mist. It is also accompanied by an unbearable pungent breath. If you change to a person, these breaths can make people dizzy, and the speed of operation is much slower.

“Old man, you have too much poison. I will help you clean it up. It ’s not good to raise poison. It ’s bad for you to think of old man.” Lin Fei laughed, his heart moved, his blood was rolling. When it started, the Instant turned into a huge sun, a small area of ​​radiation.

“Ah!” Guessing the mountain rushed up and down, and suddenly smoked white.

“Aaaaaahhhh, it’s too uncomfortable, old man’s poison.” Gua Shan was full of up and down with the horror of gloomy and cold, but at this time in front of the sun, the body was shaking up and down constantly, even more Straight white smoke covered the whole body in an instant.

“You, what are you doing? Why are all the old man’s poison dead?” Guessing the mountain struggled to get out, and the whole body was almost as if it had been removed from the water, and the breath became extremely weak. indefinite.

Guess Shan couldn’t believe it. In such a short time, all the poisons he had kept in captivity had died Thoroughly.

At this time, Gu Shan’s body could not find any poison, and he was completely cleaned up and down, and even the whole body lost the glomy and cold breath, but then it was old and instantly like As old as twenty or thirty years old, now guessing mountains is like a ten-year-old person, as if he would fall at any time.

“No one can ever kill the poison of the old man, but you can kill all the poison of the old man, and the old man will kill you in his life.” Guessing a word, his eyes were full of Endless’s resentment Hate, “Now let you taste the old man’s flying corpse.”

The guessing mountain under the roar directly used the means of Supreme, and a shocking scene appeared.

Originally the old Guaishan, the skull actually fell off, and a slap of the sound moved towards Lin Fei, flew over, and made a sharp sound of ka ka ka ka ka while flying, making the scalp tingling.

“Is this the real flying head drop? It’s a bit scary.” Lin Fei smiled and shook his head, reached out and grabbed, a reed flew over, fluttered, fluttered, and flew directly. Passed.

At this time, Guaishan, who performed flying heads, had invincible power.

But when the reed flew out, with a bang, he nailed his head to the ground, and even guessed the mountain too late to respond.

“Old man what’s wrong!”

With One Eye in his eyes, he saw one foot appear, and stepped heavily on Guaishan’s head. Most of his head was sunk in the soil.

“What is not good to play, but to play this horrible move, do you think your head is hard?”

“Lin Fei, you are an old man who can’t be killed, old man is irreconcilable with you today. If you don’t kill you, old man is not a guessing mountain.” Guessing roared, the horror power erupted throughout the skull.

“Strength is pretty good, but even your power wants to kill me. You really want to, because I am more scary than you!”

hong long long’s loud noise!

A super terrorist force exploded in Guaishan’s head!

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