Guessing the mountain is very good.

He finally took control of this Wan Yin Body.

Don’t think that guessing the mountain is the headmaster, and his mind is not bright, but in fact his whole body is very clever, and knowing that if you really want to take people away at this time, it is not easy.

But if you let Su Mei walk out, the situation will be different.

Su Mei came down and guessed that Shan turned and left.

Because he was up and down in Su Mei, a monster controlled it, and Su Mei would follow him.

Out of the community.

The security guards in these communities were not even aware of it, as if no one had ever left from here.

After Su Mei came out of the community, she stopped a taxi.

The taxi was a little puzzled at first, but his eyes changed as he was controlled by Guess Mountain.

After Su Mei got in the car, Guess Shan also sat in the front passenger seat, and everything was Flowing Water.

In the eyes of outsiders, no one has ever seen a car.

This is one after another type of decapitation, which can also be said to be a type of Complete Femininity, called Ghost’s Eye.

Within a certain range, it is impossible to see any activity at all, even if someone walks in front of you, you will not see it.

This is the method of guessing the mountain. Although it is a chicken head drop, the current effect is really very good for guessing the mountain.

Lin Fei believes to be leisurely behind the taxi.

Even if the taxi is driving fast, it is the same thing in Lin Fei’s eyes. After all, if his fleshly body full power is running, the speed is very terrifying. Even the taxi full power cannot catch up with him. So Lin Fei is easy.

Taxi drives all the way to the outskirts of Eastern Sea.

All the way to a seaside, the place where there were reeds stopped.

This place is considered a no-man’s land, and no one will appear at all.

Su Mei and Guai Shan both got out of the car.

The taxi driver drove back and drove to the Eastern Sea until he came back. He couldn’t even remember where he had been before. Foul-mouthed before leaving.

Came into the depths of the reeds.

Su Mei just stopped, even now Su Mei doesn’t notice anything, she always has a drowsy look.

If someone is outside at this time, then it will definitely startled, especially at this midnight and late night, it is really easy to frighten people.

Guessing up and down on the mountain, Su Mei looked up and down, and her eyes were full of excitement and joy.

“Wan Yin Body, the old man has a chance to get the Wan Yin Body. As long as the Bloodline of the Wan Yin Body is absorbed, the strength of the old man can be taken to the next level, but it is too easy to absorb the Bloodline alone. Bad, the old man must really inspire the Bloodline of this XNUMX Yin Body in order to enjoy the true role of Bloodline. “

Others may do not know the role of Wan Yin Body, and just guessed that Shanshan had read relevant records in an ancient book before and kept it in his heart.

I thought it would be impossible to meet such a Wan Yin Body in my life.

I never thought it would happen to be in this place in Huaxia.

Although Su Mei’s Wan Yin Body seems to have a Spiritual Mark, Guess Shan never took it to heart, thinking that something was hanging on the other person. This Spirit Mark was nothing to him at all.

Even for Martial Artist, it is not possible to up and down such a heavy Spiritual Mark in an ordinary person.

Guessing this is quite understandable.

For a moment, Guess Shan wanted to take Su Mei away from Huaxia and return to Southeast Asia.

However, the momentum created this time will fail, which is very troublesome for Guaishan, so Guaishan still feels that he must defeat the fierce sky first, and finally destroy that Lin Fei.

Once Gu Shan knows that Lin Fei has been extinguished, people who secretly contribute to the situation will certainly thank himself, and those who can create such a momentum in a short period of time must be powerful people, and Gu Shan is willing to make friends of.

Because this can bring great benefits and benefits to Guaishan.

“No matter what your name is, let’s let you live for a while, and you’ll be right next to the old man for a while.” Guess Shan didn’t rush, but didn’t plan to give Su Mei to Put it back, who knows what will happen, Huaxia is so big, why can’t he find it everywhere, even if the Secret Technique is up and down on the other side, once you leave the Eastern Sea, you can’t notice it.

The Eastern Sea is big. Even if it is only a distance away from a district, Guessing Mountain cannot grasp the true position of the other party, so Guessing Mountain plans to up and down the Guessing Mountain first, and only then can this Guessing Mountain be thorough. Control, don’t even worry about being suspected.

Guessing the mountain also figured out the abacus. When someone asked him, he said that Guessing Mountain was his disciple.

Of course, this is used by Guess Shan to cope with Yan Huang Team. He knows that he has been stared at by Yan Huang Team. The inexplicable appearance of someone around him will naturally be suspected by the other party, so Guess Shan needs a perfect reason.

The reason for accepting a disciple is most appropriate.

“Let me plant a magic seed for you.”

Guess Shan took out a box, which was a small red box, the size of a fist, but a flying snake appeared inside after opening it.

This flying snake, almost the size of an earthworm, is jade green, even in the middle of the night, it is as conspicuous as Complete.

The snake is called a ghost snake. It took a lot of effort to guess the mountain snake, and it took 10 years to complete. In general, Guess Mountain rarely uses this ghost snake.

Because he felt no need.

But now it’s different, and only by using the ghost snake can Su Mei control it completely.

It’s not worth guessing that a ghost snake is distressed by the mountains. Compared with the harvest, it is too big to compare.

“Old man, in the middle of the night, are you bullying the weak girl?”

When Guess Shan was preparing to start, a sound sounded in the bottle gourd cluster without warning.

Guess the mountain complexion changed slightly, and a black shadow popped up in an instant.

This black shadow is a centipede of black, extremely poisonous, extremely deadly, and used against ordinary people or Martial Artists, with no difficulty.

At this time dare to bother Guessing Mountain, maybe it’s a guy who is a life-saving hero.

But in Guaishan’s eyes, since you dare to export, then you are ready to die!

After the centipede popped out, it instantly fell into the reeds, and there was no more sound.

Guessing the mountain couldn’t help laughing.

Unfortunately, guessing that the mountain laughed halfway, a voice came from the reeds.

“Your centipede is good, big and fat. It seems to be suitable for brewing medicinal wine. The effect should be great. I’m welcome to smile.”

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