As soon as the security guards came, it seemed that Luo Jun had found the backbone of the main body. He no longer had to worry about being beaten by Chen Haibao. He was really afraid.

When others saw this scene, they couldn’t help worrying about Chen Hai and the young man.

Who do not know Luo Jun’s energy here is huge, and if you look at the security guard, you do n’t even know who Luo Jun is.

If these two people don’t make it, they will have a hard time eating.

“You two walked with us. It’s not good to get Lao Qian in some place. You are really brave in our splendid holiday villa.” A head of security guard headed over came, the gaze vicious It’s terrifying.

Although Chen Hai is a fat man, how can he be a competitor with a face full of flesh-and-blood security, with a single glance, Chen Hai takes a step back.

“Who said we were out of a thousand, come up with evidence, there is no evidence to say a fart, could it be that your splendid villa is so stigmatizing?” Chen Hai can now only say brace oneself.

There were many people at the scene, and he really didn’t believe that these people dared to take action.

“Is there a thousand? We brought it back and asked.”

The security guard with his face full of meat often did not catch people, he knew that Chen Hai could not hide from this shot, and he dared to shoot the old man in the splendid holiday villa and beat him, it was really bold.

When Chen Hai couldn’t hide, a hand was stretched out, grasping tightly at the meat guard, and pinching gently.

The full-faced security guard turned red on the spot and yelled, “Release your hand, give me your hand.”

Lin Fei shakes her hand gently, the security guard backs out, and sits on the floor with his butt.

“What are you still standing for, and don’t hurry to catch me up these two guys.”

The remaining seven security guards also did not expect that this person dared to resist, grabbed the rubber stick and smashed into Lin Fei.

“Dare to be Impudent here, what are you?”

These security guards are also grumpy. No one here dares to make trouble. Anyone who has made troubles has been cleaned up by them before letting the family lead them. It is because the splendid holiday villa is big. The so-called the fox exploits the tiger’s might be like them.

Therefore, they did not want to be merciful at all in this shot, and held the mentality of hitting this person first.

“Lao Lin, be careful.” Chen Hai cried.

“They can’t do anything to me because of their broken skills.” Lin Fei laughed and walked up. The rubber stick that hit him didn’t hit Lin Fei once.

Lin Fei lifted her leg and kicked them!

Peng peng peng peng 砰!

Each foot kicked a security guard, and all seven security guards were kicked off instantly.

“You look so easy.”

This scene scared Luo Jun back and forth a few steps, sitting on the ground with his hips, his face pale, “You dare to do it, you are done, you are really done, you do n’t want to leave here today.”

Luo Jun still underestimated this person and dared to hit people in public here, but the more he got so excited.

Chen Hai also had a bad temper. He had been in a bad mood, and when he rushed in, he punched and kicked at Luo Jun.

“Who’s done, I think you’re done, coward, we have fun, let’s have fun.” Chen Hai slaps on Luo Jun and kicks Chen Hai into tears, crying dad shouting mom, only He could curl his head with his passive hands, and hummed for a long time.

“Lao Lin, let’s go.” Chen Hai kicked Luo Jun again and said.

Anyway, everything is out of the question, let ’s leave the brilliant resort villa first, and when outside, Chen Hai will definitely be able to figure out a way to deal with it, and leave the Eastern Sea for a big deal. Keep chasing them.

Lin Fei said with a smile, “What are you going to run? We haven’t got a thousand, what’s to worry about?”

Chen Hai also couldn’t figure it out for a while, do not know what he was thinking at the same old table.

“If you want to leave, you’ll have to ask Ben Shao, and dare to be a thousand in my casino. You have a lot of courage.”

At this moment a loud voice came from a distance, and everyone saw the entire group come over.

More than a dozen people gathered around a young man and walked over in a hurry.

When this young man appeared, several of his regular customers secretly fell in a cold breath of air.

“Why did he come out? Didn’t he rarely come here?”

If Luo Jun can walk sideways here, then this young man is the boss of this splendid resort villa.

The real background is deep, it’s not cracking a joke.

Most people have only heard the name of this person, but have never seen this person.

In particular, the number of appearances at this casino is can be counted on one’s fingers, but no one dares to ignore the young man’s ability. It can be said that the East Sea has turned its hands over the clouds.

Lie Xuan was in a bad mood. Since suffering the last time in Lin Fei’s hands, he was warned by Third Uncle as a last resort. He can only come to this splendid resort to relax and recover a lot.

Although it ’s for Lin Fei gnashing teeth, Lie Xuan is also a clever person. Naturally, that brat has recently been in the limelight, and has let a digital Grandmaster suffer so much from Longtengtan Villa that he did n’t dare to say anything. Before he figured out what happened, Lie Xuan didn’t dare to live with Lin Fei. After all, it was not good for their Lie Family. It was not worth it.

But I did not expect a fight in his own casino, and it seems that he is still a thousand, the fight is still the big brother of one of his lover.

Lie Xuan had to come out in person, he would like to see what a dumb and brave guy dared to come out to make trouble.

Since Lin Fei couldn’t deal with it, then he would get angry with this small product, so Lie Xuan decided that no matter who the person was, he would just waste it.

Everyone one after another keep off.

Lie Xuan came over expressionlessly, and his body was full of color. Many people were afraid to look up.

“I heard you didn’t plan to let me go!”

When Lie Xuan walked in, there was a face to face, accompanied by a familiar tone.

“A big breath, don’t look at you …” Lie Xuan didn’t even look at him and scorned the past, but then half of the whole body instantly felt his heart startling and blurted out, “How are you here?”

This person is the last thing Lie Xuan wants to see.

“Lie Shao, please help me out. These two guys hit me not only out of the old man, but it’s better to interrupt all their limbs.” Luo Jun saw Lie Xuan coming and immediately got up Leaning up like henchman, it was fiercely’s way toward Lin Fei and Chen Hai.


Lie Xuan struck Luo Jun’s body with a kick, and flew Luo Jun away more than ten meters away, smashing heavily on a gaming table!

~ snap ~ With a sound, the gaming table has crossed!

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