It was naturally ordered by Lin Fei to keep them out.

In the past XNUMX years, Lin Fei has become the Deputy Hall Master of the Penal Hall. According to normal circumstances, the Venerable Lord in the same circle must give face.

But it’s not.

These Venerable Lords are happy to see the off-the-shelf, and there are even some Venerable Lord Experts suggesting that sect lower disciple goes up to make fun, these things have records.

As for why he was crowded out.

Lin Fei knows it well, not because the innate talent is too good, but he can create a Killing Move like ‘Sudden Warp Thunder’. He is so young, and it is not about to overpower them in the future.

In addition, there is no Great Clan behind Lin Fei, which is almost no different from Frigid Sect, which makes them unable to accept it.

You can see Lin Fei bad luck, they want it.

“This king said, now you hear it!”

Lin Fei stopped, turned around, and Gaze was freezing cold.

Everyone knows the greatness of Lin Fei, but now they are not allowed to go in. The shelf is too big, and they are not regarded as a thing at all.

“I really plan to enter this penalty hall!”

“Yes, we must let us in today!”

They unwilling stopped outside.

Lin Fei coldly snorted, “If you want to go in, first see if you can carry this king!”

Bang!! !

The boundless momentum broke out!

Lin Fei had a Heaven Splitting Hammer in his hand, and a random outward hammer set off a wave of terror, straight down.

Hua hua hua! ! !

The tide goes.

The few Venerable Lords present were quick to react, but Lin Fei’s attack was more overbearing and faster, crushing the past directly from them, no matter how they resisted, as if they fell into Storm, shook them and continued for a long time. time.

After seeing Purple’s hammer, Venerable Lord in the heavens flashed a strange color under his eyes, and his heart shook. “Han Tianda actually rewarded this treasure to Lin Fei. This is really like a tiger that has grown wings!”

After Storm.

The few Venerable Lords outside were pale and trembling slightly.

“If you want to go in, it won’t be so easy next time!” Lin Fei put away Heaven Splitting Hammer, slowly said.

At this moment, several Venerable Lord’s hearts were rough.

Several of them couldn’t stop Lin Fei’s one-shot attack. When was this Lin Fei arrogant to such a degree, and I felt Complete’s aggrieved, I could only look towards the Venerable Lord in the sky, hoping to speak for them.

“You still have to thank Lin Fellow Daoist for your mercy!” As the old man, the Venerable Lord of Heaven would not offend Lin Fei for them, especially after seeing Heaven Splitting Hammer, “Let him listen and wait outside!”


Several Venerable Lords were dumbfounded all at once.

You are the old man at Shadow Palace, how can you help him talk, this is not what they imagine.


“Heaven Fellow Daoist, let’s just say something, this king doesn’t like to go around, just order it!” Lin Fei sent a tea.

The Venerable Lord of Heaven did not answer this, but asked another thing, “The hammer you just used should be Heaven Splitting Hammer!”

“Good eyesight, this is a reward from the master. This king thinks that the power is okay and will use it!” Lin Fei said with a smile.

“Lin Fellow Daoist, it ’s better than blue out of blue. This Heaven Splitting Hammer is a good thing. I did n’t exert the corresponding power in the past. I can see it today. This treasure should be in your hands. Real power! “The Venerable Lord sighed.

Lin Fei was not surprised that Venerable Lord recognized this.

This treasure is notorious in itself.

Even if time goes by, someone will recognize it.

The Venerable Lord of the sky hasn’t gone straight to the subject, saying something in a nutshell, Lin Fei is very speechless. What is he trying to do? Fortunately, he is not in a hurry, Tian Nan Hai Bei chats.

Until the end.

The Venerable Lord from the sky said, “Lin Fellow Daoist, at the beginning, I think the position of the Deputy Hall Master of the Penalty Hall is not suitable for you, but now I think you are very suitable for this kind of thing. It ’s getting better and better. It ’s not necessarily impossible to get back to the height of the year. However, I think this process needs to be smoother, so as not to be overly rushed, the steps are too big, not good. “

In fact, he has one last word to say.

Too anxious, easy to become a public enemy!

“This this king understands!” Lin Fei clicked on nod. “So, this king gave them three days to deal with this matter. The opportunity was given to them, and they did not obey. Then this king had no choice. Since sitting In the position of Deputy Hall Master, there is always a contribution to the Penal Hall. “

Venerable Lord sighed and heard Lin Fei’s potential meaning, this is to continue to the end.

“That’s all, that’s all!” The Venerable Lord shook his head, “You have to deal with the Saint Heaven son, or be careful, Shadow Palace High level, many people are optimistic about the Saint Heaven son, only he is best suited to inherit Shadow Palace, Dugu Yijian, The pursuit of strength, he has no interest in that position, Saint Heaven is different! “

Lin Fei said with a smile, “The Saint Heaven Son wanted to sit in that position and also asked if this king agreed. The meaning of Fellow Daoist, this king understands that the few Venerable Lords held in the dungeon, They will be released for another seven days! “

“Thank you for selling me this face.”


The Venerable Lord left.

Those Venerable Lords now have hatred on their faces.

For the first time, they were stopped outside and their impression of Lin Fei became extremely poor.

“Seven days, this is too long!”

“Brother Tianqiong, he is not giving you face!”

Venerable Lord complexion sank, “Enough!”

This time, he could not come out.

Heavenly God disciple Yes, but they ca n’t deal with Venerable Lord, which puts their face where they want to go.

I heard they were released seven days later and they were not satisfied.

“You want trouble with Lin Fei, I won’t object, I just tell you one thing, he has a treasure, a wonderful treasure in Shadow Palace, named Heaven Splitting Hammer, which is integrated into the Origin Force Shensha, although very few, is very powerful. If you were not Venerable Lord, that blow would hurt you just now! “

Heaven Splitting Hammer?

Then they remembered.

“No way, could it be that treasure!”

“He can pick it up!”

“Not to say that the smashing sky hammer cannot be used by ordinary people, and it was only awarded to Han Tianda later!”

“Why did it reach Lin Fei’s hands and still show such power.”

They looked even uglier.

With Heaven Splitting Hammer, it really looks like a tiger that has grown wings.

No wonder they couldn’t carry that blow.

This is not easy.

Once again, they all believed that Lin Fei would definitely be heavy hands. At that time, all injuries were inevitable, and that was a real loss of face.

Seven days, then seven days!

Fortunately, it is not a month. In any case, face is passable, and no one will say anything.

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