In the view of Deputy Hall Master Bai Lin, Lin Bai and Zhao Wu followed Lin Fei to make a profit. Xin Yin did not go to trust at first, and his strength was strong, which was significantly worse than Saint Heaven’s son.

If Lin Fei is the big Hall Master, Deputy Chong Bai Hall Master will definitely lean in. A Deputy Hall Master is a little far behind.

“Brother Zhao, you have had a hard time in these years. I think you should change your way!” Deputy Deputy Hall Master Bai Chong said as he walked, “not as good as follow me!”

Zhao Wu sneered, “When you get to the place, you will regret it!”

He knew in his heart that Lin Fei had come out this time, but it was not so simple, and it was impossible for Bai Chong, Deputy Hall Master, to be in bad shape.

Why this confidence, Zhao Wu could not say.

“I don’t think this is a good way!” Zhao Wu coldly said, and continued to move forward.

Deputy Chong Hall Master did have the idea of ​​pulling in, and naturally did not want to give up this opportunity.

“What did you get with Lin Fei? I don’t see anything!” Said Deputy Hall Master Bai Chong. “You know the situation of the punishment hall over the years. Now Heavenly God Elder and Venerable Lord have expressed dissatisfaction. Once I report it, I think you’re going to have bad luck. Lin Fei will bear the brunt of it. No one can run! “

Zhao Wu didn’t speak, “I’m not like you, know pleasure in other’s misfortune!”

“You,” Deputy Hall Master Bai Chong angered.


On the way back, no matter what, Zhao Wu ignored it.

Deputy Chong Hall Master gave up helplessly!

I believe that after a while, Zhao Wu and Lin Bai will definitely regret it. At that time, take it slowly.


Zhao Wu pushed the door in.

Bai Chong, Deputy Hall Master followed.

“Brother Lin, I told you, following that Lin Fei, there is nothing to end!” Upon entering, Deputy Hall Master Bai Chong put on the shelf, set his tone, and looked condescending.

Zhao Wu stopped at the door.

The black clothed man sitting and drinking in the horizontal case looked over.

“Bai Deputy Hall Master, twenty years, you have a good life!”

Black clothed man One Revolution came over, and Deputy Master Bai Chong’s face changed, “How are you and you here ~ Are you not in retreat!”

Since eating a ‘Sudden Warp Thunder’ last time, he is full of fear of Lin Fei.

be cheated!

This is a trap!

“It’s not that you guys are too aggressive, so this king came out!” Lin Fei squinted and looked at Bai Chong. “This king heard that you are also very aggressive, and this king wants to ask you something What the hell do you want to do! “

The last sentence, just like Hong Lei, shook Bai Chong.

“Lin Deputy Hall Master, I think this is a misunderstanding. I still have something to do! Let’s go first!” Bai Chong was afraid of seeing Lin Fei, especially now that he doesn’t leave now, but when will he wait.

Zhao Wuheng was in front of him.

“Lin Hall Master hasn’t said yet, you can’t go!”

Deputy Hall Master Bai Chong screamed, “I’m Deputy Hall Master. If you want to go, just leave. Whoever dares to stop me, let it go, don’t force me to do it!”

Zhao Wu did not budge, blocking like a mountain.

“Lin Deputy Hall Master, what do you mean!”

Lin Fei Yuyou poured a glass of wine for herself, “Nothing, just think that the punishment hall needs a lot of rectification. Your Hall Master has done too much failure, so this king decided to rectify the punishment from you. Don, you are all old, there is no blood urge, the Penal Church does not need someone like you. “

Deputy Chong Bai’s Hall Master’s face changed several times. “Have you dare, there is no such thing as a big Hall Master, and with the consent above, no one can be removed from my post!”

“You have too much nonsense!”

Lin Fei reached out and grabbed his arm.

Deputy Bai Chong Hall Master had already prepared. 20 years ago, he lost a move. After seeing Lin Fei, he prepared early. When the other party moved, a Heavenly God Battle Armor appeared on him.

But in the next second, the hand was like nothing, pinching Bai Chong’s neck, pulling it before the horizontal case, and pinching it on the horizontal case.

“Twenty years, your strength hasn’t improved, it’s really disappointing!”

Lin Fei was holding Deputy Master Bai Chong.

“Asshole, let me go!”

Bai Chong was ready, but he thought that if the other side grabbed it at will, he would become a dead dog, and his strength would be sealed.


Lin Fei just shook it, and Bai Chong hit a palace pillar like a sack.

“Take along to withdraw!”

Lin Fei didn’t look at Bai Chong, “You go and bring in the remaining members of the Law Enforcement team. Those who swing left and right are not needed. The Penalty Hall needs a group of fanatics!”

“I’ll bring them in right away!”

Zhao Wu pulled Bai Chong and left.

Sealed strength, Bai Chong dragged out like a dead dog.

“Lin Hall Master, wouldn’t it be too sudden!” Lin Bai asked.

“Nothing is not abrupt and not abrupt. The punishment hall now looks a bit worse than I originally thought it would be, and today it’s done. That’s right. You can open the Formation now and block the punishment hall up and down. This time, completely clean up. It’s clean! “

Lin Bai hurried away.

Lin Fei continued drinking and tasting slowly, “Saint Heaven son, I also thank you so much for helping me so much, came to be solved in one go, the Penalty Hall really needs a bloody force, rather than standing still, a little Step back! “


Zhao Wu brought in XNUMX people.

These fifty-eight individuals, all of whom are Zhao Wu and Lin Bai, have been observing in secret and belong to fanatics.

They were all surprised to see Lin Fei sitting.

In their eyes, Lin Fei is the object of their worship.

That decisive decisiveness has always been worshipped.

“Why are you here, and only fifty-eight of you?”

They shook their heads, but there was a hint of excitement in their hearts.

Lin Fei stood up, and Gaze swept them sharply, “Because you are all the blood most needed by the punishment hall, you have all seen it. For twenty years, the punishment hall has lost its former majesty. At that time, the punishment hall was like a mountain with a sword on everyone’s head, but now? What is the punishment hall? This king needs you to make a big rectification. Everything that is wrong is erased. This king asks you, dare you! “

“We dare!”

“We are willing!”

Fifty-eight people have neat voices, life force is the same, and they are full of vitality. They have not been greatly affected for twenty years.

An enthusiastic atmosphere also appeared on everyone.

Lin Fei Complete’s satisfaction.

“Okay, this king now leads you to rebuild a penal church that belongs to everyone. From now on, whoever mentions the penal church, only fear!”

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