Bai Chong, Deputy Hall Master on the pavilion not far away, heard it clearly, and couldn’t help laughing. .

“So naive brat, I really thought that I had mastered a ‘Sudden Warp Thunder’, and thought I could show a strength here? I still want everyone to go out, I really want to think too much!”

Deputy Bai Chong Hall Master shook his head, smirking and indifferent.

In the penalty hall, he believed that no one would go out.

When the Great Hall Master Shengyang was indifferent, the power of the Penalty Church was basically in the hands of the Saint Heaven son, and the other three deputy Hall Masters could not compete, and the power in his hands was basically deprived of almost.

In the penalty hall, all the Deacon who had taken refuge in Saint Heaven’s sons, all arrogant and arrogant, did not put the Deputy Hall Master in their eyes. All kinds of leaders, all relying on Saint Heaven sons, were almost a word.

Those who saw Lin Fei were planning to read jokes.

Everyone laughed when they heard this, and laughed recklessly.

“Please go out, haha ​​ha!”

“We are all the lord of Saint Heaven. The lord said, if you don’t go out, who would dare to go out!”

“Even if Lin Fei is more powerful, how can he be compared to Saint Heaven’s son lord and come to Penalty Hall to respect Saint Heaven’s son!”

“Let’s not go out and see what that Lin Fei can do!”


Saint Clone’s son, who is not sitting in the Criminal Law Hall, is really meaningless.

The five Deacons manage almost the entire Penal Hall. Except for the Complete important thing, other times in the Penal Hall, they are powerful, and the three deputy Hall Masters must stand aside.

“Haha ha, no, I thought that Lin Fei could have Three Heads Six Arms. It turned out to be a mindless person, so let’s get out and see him and laugh at him!” A thin middle age person Can’t stop 讥 said with a smile.

“Who said no, I thought he would invite the Senior Brothers today. If they come, they really need to be able to put on a shelf, but he came alone, young and energetic!”

“Hehe, young is capital, others have arrogant capital, but unfortunately they have come to the wrong place!”


All five Deacon smiles.

Come listen completely as a joke.

cracking a joke, this place is also a place where Lin Fei can display, even if it is a Deputy Hall Master, they do not take it seriously.

Since joining the Saint Heaven sub-lord, their lives have gone better and better, especially on their own one-acre three-point ground, no matter who they are, they must act on their faces, even the three Deputy Hall Masters, That was not kind to them.

“Notice, no one is allowed to go out!”

The cold wind was the first of five people to trust in the past, so it was entrusted with a heavy responsibility. At the same time, it was also the first of the five Deacons, representing everything.

Lin Fei wants to put on a stand, and the cold wind is about to make him lose his face and become a joke. On the one-third of an acre of the penalty hall, the brat Impudent is not up to him.

“We really want to thank Lin Bai and Zhao Wu, two fools, for playing such a play together. After today, those people under their hands are embarrassed to continue to follow, haha ​​ha!” Leng Feng smiled very happy .


Lin Bai and Zhao Wu took someone to inform them in person.

Even if it didn’t work out, they went, at least they did as Lin Fei said.

In fact, they also regretted it.

When the Saint Heaven son came, they could actually go to trust, but wanted to put on display so that the Saint Heaven son knows that they still have some patience in the penalty hall.

As a result, the Saint Heaven son did not take them as a thing at all, but instead lifted up a few Deacons, and directly competed with them, so they became what they are now.

“We have notified them!”

Lin Bai and Zhao Wu quickly brought people over, cautiously said.

Although Lin Fei is younger than them, it is also the Venerable Lord strength. The strength of the two of them is far away, and it is also the reward of Shadow Palace that they can be promoted. The potential is almost consumed by Lin Fei, who is also the Venerable Lord Realm They really have no pride.

Lin Fei sitting on the golden horse, the boundless momentum, depressed terrifying, can not afford the slightest idea of ​​resistance, although, in the Venerable Lord, is not the most powerful, younger generation, it is recognized that the most expert is Dugu Yijian.

Lin Fei of closed eye meditation, did not speak, and eyes opened.

Just sitting quietly.

“Master, you really want to fight!”

Lin Fei closed her eyes and asked Little Devil to see everything in the Penal Hall, seemingly closed eye meditation. In fact, she silently saw everyone’s reaction.

“That’s for sure. I didn’t see them all treat me like a joke!” Lin Fei snorted. “St. Heaven Heaven, too, treats himself too much, even if he didn’t sit down in person, he will regret it. of!”

Five Deacon, deputy Hall Master Bai Chong, leader of large and small, various expressions, various words, hear clearly, see clearly, either to take pleasure in other’s misfortune, or to prepare to read jokes.

“I think, Saint Heaven child knows he will not regret it today, he will regret it!” Little Devil smirked. “Master, you can toss hard. In Void, many Venerable Lords are paying attention!”

“I can be the Deputy Hall Master of the Penal Hall. It is impossible, after all, there are four Deputy Hall Masters in the Penal Hall. Among them, there is a person or the Saint Heaven child of the influence figure. There is such a person sitting in the town. It seems superfluous to join the Penalty Church, and the power behind the Saint Heaven Son will not be allowed. To sum it up, it is not familiar to see Saint Heaven Son above, and it needs to be beaten. As for which one, it is unknown. , So no matter what I do, it will not be alright! “

Lin Fei has seen it very clearly these days.

I use it to beat others, who makes his strength not bad, and there is a big Venerable Lord behind him. Before 100,000 years ago, they would not deal with each other, they would not unite, they would not find him, and who they could go to.

With this in mind, Lin Fei became the most suitable person.

“It’s almost time, it’s time to show off Divine Power, and beat them!”

Lin Fei thinks a little look forward to.

Justifiable, plundering life energy.

Mosquito meat is also meat!


Lin Fei, eyes opened again, suddenly stood up, terrifying chill rolled in.

“No one coming!”

Lin Bai and Zhao Wu were almost unstoppable at that moment. The people behind them, each and everyone, slumped on the ground. There was only a single thought in their hearts. “My mother, he is terrifying. He is about to die. ! “

“We all went to inform them, they ~” Lin Bai and Zhao Wu lowered their heads and couldn’t speak. They couldn’t say that their own influence was not enough.

“Hmph, I’m the Deputy Hall Master named above myself. Someone actually didn’t come to see me. It’s really against me. I don’t have any opinion about it, but they shouldn’t give it to me. This is a non-compliance!” Lin Fei’s voice suddenly raised a lot, “You take me in, I ask each and everyone to come out!”

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