“Did you say Lin Fei Deputy Hall Master would see us!”

A gray-aged middle age person with a hint of helplessly said on his face, he is Lin Bai among the four deputy Hall Masters of the Penal Hall, but a Strength of Rank 1 of a Venerable Lord.

“Maybe, I’ve had enough of that kind of day. Now that there is an arrangement on it. I must have recognized the strength of Lin Fei Hall Master!” Another black clothed middle age person flashed a different color in his eyes.

Both men are deputy Hall Masters of the Penal Church.

One is Lin Bai and the other is Zhao Wu.

They met together outside Immortal’s Cave in Lin Fei.

This was the only way they felt they could do at the moment. After all, they were in a good day now, but in the Church of the Punishment was the son of Saint Heaven.

They want rights! If you want to get everything back, then you must rely on a strong person!

Undoubtedly, the new Lin Fei Venerable Lord is a good candidate.

So they came!

Standing outside Immortal’s Cave was also uneasy. From the materials left in the early years, it can be seen more or less that this Lin Fei Venerable Lord is decisive.

“come in!”

After they waited for a while, they heard Lin Fei’s voice.

The two walked in together and saw Lin Fei sitting in the yard.

This is the first time the two have seen Lin Fei. They are not very old, but they can feel the danger, which is their instinctive reaction.

“I’m Lin Bai from the penalty hall!”

“I’m Zhao Wu from Penalty Hall!”

One of them came up and was introduced.

Although they are deputy Hall Masters of the Penal Church, they have senior qualifications. But in front of Lin Fei, it still looks worse because of. Lin Fei strength is stronger than them, the potential is better than them, and Han Tianda Venerable Lord is behind them.

put on airs?

That is definitely the act of courting death!

Without saying anything else, just the Senior Brothers of Lin Fei Venerable Lord. glare like a tiger watching his prey on the side can make them unable to eat and walk around.

After much deliberation, it may be a good idea to turn to Lin Fei Venerable Lord!

Some time ago, Lin Fei killed two supervisors, and the trouble was not small, but to the end. There was no sound at all. The average Venerable Lord is not so lucky.

“I have heard of you!” Lin Fei said with a smile, “I didn’t expect you to come to one’s door.”

When Lin Bai and Zhao Wu came, they discussed how to answer.

“We heard that Lin Venerable Lord will soon be in office. As colleagues, we feel that it is necessary to come. After all, everyone will work together in the future!” Lin Bai said in deadly earnest.

Zhao Wu followed the echo, “Yeah, yeah!”

Lin Fei knows the purpose of the two.

“Lin Venerable Lord, this is some of our punishment hall, I think, you just arrived. Not quite clear, came to report to you!”

Lin Fei quietly listened and said nothing.

People come to report. Always let them report.

Although Lin Fei was not very interested in the position of Deputy Hall Master of the Penalty Church, it was not so easy if he wanted to step down at once, so he decided to recruit a few people and work on his behalf in the future, so he could not There need to be many things to worry about.

Lin Bai and Zhao Wu came up on their own initiative, and Lin Fei was actually very satisfied.

From the data, both Lin Bai and Zhao Wu are people who have been robbed of their power by the Saint Heaven son, and their ability to do things is still very good.

Lin Bai and Zhao Wulai reported that the situation of the Penalty Hall was actually lowering their identities, but they didn’t care about this. What they cared about was whether they could rely on Lin Fei.

A formidable practice of the Saint Spirit Secret Technique ‘Sudden Warp Thunder’ made the Venerable Lord of Shadow Palace praise it, killing Killing Move one by one.

They all saw the recorded scene afterwards, and they all thought that they could not stop it.

The opponent and the move are fused together. A person is a move. A move is a person. It is a powerful and truly irresistible Killing Move.

At this point, they felt that Lin Fei was fully capable of fighting the opposing chamber.

“I think there will be two more people to worry about the penalty hall in the future. I am a lazy person who is afraid that I will not deal with it. However, since I am the Deputy Hall Master of the penalty hall, then the penalty hall must have What changed, you go back and inform them, and say that I will go to office in three days, I hope they can come by then!

Lin Fei didn’t say solicitation.

But for Lin Bai and Zhao Wu, the meaning is quite clear.

It depends on their performance.

The two finally sighed in relief, there is no better news than this.

“We will notify immediately, but it seems that many people in the Penalty Hall have received the news of Saint Heaven Son, it seems that they are not allowed to take advantage of the lord!” Lin Bai’s title also quietly changed.

“It’s okay, you guys should let me know!”

Above Shadow Palace, the most important thing in the Venerable Lord circle is the Shadow Throne.

There are more than ten years to go before the Throne of Shadows.

Now everyone’s attention is on the newly born Venerable Lord and Saint Heaven son.

Three days later, the two Venerable Lords met for the first time. Everyone wanted to see who was the best.

“Shake the sky, the punishment hall’s position will not be yours!” The scholar middle age person smiled, and one of them looked like you did.

Han Tianda respect didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, “I still want to ask you, you are also a great Venerable Lord, will not you make it, my disciple temperament is not suitable for Deputy Hall Master ! “

“How could it be me?” The scholar middle age person shook his head. “Don’t stigmatize people, I this person you know what you do, I will never lie, now it seems that this position is not your arrangement It ’s not that I asked someone, who is that, could it be the other three? ”

“Your smallest discipline is probably going to have a headache!”

Both were smart people and realized something.

, …

One day before going to the penalty hall.

Lin Fei came to visit the big Hall Master Shengyang. Although the big Hall Master doesn’t matter, politeness is still necessary.

The big Hall Master received Lin Fei in person.

“Actually, I have been waiting for you!” Big Hall Master Seungyang said with a smile, “Since the news spread, everyone has stared at the penalty hall!”

“Hall Master, I’m just a junior, I don’t think I can make Hall Master so valued, I feel embarrassed!” Lin Fei hadn’t really thought about it, the big Hall Master would wait for himself.

“Lin Venerable Lord, you are now a celebrity. One trick, ‘Sudden Warp Thunder’ do not know. Amazing, Saint Heaven child’s strength. Everyone knows that although it is just a Clone, it cannot reach the full strength of the deity, but It is also the strength of Rank 3. You can easily stop it. There may be new developments in the future penalty hall! “

Lin Fei heard a little bit of dissatisfaction with the Saint Heaven son in the mouth of Big Hall Master.

“Big Hall Master, I think Saint Heaven is doing a great job!”

“Okay?” Big Hall Master Shengyang said with a smile.

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