Long Zong, once had a God Venerable Expert who practiced body flow, dominated an era. God Venerable Expert of the same level was not an opponent one to one.

Despite that Top Grade God Venerable passed away.

Long Zong still has his own background, and this background is useless by most people.

For example, Saint Spirit Secret Technique Killing Move!

Outsiders want to get a copy, as difficult as to ascend heaven, but in Longzong, these are the most common. Therefore, in the practice of Body Flow Expert in the Saint Spirit world, many likes worshipped the Dragon Sect. If they could give a dragon surname, that would be the first step to ascend heaven.

One move ‘Jiudielang’ makes people feel a huge threat.

Waves of force invaded Lin Fei’s within the body.

This is the first time he has seen the details of Longzong.

Long Tianyou didn’t stop, a bully came up close, and a black iron rod in his hand spun, forming a huge spiral nest, not giving Lin Fei any chance to take a breather.


“Ginger is still old and spicy!”

The wind ten thousand li smiled.

“Ao Tian Venerable Lord is too young. It is too far away from Longzong’s background!”

Long Tian You kept attacking the other side, and the black iron rod was cast on his hands. Like a black poisonous snake, every single time brought great pressure to everyone.

It can be unbearable with just one hit.

Ao Tian Venerable Lord, who seems to be in a disadvantage, actually carried it. It was beyond everyone’s imagination. It seems that it has been a long time since the attack of Longzong Expert was carried forward.

In everyone’s opinion, the Long Tian You full power burst, the other party cannot survive for too long.

They don’t believe that what a fledgling guy can have, after all, Longzong inherited the heritage of a God Venerable Expert.

No one can match this.

That is the top grade character who dominated an era.


“Good guy, you still underestimate!”

Long Tian You also revealed the accident for the first time. Under his storm storm, it is rare to survive to the present. Most people have long since died.

“It looks like Killing Move!”

Can survive up to now, Long Tianyou feels seeing through the opponent’s everything, Heavenly Divine Body is good, power is over, far from his opponent.


Long Tianyou’s black iron stick came out.

“Black runaway!”

The black iron rod turned into a black shadow, like black lightning, letting the opponent’s eyebrows straight out.

In Longzong, Saint Spirit Killing Move is a powerful exercise.

Long Tian’s body also faded, she became stunned, and disappeared in front of everyone.

“Haha ha, he’s dead!”

The wind ten thousand li laughed.

This move ‘black flow kill’ is regarded as a double Killing Move. Once this move comes out, the other party will definitely die. No second result will appear.

“Good kill, destroy me the Will of Heavens door, deserve this end!”

Tianxin Venerable Lord also laughed.

This move is very famous in the Saint Spirit world. The Top Grade Killing Move in the Saint Spirit Ninth Level is a double kill.

Lin Fei’s eyebrows jumped suddenly, the air field in front of him was torn open, as if something had broken in. The black streamer appeared directly at the heart of the eyebrows, constantly drilling, arrogant and overbearing.

“You shouldn’t offend our Dragon Sect!”

A man came to the front and said quietly, a palm printed on Lin Fei’s chest.

Oh la la ! !

The black streamer pierced his brows.

Lin Fei whole body also followed.

Long Tian Yu Shi exhibited the double Killing Move of ‘black flow killing’, which is enough to give the opponent’s face enough. Under this move, the force of terror will consume the opponent’s magnificent life force.

For a Body Flow Expert, the more severe the loss of life force, the stronger the strength will be.


“It looks like it’s hurt!”

“Dragon’s Expert has always been great, name is not in vain!”

“That trick just now is too fast, it seems that there is a trace of Space in it.


Facing that move, many people shook their heads.

Even some Venerable Lord felt helpless and couldn’t find a way to counter this move. This move is completely a killing move and cannot be resisted.

“Ao Tian, ​​I think your strength is pretty good. If you want to be my servant, I can’t kill you!” Long Tianyou rushed up again, and the shadow of the stick fell.

Lin Fei looks injured.

In fact, the injuries were minor and did not consume much life force.

“If that was your strongest Killing Move just now, you would let me down a bit!” Lin Fei burst out laughing, “It’s your strength is good, if not like death. I can accept you as a servant!”

Lin Fei has seen Long Tianyou’s strength.

The strength of the other party is indeed very strong, at least three or five times stronger than the brutal Venerable Lord I met last time, but compared with Lin Fei, the gap is still very large.


Long Tian You broke out into laughter caused by anger.

“Black runaway!”

Once again, a powerful Killing Move is performed to consume the opponent’s life force.

But this time, I was still in the Legendary Long Tian, ​​and suddenly my eyebrows shook, and a dark shadow suddenly appeared. It turned out to be a black stick, like long spear, passing through his eyebrow.

“The last time I wanted to try, this made you hit. Use the same trick a second time. You really treat me as a fool!”

Heaven Splitting Stick twisted, and a flood-like force came.

fleshly body burst on the spot!

“You will kill black, but I will!”

After rebuilding her body, Long Tian You raised a bad feeling.

When performing the Saint Spirit Secret Technique Killing Move, his body is actually moving, and there is a trace of Space in it, which is difficult for outsiders to detect.

But in this case, he was struck by the other side with a stick.

I haven’t figured it out yet, the other party actually performed a trick ‘black runaway’.

A black streamer struck.

Long Tian You have no time to think, holding the black iron rod in her hand, the airtightness of the dancing around, just dancing, the black streamer passed through the eyebrow, and the person appeared. One palm slaps on the chest, and the body breaks apart.

“How about it, this move how about it!”

Lin Fei stands on his own.

Far away, Long Tianyou’s face was pale, “You ~ where did you learn the ‘black runaway’.”

Lin Fei lazily said, “You taught me personally, such a powerful Secret Technique, do you think I can learn it? I really want to thank you for any powerful tricks. Show it!”

“I taught, how is that possible!”

Long Tian You is going crazy, how long has it been, how did he learn it.

This is not normal!

“Nothing is impossible!”

Heaven Splitting Stick swept across, and when a black shadow flashed past, Long Tianyou was ransacked.

“This is my strength, what do you think!”

Long Tian You hit the body with a stick. Just now, it was completely crushed by strength. At this moment, she was completely panicked and turned around and ran away.

“Impossible, our Dragon God is the most powerful!”

Run aside. Shouted. r

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