After receiving an additional 20 million Saint Spirit Crystal Stone, Lin Fei is still in a good mood. After all, 20 million Saint Spirit Crystal Stone is a huge property that can be bought as a powerful Saint Spirit Ninth Level Secret Technique Killing Move.

“My this person will not blame the sinner. You left my house and helped me so much. Just say anything!”

Li Moxian said, “One year ago, there were several guests at the Zhao Family Mansion. They went at night. They were very mysterious. It happened that we were away from home and recognized those people. Later, I asked about it. , They all seem to be coming towards Ao Tian brothers! “

Lin Fei was not surprised, and smiled, “Are you going to avenge me, or are you going to let me fight with those of Zhao Zhongxing?”

Immediately after leaving the magic complexion changed, and shook his head again and again, “Ao Tian brothers, you misunderstood, we dare to have this kind of thought, you are the person that Star Sea Venerable Lord values, even if you give us a hundred courage, you will not dare ! “

Lin Fei doesn’t believe that Li Mo has this courage first, it is just to scare the other side that’s all.

“I’m actually cracking a joke away from Patriarch!” Lin Fei said, “do not know who Zhao Zhongxing invited, can you tell me?”

Li Moxian really scared a cold sweat, for fear of being suspected. A pseudo Venerable Lord Expert who practiced body flow was angry, and going up and down from home would definitely cause heavy losses. There was no place to cry.

“The imaginary of Tianxin Island has come to an Expert who can perform Illusion World. Rumors also brought a treasure of the imaic. When it is displayed, it can have the strength of a pseudo Venerable Lord. In addition, the Slaughter Divine Court comes Three of them, one of them is practicing Body flow Expert, it seems that it is also a pseudo Venerable Lord, it seems to be used to contain Ao Tian brothers! “Li Moxian said,” No matter how specific, my people can’t find out, it seems They have been arranged to a secret place! “

Lin Fei squinted his eyes, “hehe, Zhao Zhongxing really deserves me, please invite a few fake Venerable Lord Experts, so why don’t you let me go back!”

A fake Venerable Lord gave Heavenly God Expert a headache, not to mention that there are now four fake Venerable Lords, and one of them is also good at performing Illusion assistants, and it has great pressure on any pseudo Venerable Lord to make life impossible. worry.

Before Lin Fei was promoted, they could easily kill them when full power burst, not to mention this time.

“Did you seven Great Clan have any ideas?” Lin Fei asked back, “Zhao Zhongxing was afraid that he completely took refuge in Slaughter Divine Court. They put a nail here. Can you feel comfortable?”

Li Mo laughed first, this question is really difficult to answer.

“Tianhe Kingdom is up and down, no one will be comfortable, no way! Slaughter Divine Court, we really can’t afford to offend!” Li Moxian said with a bitter smile, “Do n鈥檛 look at our Tianhe state-owned treasure can threaten the Venerable Lord Expert, once it comes A Top Grade Venerable Lord, Tianhe Kingdom is going to be too much, not to mention, unlike today, Tianhe Kingdom is not the same as Tianhe Kingdom! “

When Lin Fei came, he knew the current situation of Tianhe Kingdom.

That year was the same year, and now it is different. All forces secretly followed the Tianhe Kingdom and wanted to put a nail in it.

No one can guarantee whether the good things will come out of the Tianhe connected to the black domain.

Maybe that day came out!

Such a place is bound to enter the eyes of the Top Grade forces. They will not sell on the name, and secretly may not be.

slaughter Divine Court is the best performance!

“Many thanks for reminding me of Patriarch.” Lin Fei arched his hand. “I know this, by the way, if I take the initiative to find the Zhao Family, you seven Great Clan, will not have any ideas, such as teaming up against me ? “

“How is it possible!” Li Moxian first moved and explained, “As long as your current identity is not to destroy the Zhao Family, the Seven Great Clan will not be active. If you destroy the Zhao Family, our Tianhe Kingdom must Let’s do it, this is the rule that has always stayed! “

“That’s good!” Lin Fei grinned, showing his white teeth.

But in the eyes of Li Moxian, this smile seemed to make people feel a dreary cold.

“Zhao Zhongxing is going to be bad luck!”

Li Mo came up with a single thought head and snorted for a while.


Lin Fei stayed for another three days, and proposed to Litri Patriarch to leave Tianhe Kingdom.

Li Mo first made a reservation and saw that Lin Fei was going to leave. He planned to send it out in person, but Lin Fei rejected it, saying he was going to visit someone’s house.

This is going to find a home!

Li Moxian was very smart and delivered to the door.

Lin Fei left the house with a smile and walked along the street moved towards one direction.

After Lin Fei came out, the news spread.

“Ao Tian Heavenly God is going to Zhao Family!”

Walking along the street, everyone knows who the other side is.

In the past year, the Zhao Family has a lot of small actions. It is difficult for Seven Great Clan to do not know. Zhao Zhongxing invited someone to deal with Ao Tian Heavenly God. It is not a secret, but there are clues to be found.

They also believe that Li Mo will tell each other first.


“Master, you come straight to your door. Is it being used!”

Halfway, Little Devil asked.

“It’s not to use or not to use!” Lin Fei said, “They treat Zhao Zhongxing in a bad mood, and I treat him in a bad mood. In Tianhe, the seven of them don’t join hands and rely on the Zhao Family instead. The waves are coming, they want me to go to Zhao Family for trouble. If we can kill a few Experts and make Zhao Family a mess, it would be better, and I came up to plunder a batch of life energy, if Zhao Zhongxing didn’t find anyone to deal with me, I might not go, now I can only say that they are courting death! “

From the name of Ao Tian Heavenly God spread in Tianhe Kingdom, Lin Fei actually knows that someone will come to find trouble for himself.

Take the Slaughter Divine Court side.

Maybe they do n鈥檛 have any ideas at High level. They ca n鈥檛 stand the people below, such as those Venerable Lord. In a word, the people below take action.

The people Zhao Zhongxing invited would never dare to do anything in Tianhe Kingdom. The ultimate weapon of Tianhe Kingdom is not so good, but I am different. They are willing to me to bully the Zhao Family and weaken the strength of the Zhao Family.

They used me. I wasn’t using them anyway, there was nothing to lose.

After Ao Tian 8th Layer, Lin Fei is already an expert on Rank 3 ladder in Saint Spirit, and even infinitely close to Rank 2 ladder. Very few people can pose a threat to him, a Tianhe country, not necessarily how The threat of big is it, besides, they have no intention to do anything, they can’t afford that kind of loss, other Patriarch don’t mind joining forces once.


“Ao Tian Heavenly God is out!”

“He seems to be going to Zhao Family!”

“It’s Zhao Family!”

“It’s about to enter the Zhao Family site!”

each and everyone news goes back …


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