Tianhe Country.

Here comes the most important day of the upper floors!

Regarding Tianhe’s benefit distribution power.

Eight Great Clan One of the most important things.

The black domain is infinitely mysterious, with surprises everywhere.

Until now, no one can control the black domain, no one knows how to form it, but can guess that the black domain should be a huge World or even Secret Realm.

Tianhe has become the best way to communicate with the black domain.

Every single time, the things coming out of the black domain will come out along the Tianhe. The Great Clan battles internally and is consistent with the outside world. Until now, it controls the ownership of Tianhe.

Once every ten years, eight Great Clan decided.

No matter who is sitting in this position, they must abide by the rules set by the Eight Great Clan over the generations. Whoever does not follow will be eliminated.

Until now, the distribution of the benefits of Tianhe’s ownership rights has not been destroyed.


Leave home!

Li Mo sat first in the hall.

Few people sat in the entire hall.


Li Mo stood up first, Space sent a wave, and Lin Fei, a black clothed man, appeared in the hall.

“It’s not too late!”

Before the magic, the pupil shrinks slightly, said with a smile, “No, it’s still early!”

With just one glance, Li Mo felt that the breath of the other party was quite arrogant. Have guts made people feel breathless, and my heart was shocked, to be wild with joy.

Several other Heavenly God Experts stood up and Complete looked at the black clothed man coming out of Void.

“These three are all going to the Great Clan Conference this time, just like you!” Li Moxian briefly introduced the names of the three.

Lin Fei glanced lightly and didn’t follow them anymore.

Those three people are also very jealous. Although Li Moxian did not introduce the name of this person, as long as not all fools can see it, the other party is more domineering than their three people.


“This is our treasure away from home, you can walk through Void, that is, costing the Saint Spirit Crystal Stone!”

In Void, Li Mo first talked to Lin Fei.

They were standing on a treasure. Treasure released the shield and kept advancing towards Astral WInd. Ripples appeared on the shield.

“It’s amazing to be away from home!” Lin Fei said, “the average person is not qualified to have a treasure through Void!”

I can’t help showing a touch of pride.

“The rest, I’m already in the collection!” Li Moxian sound transmission, “This time, it really depends on Brother Ao Tian, ​​things may have changed!”


The expression of grave was separated from the magic, “There was a change. Eight Great Clan all invited outside helpers. Contest this time. The distribution of the benefits of Tianhe. According to the information that we have left over the past generations, we found that one thing was ignored. Tianhe, there may be good things, 80% chance! “

Lin Fei understood.

“That said, my opponent will become stronger!”

“It can be understood like this!” Li Moxian said, “In the past, we eight Great Clan rarely asked outside helpers. Contest is our internal younger generation.”

“Actually you don’t need to say anything!” Lin Fei said, “I took your things, no matter how difficult, I will try my best to complete it, this is the cooperation between you and I!”


From the magic first entire group, walking through Void.

The Astral WInd power in Void increased in vain, and the treasure on which everyone was standing began to shake, as if a lone boat in a raging wave.

“This is approaching Tianhe Dao Field!”

Limo was used to it, “Tianhe is a special existence, which indirectly affects the nearby Void, so that the Void in this area is riotous most of the time. worry!”

Lin Fei squinted, “You guys, really don’t have any secrets!”

Li Moxian said with a smile, “Who said no, the black realm behind the light has not yet figured out how many people have died, even those Venerable Lord, dare not rush in!”

Void Astral WInd continues to keep Berserk.

The three Heavenly God Experts behind them all looked unnatural.

They are still far away from Void. Without Void treasure, they would not dare to enter Void in their lifetime. I have seen such a big scene there.

After one hour.

Everyone came out of Void, and a huge Tianhe lying in front of him appeared.

They actually appeared inside Tianhe.

The huge flowing sound of hua hua brings a huge visual shock.

“This is the Tianhe Dao Field. It belongs to a special place. Don’t look at the Tianhe very calm. In fact, it is very dangerous. For example, the flowing Tianshui is as heavy as it is. It will undoubtedly fall into the Tianhe!”

Li Mo first mentioned the danger of Titianhe.

In fact, it goes without saying that everyone noticed the horror of Tianhe, and was also shocked. This place in Tianhe actually formed an independent small space that was not affected by Tianhe. I do n’t know who made it. It ’s a good way.

Lin Fei also met Tianhe for the first time.

“Good overbearing power. Between Tianhe flows, that sound can affect the fleshly body qi and blood. No wonder he fell into Tianhe and will die!”

Lin Fei squinted and stared at Tianhe all the time.


“Brother, it’s early!”

Li Mo first took people to the place where he left home.

This independent Space Complete is bland, a huge stone, and the slab is smooth. It just crosses the Tianhe River, and the water of the Tianhe River flows by and is divided into two.

Each of the eight Great Clans has a place.

In the central place, a staircase was built and the Formation was laid out, forming ripples, faintly discernible.

As soon as they sat down, a middle-aged Heavenly God beside him greeted him with a smile.

“Imperial Brother, you are here too early. See if your face is full of spring breeze. Is it that you have confidence in the distribution of benefits, Complete?” Li Mo laughed and laughed.

Lin Fei looked at it.

Imperial Family!

A noble name.

One of the eight Great Clan, has a good relationship with leaving home, has been married, has been regarded as an ally in Tianhe country.

“You are not the same, I heard you found an Expert, I can’t think of it!” Huang Feilong glanced, Gaze stayed on Lin Fei for a while, very surprised, “You are so brave, no wonder you will find me Redeem that thing! “

Huang Feihu naturally knows this person’s power.

Up to now, there is no information, Complete’s mysterious, I did not expect to leave home to cooperate with each other, a hundred pounds of Origin Force Shensha.

“Talent is hard to find!” Li Moxian said.

Value for money?

Huang Feilong didn’t think so.

A happy look still appeared on his face, “I’m not as ambitious as you, but you have to be careful. I heard Zhao Zhongxing invited an Expert back. It is said that it was the Slaughter Divine Court. You invited me. He can’t make it ~ “

Said Cao Cao, Cao Cao.

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