Jade talisman sent by Lin Fei seems to be a joke!

Tianhe Guoba Great Clan didn’t have a little bit of movement, as if nothing had happened, and the days gradually returned to peace, and the things of jade talisman gradually began to be replaced by various things.

That yard was restored as before.

Outsiders will be reminded not to offend the black clothed man in the yard, that is a person you cannot offend.

Time flies, more than thirty years have passed.

Treasure days from Tianhe are getting closer.

This has nothing to do with the people of Tianhe Kingdom, but it has a lot to do with the Great Clan.


In one night.

The spies outside the yard were almost removed.

A Mysterious person who could not find any clues, and a daylight robbery guy, even when Tianhe Kingdom barely left the house, did not go to monitor again.

“The juniors came to visit Heavenly Fire at the order of Patriarch, and wanted to see Senior!”

At night, a person quietly came out of the courtyard, and said moved towards politely inside.

Thirty years later, Heavenly Fire is here again.

Night, quietly!

“come in!”

As the Heavenly Fire was anxious looking at the yard, a sound was heard in the yard.

“Great, finally see me!”

From Heavenly Fire, I was afraid that the other party would not see him. If that was the case, he would have no choice but to give him a hundred guts, and he would not dare to live here.

Many people in Tianhe State regard this courtyard as a place that cannot be offended.

From Heavenly Fire, he walked into the yard with anxiety, although the gap first step inside and outside, it felt completely different to him.

A black clothed man came out of the room and stood quietly in the yard.

“Say, what!”

From Heavenly Fire, looking at this black clothed man, I felt the same horror atmosphere as father on the other side. This was the first time that he was so close. His breathing began to rush quickly, a strong sense of oppression, and it was very scary.

The opponent’s words made him have no way to resist.

After reluctantly taking a deep breath, he left Heavenly Fire and said, “My father wants to meet with Senior and discuss the cooperation in detail.”

The counterpart is mysterious, and it is most appropriate to use cooperative words.

“You leave home, you have a lot of energy!” The black clothed man smiled, “I promised!”

Leave Heavenly Fire with the task.

Uneasy in my heart.

In the past thirty years, the mysterious black clothed man has hardly been out, and has never been out. It seems even more mysterious.

Whether it can be achieved, has been doubting.

It’s finally time to drop a stone from Heavenly Fire.

“Let’s go!”

The mysterious black clothed man reached out and grabbed away from Heavenly Fire. His whole body had no resistance. He tore open Void with his bare hands, and the whole body rushed in.

“It’s too strong, he can hold up the power of Void Astral WInd!”

From Heavenly Fire stared wide-eyed, can’t believe what you saw.


Leaving home.

High level leaving home tonight are all gathered in the conference hall.

Vigilance outside.

“Patriarch, we left the house and invited several Experts who practiced body flow. In fact, we couldn’t afford to ask the Mysterious person!” A High level said dissatisfied, “Until now, we all do not know the background of that person!”

“He did not offend the Zhao Family. We asked that person for help, which is to sing a show against Zhao Family!”


Several High level said one after another.

Sitting at the top of the home away from the Patriarch and leaving the demon, expression calm, quietly listening.

“The body flow Experts you invited didn’t seem to be about about it. I think that Mysterious person is much better than them. Can we benefit from it? Maybe we should also look at this person!” And there is a person High level came out to refute.

Soon, someone left home and was divided into two groups.

One side supports and the other refutes.

For a while, noisy.

Oh la la !

There was a wave in the hall.

High level stopped after leaving home, many people took out weapon.

A hand stretched out of Void, tearing Void apart, a black clothed man came out of Void with Heavenly Fire, and appeared in front of High Level away from home.

“Are you welcome me!”

Lin Fei glanced casually. Under the sharp eyes, all the high-level hearts leaving home trembled, and an irresistible terrifying breath swept away from them, and his heart tightened inexplicably.

“How could this person have such a dangerous atmosphere!”

With just one glance, I felt a chill from High level away from home.

This person is hard to deal with!

No wonder Zhao Wuji hasn’t dealt with this person until now, it is really difficult to deal with.

Away from Heavenly Fire, I still feel inexplicable fear.

Void World in the Saint Spirit world has always been the most terrifying, less than Venerable Lord Realm, without treasure, no Heavenly God Expert would stupidly enter Void, that is the end of a lifetime.

“Hello strength, it’s an honor to leave home to ask you to come to help fist!” Li Mo laughed first, “Come, give me a seat!”

Li Mo first opened his mouth, and left the high level side of the house.

This is the first time they have seen the mysterious black clothed man. They look young and fierce, so people have to admit that the other is very difficult to deal with.

“One hundred pounds of Origin Force Shensha, I can let you take the first place this time.” Lin Fei greeted Lixian Xian, “The rest, I have no interest in it, become insuffcient, a word!”

Lin Fei straight to the point said.

“Bold, how do you talk!” A middle-aged man shouted from High level loudly.

Lin Fei turned his head and swept away with cold eyes, and the deep cold killing intent shrouded the High Level, “Whoever allows you to talk to me like this, no big or small!”

Slap in the air!

Everyone saw the middle age person High level who was away from home, and was toppled to the ground with a slap, covered with densely packed cracks, as if to collapse at any time.


so horrible!

The other party dared to hit someone in front of High Level.

Lin Fei gaze became deep cold. “Neither of you Patriarch spoke. Why did you say it? Whoever wants to taste Lao Tzu’s slap, then just speak, one person, one slap, free!”


Another one glared away from High level and took weapon.

Lin Fei slaps again, passes through Void, and thunder can’t cover his ears. He slaps his palm on the other’s face and overturns him on the ground.

“Who else!”

The cold gaze swept again.

Two consecutive high-level leave homes were toppled to the ground, half dead, and the remaining high-levels shrank their necks.

Too savage!

The two are away from home at high level and strength is not weak, but in front of each other, they can’t stop with a slap, half-dead, and the fleshly body is almost collapsed, which is why the other party’s mercy.

Strong outrageous!

Lin Fei took two shots, slap one, and said head with a smile, “From Patriarch, how about it, if not good, I can go back!”

Li Mo really did not prevent leaving the high level at home, but also tried to try the strength of this person, and never thought about it. To this level of strong side, the strength of Heavenly God Rank 7 was knocked down on the ground with a slap. He was completely moved.

“You all quit!”

Li Moxian stood up with a smile on his face, waved his hands, and repelled everyone who left the High Level home.

“No one will have me, kill anyone without access to the meeting hall!”

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