Chapter 2298 Thought

In the yard, people surrounded by Sky Wolf were surrounded.

Everyone is murderous aura!

Some people dare not follow the rules of the Sky Wolf gang and don’t turn in the Saint Spirit Crystal Stone, they are impatient!

“Catch it, immediately go in and grab it. No one has ever dared to violate Sky Wolf’s rules!” The Heavenly God Captain coldly snorted ordered the arrest!

The people inside didn’t seem to have any background. Alone, the people helped by Sky Wolf had nothing to worry about.

“Go in and catch someone!”

The entire group rushed in to catch people!

People outside get used to it.

In Tianhe Kingdom, the most important thing is to abide by the rules.

Anyone can offend, but they cannot offend everyone. Their words are rules. Whoever dares not to follow the rules will become a corpse.

Countless’s body told everyone that non-compliance is dead end!

“It must be a newcomer!”

“Young people just do not know calm!”



Sky Wolf’s disciple rushed in.

After a while, a loud drink came from inside.

A corpse flew out of the yard, and there was no breath on the ground.

“Someone comes in again, how much to kill!” The voice inside came again.

The Captain of Heavenly God Realm blew up on the spot. “Bold, dare to kill the people helped by Sky Wolf, kill me in and die!”

Since Sky Wolf helped the Zhao Family of the eight members, few people dare to disrespect the Sky Wolf help, who is not honest, but now there are actually killers in person.

“Kill it in!”

The remaining Sky Wolf helped the discipline rush in again.

There are also several Heavenly God Experts.

Within a few breaths, the corpse flew out of it and hit the ground. No breath.

“To be a major event!”

The Sky Wolf gang was killed and someone changed color immediately.

For a long time no one has provoked the authority of the Sky Wolf Gang!

The Heavenly God Captain, also a complexion sank, gaze stared at the yard deadly. The corpses on the ground were all One Hit Kill. The action was too fast.

“Captain, what do you do!”

The remaining Sky Wolf helped disciple also show a look of fear.

“Go back immediately to find someone to help, and dare to kill the people we help with Sky Wolf. Today, I don’t want to go out of this yard!” Although I really wanted to charge ahead, I killed the other person, and thought of the other person’s means, and held back.

Sky Wolf’s disciple went back to find someone!

…… ..

“Tianhe Kingdom is really interesting!”

Lin Fei had sent Sky Wolf’s helpers at first. I never thought that they would bring people around the yard. It seemed that they had to catch themselves to work hard.

“Things can’t keep up with the changes!” Lin Fei coldly snorted, “Eight people, fighting for power with each other, and the Zhao Family is not the most powerful one. It’s fine to fight it!”

Lin Fei is interested in Tianhe Kingdom.

I have been in Tianhe for some time. Whether it is hearsay or otherwise, Lin Fei has a certain interest.

Sky Wolf helped come to one’s door, Lin Fei didn’t mind trying the Zhao Family’s ability in Tianhe Country.


The Sky Wolf gang was killed!

The news spread like a wind!

In Tianhe Kingdom, Jianghu fierce bandits, full of evil gangsters, abound, it is necessary to make fun.

Everyone heard that Sky Wolf had been killed by Mysterious person.

They want to know very well. It is the hero who dares to challenge the Sky Wolf Gang, who do not know, and the Zhao Family behind the Sky Wolf Gang, there is a Venerable Lord Expert.

“I’m coming!”

A group of people rushed on the street.

As soon as the Sky Wolf news came up, an Expert was coming.

“It’s the Sky Wolf guard from the Sky Wolf, the Heavenly God Realm from the same color, good equipment, good at team fights, the team leader seems to be the Sky Master’s Hall Master-Red Wolf Heavenly God!”


“Hall Master, people are still inside, these are all killed by people inside!” Heavenly God Captain said.

The red wolf Heavenly God is long and burly, Complete’s fierceness, throws up a Captain and slaps this Captain to the ground. “Waste, useless things. When you go back, see how I’ll pack you!”

Sky Wolf has several Hall Masters, the most tempered of which is the Red Wolf Heavenly God.

Glancing at the corpse on the ground, Chilang Heavenly God’s eyes narrowed, without any Emperor Intent breath, forcibly killed by Berserk’s power, the enemy should be an expert practicing Body flow.

If it is another Sect, Red Wolf Heavenly God may care.

But there are few who can practice the Heavenly God Expert of Body flow.

“Use a broken arrow and shoot me!”

The Sky Wolf guard behind him took out the crossbow for the first time, moved towards the yard, and blew away from the air.

This is a very lethal weapon against Body Flow Expert!

If it is okay in a wide place, it is easy to avoid it, but in a narrow yard, the power of the broken arrow is undoubtedly reached to the extreme, and the power is multiplied and increased.

“Humph! What about practicing Body flow Expert, not to die under a broken arrow!”

The red wolves Heavenly God coldly snorted, their broken arrows are unusual, tempering extremely poisonous, corroding the flesh and blood, being extremely domineering, and also a malicious attack weapon for Tianhe Kingdom Complete.

“Keep shooting, don’t stop!”

Dozens of waves shot continuously before stopping.

The yard became so riddled with holes like a sieve.

In the face of such an attack, even a Heavenly God Expert could not stop this fierce attack from the Sky Wolf guard, and it must have been shot on the spot.

“Go in and drag the body out, I’ll see who’s so brave!”

The Red Wolf Heavenly God doesn’t believe that a foreigner will be so brave, so that someone behind them can’t stand up, deliberately provoking Sky Wolf to help them, and attacking the influence of Sky Wolf to help them.

The Sky Wolf guard behind rushed in like a hungry wolf.

Sou sou sou ! ! !

Sounds of breaking air came.

“Not good !”

The Red Wolf Heavenly God took out a black shield and blocked it in front of him, and the whole body moved backwards. The sound of that whistling made him feel a dangerous breath.

噗噗pu pu!! !

The Sky Wolf guard rushed up, in the face of the roaring black shadow, like a cricket ant, was constantly shot and killed, and the surrounding crowd was also shot, one after another.

The Red Wolf Heavenly God’s eyes were red.

This is the power of your own control.

All of them were shot and killed, which is equivalent to breaking their strength.

“I’ll kill you!”

A shadow came.

The Red Wolf Heavenly God recognized it, a broken arrow.

A large knife appeared in the hand, and it was cut across the air, and it was chopped on the broken arrow. It clanged, the attack was shaken, and the broken arrow shot on the shield. Waiting for the Red Wolf Heavenly God to relax, the shield ~ snap ~ A moment, the broken body passed through the body, the whole body was torn apart.

“No matter how dare you come to trouble, how much you will die!”

Lin Fei, who was black clothed, came to the gate of the courtyard without looking at the corpse on the ground.

“Change the yard again and let my words go!” Lin Fei lightly saying, but the sound fell in everyone’s ears and shuddered.

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