Chapter 2296 Tianhe Country

8-Star Shadow status is very popular at the Shadow Palace union!

This is when Lin Fei came to know what the benefits are. It’s not too clear, not much news is coming out.

As the Tongshan president accepted it in detail, Lin Fei knew about it, and it was really good.

After becoming an 8-Star Shadowman, you can purchase any news from the Shadow Palace union without restriction, the price is also discounted, and the permissions have begun to be released.

Shadowmen can get information from the Shadow Palace union.

The message has been divided into high and low.

Not everyone can get the High Rank secret.

8-Star Shadowman doesn’t have this limitation!

In addition, you can participate in some secret special tasks with the Shadow Palace union, get rewards, and can also be converted into contributions, and exchange things with the Shadow Palace union.

Such a good thing, only 8-Star Shadows have this status to participate.

During this period, Lin Fei politely rejected the other side’s pull test, indicating that he was used to being lonely, and for the time being did not want to mix in too many things.


“Immediately pass on Ao Tian Heavenly God’s identity as an 8-Star Shadowman!”

After Tongshan Heavenly God sent Ao Tian Heavenly God, he immediately sent a message to it.

An 8-Star Shadowman appears, and there will be quite attention there.

“Should someone follow me!”

“No need!” Tongshan Heavenly God shook his head. “This person is alone and can fight against the ordinary Venerable Lord. If he offends badly and cannot be drawn, then work together. Our Shadow Palace union is backed by Shadow Palace. What resources? No, he will cooperate! “

The Shadow Palace union needs to practice Body flow Expert like this.


The news that the Shadow Palace union had an 8-Star Shadowman soon spread!

After everyone knows that it is Ao Tian Heavenly God, everyone’s reaction is not very great. It has been rumored that this crazy task, maybe directed at the 8-Star Shadowman.

It’s normal now to rise up!

Some of the landlords under the jurisdiction of Shadow Palace have aroused their thoughts and tried to win each other so as to become a dedication. In addition to the landlord, other independent forces are also trying to contact the Ao Tian Heavenly God.

After Ao Tian Heavenly God left Great City, disappeared without a trace.

Everyone can only stare!

This hidden one is so deep. Heavenly God Expert’s Void walks through with vividness, basically no one can catch up.


Cloud Sea State.

Lin Fei quietly returned to Cloud Sea State.

For thousands of years, I have been doing missions. Lin Fei ’s Overbearing Heaven 12 Layers Tyrant Body has been improved to a certain degree. Not at all wasted for thousands of years.

The mastery of various Secret Technique Killing Moves has become brought to the point of perfection, to the point of perfection, do as one pleases.

Cloud Sea State This, for thousands of years, Complete’s calm.

As soon as the Blood of the Kingdom of Blood Essence was killed by the Founder, Blood Evil Teaches rioted for a while. In addition, he killed seven or eight national experts at the Slaughter Divine Court, which also disrupted everyone’s minds.

That Drifting Sand Heavenly God disappeared without a trace.

“My 7th Layer Overbearing Heavenly Body, full power, and ordinary Venerable Lord Expert attacks, really do not want me, but if you encounter the top ten Sect Venerable Lord, there is still some pressure!”

Lin Fei still remembers the several shots of the Venerable Lord Clone. The continuous attacks are really terrifying and can only be blocked by practicing Body flow.

“I did a thousand-year mission and I did not gain anything. I learned a lot about the” Origin Force Shensha “, and now it is time to get it!”

Don’t look crazy this millennium.

Lin Fei’s purpose was achieved.

From all channels, Lin Fei silently heard the news of ‘Origin Force Shensha’.

Shadow Palace union is one!

There is Yuanli Shensha in it.

Lin Fei has obtained an identity of Ao Tian, ​​who is qualified to get it, and will not get much doubt, which is why he has to level up and become an 8-Star Shadowman.

“The special mission of the Shadow Palace union is to participate, and another place is to go!”

Origin Force Shensha belongs to Foreign Space.

Lin Fei do not know the specific location, it is rumored that there are only those big Venerable Lord know, generally rarely go to excavation.

The Saint Spirit world is up and down. In addition to the Top Grade forces, only the ‘Tianhe Kingdom’ in the Saint Spirit world has this thing.

Tianhe Country, that is an independent World.

Tianhe Kingdom, at the border of Saint Spirit’s realm, and adjacent to the mysterious black domain, sometimes ‘Origin Force Drifting Sand’ will appear, all floating out of the black domain.

Lin Fei’s goal is on Tianhe Kingdom.

Over the years, secretly, I have mastered the basic information of the Tianhe Kingdom. It is a very chaotic place. It is known as the heaven of the wicked, slaughter, and snatching.

There will be more fist power!

Whose fist is big, who is strong.

The Venerable Lords have been helpless about that place. There are several Venerable Lord Experts gathered there. They do not know where to get the Secret Technique. They can barely emphasize the use of the power of the dark domain to refine a secret weapon. It is a cannon of the black domain, with the power to kill the Venerable Lord.

This also became the ultimate weapon!

The three Top Grade forces didn’t bother. Other Venerable Lords didn’t have the restlessness, one after another planted their own horses and formed a chaotic place.

…… ..

Come back and rest for ten years.

A flick of time.

Lin Fei decided to go to Tianhe Kingdom first, and try one’s luck, can I get ‘Origin Force Drifting Sand’.

If you’re lucky, that’s the best. If you can’t, you have to think of another way. The ‘Origin Force Shensha’ must be available.

Lin Fei went to Tianhe Country!

It took a year from Cloud Sea State to Tianhe Country, and this was a full speed rush, showing the size of Saint Spirit.

“Dark domain!”

Just coming out of Void, the sky in the distance is black, like a huge curtain, with a terrifying terrifying atmosphere.

Lin Fei stood in the air, frowned, “It’s really a dangerous place!”

The entire Heaven and Earth is black, terrifying black.

Tianhe Kingdom stands outside the black domain.

“That should be Tianhe!”

Tianhe Kingdom was named Tianhe Kingdom because of its sky.

Lin Fei first saw Heiyu, and then saw a large Tianhe. The waves were surging, passing across the sky, Powerful and domineering.

Below Tianhe, stands a large country called Tianhe Kingdom.

“In a special place, Tianhe comes out of the black domain and can bring things out. It is really strange. No wonder all the major forces have planted people here and divided up everything that Tianhe brought out, forming an eight-dominated situation. ! “

Lin Fei came up with the basic information of Tianhe Kingdom.

“I heard that most of the stuff, even the stolen goods in the Saint Spirit world, are sold in Tianhe Chamber of Commerce. No one dares to do anything in Tianhe Country, even the Venerable Lord must be cautiously!”

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