Chapter 2294 Name of Ao Tian

The Shadow Palace union has always accepted various tasks and sold various messages at the same time, forming a unique and unmatched existence, although some people also follow this path, far not as good as Shadow Palace union is huge, plus Shadow Palace unions do justice, with various benefits and benefits, and there are countless Heavenly God Experts who come to the Shadow Palace unions to pick up tasks.

Every single time The Shadowman returns to hand in the task, all in the Shadow Palace lobby.

In a country controlled by Shadow Palace, no one dares to do anything, and no one dares to stalk the Shadow Palace union, which is purely a courting death act.

When the task was handed in, it became a time for everyone to watch it lively. At this time, they had the opportunity to open their eyes.

Today the Shadow Palace union has a super newcomer, do not know how many people’s eyes have been blinded.

Until the last thing turned in, the whole hall was a sensation.

“He could be the mysterious black clothed man who was in the slaughter Divine Court!”

hiss! ! !

Everyone sucks in a cold breath of air.

This is really a mysterious Expert!

I can kill the Expert and other Experts at Slaughter Divine Court. That’s really a first-class Expert!


The news of the Shadow Palace union soon spread among the Shadow Circle.

The other party completed twenty missions in one breath, either six Star Mission or seven Star Mission, especially the last mission, moving the ground on the head of ‘One sword Venerable Lord’ and grabbing a rank eight glass Lotus Golden Lotus, it was a sensation. !!

This is definitely a fierce man!

Someone good, secretly remembered the name.

“Ao Tian!”

A very domineering name, as domineering as the name is, and this one is still practicing Body flow Expert, really do not know where it came from.

Too little body flow expert!

Those who can cultivation to a certain Realm have almost a certain reputation in the Saint Spirit world, but this one, apart from the name, has no useful clues.

What most shocked the Shadowman was that after the newcomer completed the task, he took over thirty tasks on the spot and left.

This caused a lot of movement in the circle.


A shadow figure newcomer to the Shadow Palace union.

Except for being noticed at the beginning, and after a long time, it was soon replaced by the rest of the Shadow identities, and there are countless Shadow guilds in the Shadow Palace union.

It is normal for a fierce person to emerge from a division.

In particular, after the news about the rank eight glazed Golden Lotus spread, everyone realized that there was an additional formidable Body flow Expert in the Saint Spirit world, and it was even rumored that this Ao Tian Heavenly God is a Venerable Lord Expert!

This news is definitely a sensation!

Many people do not believe that it is not so easy to see the Body Lord of Venerable Lord Expert, one after another don’t think.


The name of Ao Tian Heavenly God soon spread in some countries of the Saint Spirit world.

The name is remembered by everyone!

The Ao Tian Heavenly God, every shot is fierce and domineering, close-range attack, almost invincible, Heavenly God Expert of the same level can not hold each other, and can only leave the opponent calmly away.

More than once, Ao Tian Heavenly God’s fame gradually spread.

Especially on a certain task, a national expert Expert was killed. That national expert Expert invited a group of friends to help him. Among them, he practiced Body flow Expert. The lineup was huge and he couldn’t stop the opponent. Take a shot and kill it from the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses. Kill the Kingdom Expert and defeat Heavenly God Expert.

If this is the case, everyone will only think that the other party is brave and will not really take it seriously.

After a Venerable Lord Expert shot, the Ao Tian Heavenly God could easily block the attack of the Venerable Lord Expert, and his status immediately went up. In the end, the Venerable Lord Expert could only let the other party leave.

This Venerable Lord Expert is not very promising. It can be considered good to resist attacks. Everyone knows how to step into Body Flow Expert in Heavenly God Rank 8 and none of them is offensive.

At this point, Ao Tian Heavenly God’s reputation has spread!

Heavenly God Expert, who knows that he was stared at by a Venerable Lord Expert, each and everyone hid in Tibet, cautiously, but was killed in the end.


For millennia.

The name Ao Tian Heavenly God became a horrifying name.

In just a thousand years.

The Ao Tian Heavenly God has been completing various missions, killing the Heavenly God Expert in the Saint Spirit world, especially after having a strength that can fight against the Venerable Lord Expert.

Heavenly God Expert, who has pending orders at the Shadow Palace union, prays time and time not to be drawn. Such a fierce man, they are really unstoppable.

Such things, even after the Venerable Lord Expert knows, are still smiling. It is not uncommon to receive a task at the Shadow Palace union. Many Experts will change their appearance to take the task for training and so on.

In particular, after practicing Body flow Expert this is one, people are even more reluctant to offend.

There is a body flow expert against Venerable Lord Expert. Everyone knows it is difficult to get involved, even if it is not a Venerable Lord expert, it is infinitely close, unless you can kill the opponent at once. Once you are run, you wait for bad luck!

This Ao Tian Heavenly God is very disciplined and never intervenes in anything else. Except for completing tasks, others are observing regulations, and naturally nobody will say anything.

Revenge is naturally another matter!


On the side of the Shadow Palace union, the level of Ao Tian Heavenly God has also changed from the original 1-Star Shadowman to the current 7-Star Shadowman, which is not far from the 8-Star Shadowman.

For more than a thousand years, from 1-Star to 7-Star Shadowman, it’s definitely flying at the same speed!

6-Star and Seven Star Mission, don’t look at a word, it is very difficult.

Sometimes a task takes more than ten years, which is still short. Those long, one hundred-year tasks are also very normal.

There are some fierce men like Ao Tian Heavenly God, and the entire Shadow Palace union is not necessarily able to have a few.

“Ao Tian Heavenly God is here again!”

“Amazing, it seems that I came here last time, not more than a hundred years!”

“You are out of date, what a century, this time is sixty-five years!”

“This is a hard task, and it is estimated that it will soon become an 8-Star Shadowman!”

“Maybe you can do it by handing in the task at this time, don’t forget, I heard that one of the tasks at this time is the Eight Star Mission, and Ao Tian Heavenly God was singlehanded by one person!”


When a black clothed Lin Fei walked into a Division, he was immediately recognized!

A thousand years is enough to make everyone look like Ao Tian Heavenly God!

It ’s hard for everyone to do not know how to do this crazy task. Never did Ao Tian Heavenly God never accomplish that task. river.

It ’s hard for everyone not to know!

“I’ll hand in the task and find someone to check for myself!”

oh la la. A wave of corpses appeared, all of them dead, even with great fear in their eyes.

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