Chapter 2289 The First Task Object

Lin Fei is not in a hurry to find a job!

Shadow Palace’s task is to spend Eight Sects. Completing one will get corresponding points. It is not difficult to level up for Lin Fei. (..)

So far, most Shadow Palace stars in Shadow Palace have stayed around four 5-Stars. Six 7-Star Shadows are very powerful. As for the 8-Star 9-Star Shadows on the first step, it is really can be counted on one’s fingers.

Six 7-Star’s Shadowman is basically Rank 7 Heavenly God.

** Star Shadows are mostly Venerable Lord and Great Venerable Lord Expert.

Shadow Palace has resources. The missions of the stars are basically covered by some powerful Venerable Lord Expert. The identity of each shadow star is top secret, no one knows, and no one dares to go The Shadow Palace union asked, unless he wanted to offend Shadow Venerable, the Top Grade Expert.


“I want six 7-Star missions!”

Lin Fei was in the breath of Rank 7 Heavenly God to ask for a mission, and someone immediately took over the Six or Seven Star Mission.

“Lord, this is the mission you want!”

No Heavenly God Rank 7 Expert can be offended. No one knows. When does the other party become Heavenly God Rank 8 Expert? Such a person cannot afford to offend.

Lin Fei started looking at the task.

Lin Fei doesn’t care much about the level of the Shadowman, but for him who is preparing to plunder a lot of Life essence, using another identity to do things can save him a lot of trouble.

When he came, Lin Fei simulated another brand-new atmosphere, and his face changed. A stranger alive, even a familiar person, could not see Lin Fei’s identity.

Listening to Little Devil, this method is very safe, even the big Venerable Lord can’t see it in front of him.

Lin Fei was relieved and used the identity of ‘Ao Tian’.

“6-Star Shadow Mission, kill Wind Moon Kingdom Lord, get Saint Spirit Crystal Stone 1 million, points XNUMX!”

“6-Star Shadow Mission, kill the demon head in June, you can get one hundred and three hundred Saint Spirit Crystal Stone and seven hundred points!”


Lin Fei looks at them one by one.

All above are killing some of the famous Heavenly God Expert in Saint Spirit.

The difficulty can be seen from the task, and the same 6-Star shadow task can be seen from the reward. The Saint Spirit Crystal Stone is naturally the currency in the Saint Spirit circle and the preciousness of Complete.

“No, this is a bit far away!”

“Across the Space and Time Temple, this seems to work!”

“Slaughter Divine Court, too!”


Look at each and everyone.

Lin Fei intends to start with the June 7th Star Mission. There is no great danger. Let’s practice them first. After all, these tasks are all dealing with Heavenly God Six Rank XNUMX Expert, and some of them are more powerful.

So Lin Fei took ten tasks in one breath.

At the Shadow Palace union, there are no restrictions on tasks. The same task can be picked up by countless people, who can complete it. Who is rewarded, Complete is fair.

Lin Fei took ten tasks as a 1-Star Shadowman and quietly left the Shadow Palace union.

“The most recent mission was a Heavenly God Rank 7 Expert from Blood Fiend Country. The Blood One Founder is really destined!” Lin Fei smiled. “The last time I killed the other Clone, this time came to work together. It’s up! “


slaughter Divine Court, the kingdom of blood.

Lin Fei was black clothed, sneaked into the Blood Sha Kingdom, and began to search for the Blood Sha Founder. According to the mission release message, the Blood Sha Founder was a confidant of the Blood Sha Kingdom, and Blood Evil Teaches was established under the instructions of the Blood Sha Kingdom Yes, it has a lot of influence in neighboring countries.

“Last time Bloody Founder was killed by me, it must have become cautiously, most likely hiding in a secret place!”

On the list of Shadow Palace unions, such people are very cautiously.

Lin Fei can only use the most stupid way to search for each and everyone. As long as he finds the Blood Founder himself, the other party will definitely die.

At this time, with the identity of ‘Ao Tian’, Lin Fei doesn’t need to have Worry anymore. Full power is used, and the Blood Founder can’t stop a move and will be killed.

The 7th Layer Realm of Lin Fei ’s Overbearing Heavenly Body, the fleshly body can easily burst into Heavenly God Rank 8, which is the battle strength of the Venerable Lord level, and it also exists in the upper and middle layers of the Venerable Lord level.

That’s why Lin Fei went to be a shadow man.


Lin Fei started running.

The kingdom of blood evil controls 38 Great City pools and dozens of small cities.

Lin Fei started from a small city. Each and everyone searched. There was no whereabouts of Blood One Founder. He had shot and killed Elder of Blood Evil Teaches Division. When the news broke, the Blood One Founder seemed to go to retreat. Already.

This is a message.

But where is it? No one knows it.

Dozens of small cities, thirty cities, Lin Fei searched it without any news, the Blood One Founder seemed to disappear out of thin air.

Little Devil found nothing.

“This is the last one. Do not know if you can hide here!”

Lin Fei dived into the last Great City.

System’s powerful search capabilities cover the entire city. It searches quietly and truly does top secret. These cities do not have a Venerable Lord to sit in, so they are not afraid to be found.

“Master, that guy is hiding in the secret room of the Blood Evil Teaches branch of sect!” Little Devil found it and a picture came over.

In a darkened room, Blood Founder was really cultivation, and a Clone was sitting beside him.

“Good luck, the deity and Clone are both here. Came to one piece is gone, and Blood Evil Teaches is alive!” Lin Fei’s eyes narrowed, this person is exactly the Blood I founder.


Blood I Founder has been hiding in Blood Evil Teaches since the last time Clone was killed. The Shadow Palace union has his Bounty, and he is afraid that the Shadows will come to kill himself.

Some of the Shadow Palace trade unions are Venerable Lord Experts who know if they will come and kill themselves.

For thousands of years, Xueyi Founder has been cautiously.

“Blood Founder, die!”

Blood I Founder is comprehend Secret Technique Killing Move, Void suddenly sends a wave of shock, my heart shakes, turn pale with fright, Void, one person rushes out.

“Not good !”

Bloody Founder’s scalp is numb and can tear open the Void. That’s all that the Venerable Lord Expert can do. How can there be a Venerable Lord Expert to kill himself.

Venerable Lord Expert, the best proof is that you can walk through Void in Saint Spirit world, without fear of the power of Space. Experts such as Founder, it is a little bit worse, you must use the power of treasure.

The blood runs as soon as the Founder turns around!

The breath on the other side is too dangerous.

Lin Fei blasted to Xueyi Founder with a single punch, and the real power broke out completely. The entire secret room was like a blank piece of paper. A huge force rushed over and ran over Xueyi Founder, and the person became a duster and died.

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