Lin Fei was thinking. △,

The years of great accomplishment flow around. Blocked this mighty God Sovereign coercion.

Under normal circumstances, at this time, Lin Fei should leave here, facing a stone coffin, no one wants to stay, the coercion of the body will make Complete Complete uncomfortable.

Lin Fei is not an ordinary person, especially after the strength of Time great accomplishment.

Surrounded by the Light of Ages, Body Defense can withstand any attack. Anyone who dares to take a shot cannot stop the passage of time.

The great accomplishment of the strength of Time is extremely overbearing, and it is also beyond Lin Fei’s expectations.

Lin Fei is confident of blocking the attack of the Heavenly God Sovereign corpse.

At least, the body of Heavenly God Sovereign is still honest.

Lin Fei first observed the entire Main Hall, gloomy and chilling.

“Stone tablet!”

Soon, something was discovered.

Next to the stone coffin, there is a stone tablet. The stone tablet is not large.

Lin Fei cautiously came to the stone tablet and stared at the stone tablet.

“It turned out that this God Sovereign was called Wanshan God Sovereign. It was from a lord of the Tenra era, Overlord!”

On the stone tablet, what is recorded is simple.


In this Tian Luo era, Lin Fei has not heard of it or seen it in secrets, but he also understands that it is an era before the ancient times.

In those times, any God Sovereign was stronger than it is now.

This generation of God Sovereign, Lin Fei feels very ordinary, none of the eight major God Sovereign has broken through to the God Emperor. It can be imagined that the qualifications are not the best.

There is nothing else but the stone tablet.


Lin Fei didn’t go to stone coffin.

After a little review, leaving the tomb, Space Teleport unfolded. Came to a large mound.

This is an early positioning.

Space has location coordinates of each and everyone, outsiders may not know. Lin Fei, who masters the power of Space, can naturally see the coordinates of each and everyone Space.

“People are gone!”

A sweep of Divine Sense. Throughout the God Tomb caves, although there are people, the strongest God Sovereign is passed away.

“It’s been eight months, the other Secret Realm has been turned on, and no one will dig a grave here. The risk of digging a grave is too great!” Lin Fei quickly understood.

Then Lin Fei came to Heavenly Venerable Mountain.

Out of God Tomb!

Although Lin Fei wanted to search for God Sovereign Divine Spark again, he still wanted to see what was going on outside.

With great accomplishment strength of Time. Meet Heavenly God Sovereign can also fight against and capture the opponent’s Divine Spark.

“this is!”

Just outside Secret Realm, inside Heavenly Venerable Mountain.

In the sky, a unique and unmatched staircase appeared in Lin Fei’s vision.

That’s a golden ladder.

The stairs are long and boundless.

“Someone on the ladder!”

Lin Fei narrowed his eyes, and on the golden ladder, one after another stopped.

“What is this stuff!”

In eight months, Heavenly Venerable Mountain has a golden staircase. Come out from there.

Lin Fei looked closely. The end of the golden ladder was a high platform in the mist of golden light. faintly discernible.

… ..

“Destiny Road!”

Lin Fei asked quickly.

According to his fierce name, he randomly grabbed a God Venerable, and asked everything in two or three times.

Today’s Lin Fei. Furious, who do not know. Lin Fei didn’t say anything, the other person said everything.

Lin Fei stared at the golden ladder. Quite unexpectedly, this thing has such a domineering name.


“Lord, I heard that once the Destiny Road appeared, this generation of God Emperor Contest is about to begin!” Said the arrested middle-aged God Venerable cautiously.

“This is the first time in this era?”

The middle-aged God Venerable shook his head. “I heard that it happened a long time ago, but it left automatically. I never expected to appear in Heavenly Venerable Mountain again!”

God Emperor Contest!

Lin Fei is no surprise.

The Chaos God Sovereign was suppressed at first, but it was not for Contest God Emperor.

“Now the top eight God Sovereign, and the God Sovereign just recently broke through, have all been on the road to destiny. I heard that it hit the final stage and proved that the destiny is the highest. In the future, I have great confidence to become God Emperor. Lead an era! “

Lin Fei couldn’t help feeling disappointed.

“It turned out to be just a quiz!”


Lin Fei quickly found them in the East.

East sword they did not go up.

The destiny road requires God Sovereign Realm to enter.

They all showed joy when they saw Lin Fei return.

“Great, I thought you would keep retreating!” Dongfang Yijian has gained a lot in the past eight months and has a great comprehension for promotion to God Sovereign.

“Heavenly Venerable Mountain is only one year old, I dare not retreat too long!” Lin Fei said with a smile, “The only thing I didn’t expect was to come out again and see the road of destiny!”

Dongfang Yijian also boasted, “Once the Destiny Road appears, it means that God Emperor Contest is about to begin, and an era is coming!”

When Lin Fei appeared, everyone noticed.

In these eight months, Emperor Heaven disappeared without a trace, many people are wondering whether it was killed by a powerful existence or captured.

“I didn’t expect this kid to die!”

“This king was in a good mood. It’s not good to see this guy. Who said he was killed!”

“Hehe, it must be hiding!”

“What about hiding, now he can only look at the path of destiny, now as long as it is God Sovereign Realm, all go to the path of destiny!”

“Emperor Heaven, no matter how bullish, can’t go up to the path of destiny, just like us!”


They dare not shoot at Emperor Heaven, and do not prevent them from hitting Emperor Heaven in other ways.

Such as the path of destiny!

They are dead, so is your Emperor Heaven.

This is the only thing worth their joy.

Can’t beat you, couldn’t it laugh at sarcasm?

“A bunch of crow mouths!” Zhuge Feng also broke through to Peak God Venerable, saying very dissatisfied.

“What is the end of the road to destiny, do you know?” Lin Fei asked Dongfang Yijian.

Dongfang Yijian shook his head, “do not know, never mentioned, but there are some rumors that it is possible to obtain destiny fragment!”

“Destiny fragment?” Lin Fei really didn’t know this.

Dongfang Yijian is no exception. The news only spread among Top Grade forces, explaining, “Contest Destiny, why Contest Destiny is actually a destiny fragment. For example, on the road to destiny, there will be destiny. Many more, before finally becoming God Emperor! “

“That’s it!” Lin Fei didn’t quite understand.

“Destiny fragment is a kind of magical existence. It was released by Heavenly Dao. Only people with as many destiny can become God Emperor. This is what I have seen in the classics. The God Emperor of Inferno World had Leave a message, “said Dongfang Yijian.

Lin Fei turned to look at the path of destiny.

“It is said that destiny is still a good thing. It can increase the battle strength by XNUMX%. At the same time, there is another saying that those who have destiny are candidates!” It is a pity that Dongfang Yijian replaced Lin Fei. God Sovereign, or else you can qualify for the Destiny Fragment, the sooner you have the Destiny, the better! ”

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