In these God Tomb caves, God Sovereign dare not despise the corpse below. “,

It’s better now, there are several terrors in succession.

They were just sneered and did not dare to check it out. The invincible terror was enough to hurt them.

No matter who led them, they were not interested.


“It seems over!”

After reaching a safe place, Lin Fei waited for the momentum to disappear.

“Why, you want to go back!” Dongfang Yijian asked, thinking of going back again, he shivered.

“The bodies of tens of thousands of people are of great use to Hairball!” Lin Fei said with a smile, “I want to go back and see, I can’t waste it. I didn’t want to kill them, I can only blame them for being greedy!”

“This is too dangerous!” Dongfang Yijian advised.

“You’re waiting here!” Lin Fei knows the danger, but is confident in leaving, “You don’t have to be too nervous. Those corpses, as long as they don’t disturb them, are absolutely fine, and I have mastered them. Space Teleport, lay out here, I can come back as soon as possible! “


Sou sou sou ! ! !

Master the deep level Secret Technique of Space Teleport.

Lin Fei is faster!

As long as the single thought head, you can set a point, with Space Teleport, come to this position instantly, one-by-one escape method.

Return to this position.

A trace of appalling momentum swept across.

Lin Fei’s face also changed slightly. The corpse below was very strong and strong. The momentum left still makes people feel boundless fear.

At this time, these large mounds were near. They were lying full of broken bodies.

“Hairball, do it!”

Hairball eats something. No contraindications.

Open your mouth, hū hū, and suck the corpses below into your stomach. After dozens of breaths, tens of thousands of corpses were swallowed by Hairball.

At the same time spit out a lot of Storage Ring.

Lin Fei will not let go of these Storage Rings, and he is also looking for a batch of God Sovereign-level Divine Spark. Of course, as long as it is Divine Spark, it can be better.

“Many thanks for your contributions!”

Lin Fei sighed. I’m going to leave with my Hairball. It’s still a lot of pressure near these enemies. In case of another knife, then dumbfounded!

It is safest to stay away from this area.

… ..

“came back!”

Lin Fei a Space Teleport, back to where it was.

The quiet appearance appeared, they were startled by the East sword.

“Find a place and share the loot!”

Lin Fei took them to a safe place, with the corpse underneath a large mound. Strength is not very strong enough to cope with it.

Hua hua hua! !

Tens of thousands of Storage Rings flew out.

Stacked rings, watch them dumbstruck.

“All dead?” Zhuge Feng shivered.

“What do you think!” Lin Fei rolled his eyes. “I only want Divine Spark. Treasure and the like are yours.”

People are more powerful.

Four people started pouring out the contents of the Storage Ring.


Full of harvest.

Lin Fei got Divine Spark and the other three got a lot of treasure.

These treasures are enough to support a huge Sect.

Lin Fei was a bargain.

God Sovereign got six in total. There are many God Venerable Divine Sparks, God King and the like. countless.

For this result, Lin Fei had long expected.

God Sovereign Divine Spark is not that easy to get. Six God Sovereign-level Divine Sparks are in hand. In addition to the previous harvest, Lin Fei is also a collection of God Sovereign-level Divine Sparks that have been promoted to God Sovereign.

“Not easy!” Lin Fei looked down on something else.

Killed tens of thousands of Experts, and many of them also wanted to get God Sovereign-level Divine Spark. If they were not too greedy, Lin Fei would not be attentive.

Bang bang!! !

Suddenly, deep inside the God Tomb.

Raise a terrifying Heaven and Earth will.

This Heaven and Earth will sweep the entire God Tomb cave.

God Sovereign, besieging the body of God Sovereign, one after another was startled.

“Someone has been promoted to God Sovereign!”

“Looks like that God Child Heavenly Dragon!”

God Sovereign gaze was thrown at that area.

Heaven and Earth will grow stronger.

With such a strong will of Heaven and Earth, only God Child who has the will of Heaven and Earth can have it.

… ..

“This Heaven and Earth will!”

Lin Fei stared into the distance, and this Heaven and Earth will was familiar. “God Child Heavenly Dragon!”

The last time he met, Lin Fei remembered the breath of Heaven and Earth’s will.

Bang bang bang!! !

Heaven and Earth will break away from Secret Realm.

Then a more terrifying will of Heaven and Earth appeared.

“Heavenly Dao !”

Lin Fei’s eyes narrowed, which is Heavenly Dao’s Heaven and Earth will.

“I heard that God Child’s promotion to God Sovereign will lead to the infusion of Heaven and Earth will. When stepping into the God Sovereign Realm, the will of Heaven and Earth also contains the will of God and Sovereign-level Heaven and Earth!” Yi Dongfang revealed his fear.

Lin Fei actually guessed that this is Heavenly Dao’s promotion of God Child’s strength.

Last time, Lin Fei saw the power of Heaven and Earth’s will, and Peak God Venerable was not good at resisting this Heaven and Earth’s will.

Now promoted to God Sovereign level, Heaven and Earth will be even more horrible. Under the influence of Heaven and Earth will, the ordinary God Sovereign will greatly reduce the battle strength.


This Heavenly Dao will continue for a long time.

After this momentum disappeared, the people in God Tomb’s cave secretly sighed in relief, unable to help rubbing it, the sweat on his forehead.

“Haha haha ​​!!!”

After a while, God Child Heavenly Dragon laughed in the depths.

In the laughter, even with a hint of Heaven and Earth will, as if Divine Thunder, exploded in the hearts of everyone, this is also for the poor strength.

Another depth.

A nine Heavenly Phoenix woman in a red robe, standing on the back of a huge Phoenix, surrounded by flames.

“God Sovereign!”

Nine Heavenly Phoenix female turned and left, leaving a flame of Changhong.

Tian Cang also knows that God Child Heavenly Dragon is promoted to God Sovereign, “The first one to go to God Sovereign Realm is nothing great, and I can do it too!”

… ..

God Child Heavenly Dragon impacted Realm’s success and became a God Sovereign.

The news caused a great uproar.

After all, the God Child Heavenly Dragon was the first Expert when it was in the God Venerable Realm. Now that it is promoted to the God Sovereign Realm, the strength has skyrocketed again, and the battle strength can be against God Sovereign!

This also made many ordinary God Sovereign secretly alert.

You must not offend God Child Heavenly Dragon without being guilty.

However, the news of God Child Heavenly Dragon’s promotion to God Sovereign was suppressed by another news.

That is the murderer Emperor Heaven, once again did a world-shaking thing, then Open Heavenly God Sovereign, killing tens of thousands of Experts.

When the news came out, it was a shock!

Thousands of Experts!

Most of them are God King and God Venerable Expert, and some of them are strong enough to compete against God Sovereign’s Expert.

Unlucky, he was directly pitted by Emperor Heaven.

The forces on all sides were furious, especially the forces of the old-generation Experts such as Half-Step God Sovereign, who hated Emperor Heaven in the bones. It was difficult to get out of this way without killing.

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