Everyone at Heavenly Venerable Mountain was frightened by the scene. “,

A Half-Step God Sovereign Expert was burned to death!

Lively burned to death!

This is something they dare not imagine.

“Is that God God Flame Qilin just now?” In the woods. Zhuge Feng was scared.

“Looks like, it should be Flame Qilin!” Huang Qiu shivered, “legendary God Beast Flame Qilin!”

“My mother, this is too scary!”

I have to say that Flame Qilin God Beast shows a horrible strength that no one dares to despise.

“Look, someone is chasing God Beast Flame Qilin!”

A rush of breath burst into the sky, chasing God Beast Flame Qilin.

Many people are following Flame Qilin.

In ten-thousand does not have one of God Beast, the enthusiastic people are definitely not in the minority, after all, in the future, they can become the left and right arms around them.

“God Child can’t help but chase it!” Dongfang Yijian said, staring into the distance, “God Beast Flame Qilin is very attractive to them!”

roar roar roar! !! !!

In vain, a terrifying roar came from Heavenly Venerable Mountain.

Shouting, the mountains collapsed.

Heavenly Venerable Mountain, a white shadow appeared across the sky, and the fierce power of Domination swept the entire Heavenly Venerable Mountain.

“God Beast White Tiger!”

Lin Fei is also extremely dignified.

The terrible fierce power is raging like a wind. Even Lin Fei himself feels great fierce power and dare not belittle it.

It turned out that someone was cracking down on God Beast White Tiger!

At this moment, countless Dao exists, take out God Sovereign treasure, suppress God Beast White Tiger away.

God Beast White Tiger roared to the sky. Set off a fierce might, and blasted the blasting God Sovereign treasure one after another. Smashed into the mountain range after slice.

Just a roar, God Beast White Tiger showed an invincible strength.

No less than a God Sovereign.

God Beast White Tiger step and walk in the sky. The sharp claws slammed the crowd. Constantly there were corpses falling from the sky. No one was the enemy of God Beast White Tiger.

Hey! ! !

Further afield, a fire red silhouette, a long shout, world-shaking.

The sky flame spread all over the sky.

Another God Beast was born, but it was a huge body of Phoenix that could be Nirvana Rebirth. Dazzling, Divine Fire hiding the sky and covering the earth.

This is Phoenix, which has disappeared for a long time!

God Beast one!

Where God Beast Phoenix has passed, Divine Fire is falling, the hot temperature is evaporating Peak God Venerable instantly, everyone sees the scalp tingling, and dare not approach.


“God Beast one after another is born!”

Lin Fei also moved.

God Beast I just saw, there is an invincible strength on either end.

Heavenly Venerable Mountain’s out of the ordinary is once again shocking.

Constantly there are tyrannical characters chasing down God Beast.

There are also older generation Founders. Exclaimed, “Rumors, long ago, Heavenly Venerable Mountain had God Beast run rampant. There is a peerless Expert to suppress capture, commander of the God Beast army, sweeping the wasteland **. Now it seems true, God Beast was born. Do not know who can Surrender to God Beast! “

Over the next few days, news came out constantly.

“There are sons of Divine Ability. Surrender God Beast, strength advanced greatly!”

“Good Luck Gate God Child, surrender Fire Type God Beast!”

“God first Heaven Child Heavenly Dragon, holding Supreme treasure, fighting for several days, suppressing the four Ominous Beast White Tigers, killing Half-Step God Sovereign, ordinary God Sovereign, Divine Power is invincible!”

… ..

each and everyone news is enviable.

“I can’t think of God Child Heavenly Dragon, I actually suppressed Ominous Beast White Tiger!” Dongfang Yijian is also startled. “Young generation, I am afraid no one can fight against him!”

These days, they have been mopping up medicine ingredients.

The Hairball on Lin Fei’s shoulder is also devouring a large amount of medicine ingredients, and at the same time there are Immortal Beasts that have lived for tens of thousands of years, but for 100,000 years.

Although I have not seen God Child Heavenly Dragon, but I can suppress the surrender of White Tiger Ominous Beast, Lin Fei also admires the strength of the other side.

How many tyrannical shots have been taken, and instead they were robbed by God Child Heavenly Dragon, strength unparalleled!

roar roar roar! !! !!

In the mountain range in the distance, angry roar came, and then the majestic majesty crushed.

“Million years of Immortal Beast!”

A joy on Lin Fei’s face. For millions of years Immortal Beast, strength is infinitely close to God Beast, which is Peak God Venerable battle strength.


A valley not far away.

A million-year-old Vajra Wolf King is as big as a mountain, slamming, and besieged by God Venerable one after another. The Vajra Wolf King’s sharp claws are easily grabbed, and the Divine Body becomes tofu and becomes several segments.

The bloody air was diffuse.

Dozens of people besieged Vajra Wolf King, but were almost killed.

If nothing goes wrong, the rest will not be able to survive for a long time.

Vajra Wolf King sneered, “If you want to catch the king, you are the waste!”

As soon as the bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl was opened, the corpses on the ground were swallowed in, revealing a pleasant expression, “The powerful flesh is really delicious, how long haven’t I eat this delicious!”

Vajra Wolf King constantly strikes, constantly killing God Venerable, sharp claws, such as Supreme God Sovereign War Soldier.


“They are finished!”

Lin Fei rushed in, bloody air coming from hiding the sky and covering the earth.

“Master, this guy’s blood is powerful and he has eaten up!” Hairball’s eyes glowed, anxious to speak immediately and swallow the other side.

Lin Fei stretches the realm of time.

“Give me, Hairball!”

Come to Heavenly Venerable Mountain not only to find your own chance, but also to promote Hairball to God Beast Realm.

Unique and unmatched exist like Antique Evil Dragon. Once promoted to God Beast Realm, that is God Sovereign Realm. At that time, the heavens and the earth will eat everything.

God Sovereign? Also the food of Antique Evil Dragon.

Roar roar!

Hairball returned to the body, the hostility soared into the sky, and the huge body crashed into Vajra Wolf King.

“Little Thing, you want to eat the King!”

Vajra Wolf King was furious, and the sharp claw attacked. In the realm of time, the speed became very slow. Hairball returned to Teleport to avoid the attack, and the huge body bumped into Vajra Wolf King.

“Old bastard, arrogant fart, eat you later!”

Hairball knocked Vajra Wolf King into flight, exhibited innate talent Divine Ability, opened bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, and bit it on Vajra Wolf King. God Venerable’s defense was unbreakable, and the flesh bitten by Hairball was blurred.

“you dare! ”

Vajra Wolf King kept struggling, waves after waves of power went away, Hairball’s huge body pressed Vajra Wolf King, it was not affected at all, a little appoint officers Vajra Wolf King swallowed it.


“That’s Emperor Heaven. Come on!”

Fortunately, those who survived fled.

Although Vajra Wolf King is strong, facing Lin Fei’s time domain, he basically has no ability to resist, and is swallowed by Hairball alive.

“Hairball, you are getting more and more Powerful!” Dongfang Yijian came later with a first step, said with a smile.

These days, Hairball is eating a lot.

“Haha ha, I will become more and more Powerful in the future, I will eat everything God Beast!” Hairball proudly returned to Lin Fei’s shoulder.

“It’s time to clear the treasure again!”

As soon as Zhuge Feng came up, he collected the Storage Ring of the corpse on the ground.

“Vajra Wolf King’s Nest!”

Huang Qiu found Vajra Wolf King’s nest, and the entire group went in and swept it away.

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