The power of strength of Time and Space has increased again. ≥,

Two cages are on display, and they are shrouded in Divine World’s batch of God Venerable Experts.

God Venerable of Divine World, who was still resting, all reacted and the amount of urging force came to resist, but still couldn’t resist the influence of the two forces on the body.

“Not good, my speed is suppressed!”

“Damn, this is the cage of time!”

“Quickly open!”


God Venerable also reacted quickly.

They react quickly, and they shoot faster than they do.

There is no need for Lin Fei to speak, and the two hundred or so God Venerables behind him rushed down with excitement, various treasures took out, and a hong long long loud noise was emitted below, like mountains bursting and ground splitting.

“That brat of ‘infinite speed’ is here again!”

“Everyone be careful!”

God Venerable of Divine World has suffered from the loss of ‘Infinite Speed’ of Eastern Sword.

Every time I saw the Dongfang sword rushing in front, I dreaded secretly.

“I didn’t expect that I would have a sword in the East, and there would be a day for the enemy to fear!” Laughing at the East sword, with the help of strength of Time and Space, his offense became extremely overbearing.

… ..

Lin Fei stood in the night.

With the strong Divine Strength, you can fully control the two powers.

Tonight, Lin Fei doesn’t have much to do, that is to assist them.

“High Rank God Venerable’s Space power and strength of Time have been able to suppress 80% of their speed and 80% of their power!” Lin Fei observed secretly.

Power has increased!

Within a short while, Divine World’s God Venerable Expert suffered casualties.

“The more you kill, the better!”

They died one, and God Venerable Divine Spark belonged to him alone. This is the kindness that God Sovereign has released. Lin Fei also accepted it politely.

“No wonder Space Control and Time Control will be the power of Top Grade Bloodline!”

Lin Fei is well aware of the impact of the two Bloodline forces. Divine World’s God Venerable Expert can only be in a passive attack, both in speed and strength are suppressed, it is not strange to lose.

“Afternoon God Sovereign, you guys are shameless!”

Changhong God Venerable flew out, watching the three God Sovereign holding eight God Sovereign treasures in the distance, scolding them for shameless, and at this time chose to raid.

Seeing Emperor Heaven in the night, the killing intent was boiling deep in the eyes.

Changhong God Venerable felt it clearly. This time Bloodline’s power has been improved from before, and he is too late to be shocked and must stop Emperor Heaven.

“Haha Ha, Changhong God Venerable, you Divine World led a large army to attack our Mo En World, you will not be shameless? Thank you for speaking out!” Wu Yan God Sovereign raised his eyebrows and exhaled, watching Changhong God Venerable thundered, it was really exciting.

“Tonight, I’m going to kill you a major Origin Energy injury!” God Sovereign too laughed. “Can you only be allowed to attack us, will we not be allowed to attack you!”

“Damn people, goddamn!”


Changhong God Venerable really thundered.

He counted so many things, the only thing he didn’t, Mo En World was so brave. Dare to attack the Divine World army, the important thing is to start with God Venerable.

“Give me attack on Emperor Heaven!”

Changhong God Venerable is not shrouded in strength of time of space and space.

Ordered a black army to attack.

Lin Fei didn’t care about these Heavenly God and even God King attacks, moved towards the attack. They were all blocked outside, unable to approach themselves.

“You can still do it yourself. They can’t hurt me!” Lin Fei shook his head.

This is how powerful the controller is.

The important thing is that Lin Fei is not an ordinary controller.

“Death Road!”

Changhong God Venerable did not expect the army to cause damage to Emperor Heaven. Just to affect Emperor Heaven and distract him, it now seems to be insuffcient.

The repressed road of death rushed into the sky.

This is a God Sovereign treasure!

It is also one of eight God Sovereign.

This road to death, with Endless’ Force of Death, and a hint of Emperor Treasure.

In order to kill Emperor Heaven, Changhong God Venerable attracted one of the God Sovereign treasures.

Afternoon God Sovereign do not know at all, Changhong God Venerable can lead to God Sovereign treasure, cry out in surprise, “Emperor Heaven boyfriend, this is God Sovereign, you can collect countless injustices and refine them, you have to be careful Now. “

The road of death whistled.

The force of the surrounding space and the strength of time were shaken loose.

Eight God Sovereign came out one, and the remaining seven God Sovereign treasures still made the three God Sovereign dare not to be taken lightly, and only in this way Emperor Heaven.

“Blade of Space!”

Lin Fei has been out of the ordinary on the road to death.

The strength of my own strength of Time and Space will not be able to resist for a while.

Lin Fei doing two things at the same time, condensed out the Blade of Space, and bombarded the road of death.

The Blade of Space is fascinating and doesn’t bump into the road of death, but the attack of every single time seems to be blocked by the road of death and cannot stop the offensive at all.

Wow! !! !!

It’s almost time to kill.

The God Sovereign treasure of the “Road of Death”, shaken, is a black giant standing in the sky, Endless’s resentment straight into the sky.

“Fist of Death!”

The black giant slammed his head!

Bang bang bang!! !

A punch came.

The power of space and the strength of time collapse.

“The scary God Sovereign treasure can actually be transformed into a life form, and Fist Technique can be exhibited, which is too scary!” Lin Fei was surprised.

Hua hua hua! ! !

The power of Space is once again condensed, and the 1st Layer is in front of it.

The opponent’s Fist Technique was too scary. Any attack in front of him was easily smashed, and Lin Fei felt the killing intent over his body.

After resisting hundreds of times in a row, Fist Technique still exploded near Lin Fei’s Baili, setting off the tide of Endless, and the rushing Lin Fei’s blood was twitching, and it was almost impossible to suppress the spray.

The black giant punched insuffcient and hit again.

In one breath, more than ten punches came. Each punch was like a God Sovereign attack, and the end was extremely horrible.

Lin Fei wants to control the power of Space and strength of Time, and at the same time resist the black giant attack, can’t be distracted.

“Hahaha, Emperor Heaven, no matter how strong you are, don’t even think of being an opponent of the God Sovereign treasure.” Changhong God Venerable expression loosened, there is a way of death, this God Sovereign treasure attack, should be able to kill Emperor Heaven.

“Invincible Defense!”

Lin Fei turned on Invincible Defense, and carried more than ten punches.

Each punch consumes a lot of Divine Strength.


Doesn’t work at all.

Lin Fei simply did not avoid, and chose firmly resist.


“Dead, it must be dead!”

Changhong God Venerable sees that Emperor Heaven does not evade, choose firm resist, let alone be happy, as long as Emperor Heaven dies, the rest is not a problem.

Afternoon God Sovereign They also raised it with one heart.

10 million can’t die!

They underestimated the power of the God Sovereign treasure left by eight established God Sovereign.

But now they can’t shoot.


Afternoon God Sovereign quickly saw Emperor Heaven, the whole body was intact, just a little bit embarrassed.


The other two God Sovereign sighed in relief.

At the same time, I was astonished that what treasure of Emperor Heaven blocked the attack of God Sovereign treasure.

It’s just that Changhong God Venerable broke his face and stared at it, “Hell, this isn’t dead!”

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