God Sovereign lord is here!

Also shot!

But it turned out to be dumbstruck.

The story doesn’t seem to be so developed!

Especially the Great Clan, when they saw God Sovereign lord’s shot, they smiled, and they were frightened by the words in the blink of an eye.

master, Junior Brother?

After the loss, they reacted.

Godsover, God Sovereign, isn’t it the one who has entered the ten Eighth Level?

Could it be, after entering the Tenth Level, can I become a Senior Brother with God Sovereign?

This is too lucky!

With the words ‘Junior Brother’, everyone knows that it is not easy to deal with Emperor Heaven.

Godsover God Sovereign just shot, not really shot, but a kind of temptation, is to test the strength of Emperor Heaven, whether they have the ability to become their Junior Brother.

It seems that it is difficult for Emperor Heaven to want to insuffciently provide God Sovereign’s Junior Brother.

The previous Akaishi, chapters Alliance Lord, Hei Feng and the others, have a little anxiety on their faces, and they have also acted on Emperor Heaven before, which is not remembered and hated.

My heart is slandered. If I say it early, it will not be all right!

Everyone hasn’t thought about it. If Emperor Heaven has said this, a few of the big men present will believe it, I am afraid that none of them will believe it to be true.

“Senior Brother, just laugh!” ≠, ..

Lin Fei is well aware of the role of this relationship.

When Divine World was big, all six Sub-worlds were in the same camp.

Lin Fei also needs some allies!

Senior Brother, okay.

Lin Fei isn’t a fool either, so naturally don’t leave it alone. Everyone acknowledged it. So go ahead and call the Senior Brother first. There is no loss whatsoever.

“Everyone can break up!”

Godsend God Sovereign waved, irresistible voice. Everyone’s hearts sounded.

Everyone knows, things are over!

They can’t get involved in the abyss.

It depends on what God Sovereign does!

The big brothers left one by one, and in a blink of an eye, everything that should go was gone, and Lin Fei and the God-save Godover were left on the sky.

Akaishi and they all left

“No one at Inferno World has ever entered the ten Eighth Level. You are the only one of us. I believe the other two Senior Brothers will be very happy!”

Godsover God Sovereign smiled. “They are still in retreat. I have passed the message and will be out in a few days. You should stay in my place for a few days!”

“Senior Brother invited, I will definitely go!”

Godsover God Sovereign flew in front, and Lin Fei followed along.

The original heaven shaking major event ended like this.

The ending also made a big joke!

Junior Brother of the three God Sovereign

“Junior Brother. Please!”

Godsover God Sovereign took Lin Fei to his Immortal’s Cave.

The black armor Puppet at the door, Lin Fei was taken aback. The battle strength of Peak God Venerable, God Sovereign really has a lot of good things. Rich oil leak.

Immortal’s Cave is big.

It turned out to be a small Space inside.

Just come in and don’t have Heavenly Cave!

“Senior Brother is a great place,” Lin Fei said.

“With Junior Brother’s strength, it is not difficult to make such a place!” Godsover God Sovereign said with a smile, “After all. You are the first expert in Heavenly Profound World!”

Lin Fei shook his head. “What’s the matter with Senior Brother. Heavenly Profound World First Expert, I dare not take it!”

Two of them after the other. Land in a palace

Lin Fei lived in a small space that day.

Everything here!

Lin Fei is not worried that Godsover God Sovereign will take a shot. For this kind of Expert, he will never take a shot.

Stay at ease!

This stay is five days.

During the period, Godsend God Sovereign came several times, and left for a while, without talking about any actual content.

Lin Fei also relied on these days to improve the power of Space and strength of Time again, greatly increasing the power and suppressing the Low Rank God Venerable. Complete is easy.

Realm also rushed from Low Rank God Venerable to Middle Rank God Venerable Realm.

Eighteen Primordial Chaos Clone, for the time being God God-level controller, Bloodline’s power has not been upgraded to God Venerable Level

Sou sou sou ! ! !

The three Daoist shadows went to Lin Fei’s temporary residence.

Lin Fei, who was at the refining Bloodline, opened his eyes, a smile appeared, and people appeared on the Main Hall.

“Here is our little Junior Brother!”

God Sovereign was talking, smiling. Watching Lin Fei appearing in front of him.

Lin Fei gaze first landed on a dusty white clothed woman, “I’ve seen Senior Sister in Baihua, I’ve seen slaughter Senior Brother!”

Two God Sovereign recognize it!

The white clothed woman is God Sovereign, with a holy atmosphere, which has something to do with the Cultivation Technique he cultivated.

The other, a middle age person in a red robe, is the prestigious Slaughter God Sovereign, Baleful Aura Jackie Chan, hovering around, it is difficult to know without knowing.

“Little Junior Brother, you’ve been so powerful recently, and you’re almost inferno World!” Baihua God Sovereign lightly said with a smile, “Now the whole world is up and down, everyone knows everyone to everyone!”

Slaughter God Sovereign also looked at Lin Fei in the black robe. When the world unsealed the seal, they would have a Junior Brother, and they were still from Heavenly Profound World.

The three of them are all because of the Eighth Level, and the strength advanced by leaps and bounds becomes God Sovereign.

Therefore, the three of them have a good relationship.

“Senior Sister of Baihua laughed and laughed, this is just a misunderstanding that’s all!” Lin Fei said with a smile, “I just have the ability, but also insuffcient, Senior Brother Senior Sister, I am afraid to be the first one to come out and clean up me ! “

Godsover God Sovereign laughed. “Okay, okay, everyone sit down and talk.”

All four sat down.

“You don’t need to introduce me, you recognize it!” Said God-send God Sovereign.

Lin Fei clicked on nod, “I’ve been at the ten Eighth Level, I’ve seen three God Sovereign struggle, so I don’t need an introduction!”

Lin Fei doesn’t really hate Senior Sister Senior Brother in front of her.

Feeling killing intent from them not at all, faintly, can feel the kindness released by them.

That’s right, good intentions!

Lin Fei is clear why they released goodwill.

“Originally our Junior Brother, I was going to get you wind and dust!” Godsend God Sovereign also said, “However, due to some unexpected circumstances, I have to postpone it later, you should look at this first!”

Providence God Sovereign threw a jade talisman.

“This is a message sign!”

Lin Fei was also curious, what would be inside, Divine Sense reached in and looked at it. At this look, his face sank slightly.

“So fast!”

In the original message note, it was recorded that Divine World launched a small-scale battle half an month ago and launched an attack on one of the six Sub-worlds.

Although the eight God Sovereign did not make a shot, with the huge strength of Divine World, this Sub-world cannot be taken to take a breather. Even the God Sovereign Expert was also suppressed by the God Sovereign treasure and could not be shot to ease the situation.

“It’s so fast!”

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