“Still the Alliance Lord is great!”

“This guy can’t run away this time!”

“Chapter Alliance Lord shot, a God King, is this not just reaching over to snatch away the grain!”


The master and the others have never shot again!

There is a chapter such as Alliance Lord, such as High Rank God Venerable, and they really don’t need them. Alas,

Just being so frustrated just now, they have no confidence in their hearts. Can they catch Emperor Heaven in the end? If they try again, it won’t work, which puts their face where they are.

They also hoped that Chapter Alliance Lord would capture the demon evil, it is better not to let the demon evil grow, once the other party is promoted to God Venerable Realm, I am afraid that it will sweep God Venerable Expert.

This is not an exaggeration!

They know it!

…… ..

Chapter Alliance Lord’s offensive is strong!

Knife after knife, the pounding force rolled over.

Speaking of which, Chapter Alliance Lord is also very helpless. The power of long-range attacks will be weakened, and he can only attack by approaching himself. This has never happened to him for many years.

Must win Emperor Heaven today!

This is what chapter Alliance Lord must do!

It’s also about the overall strength of the future Inferno World.

Divine World glare like a tiger watching his prey has to guard!

Subconsciously, Chapter Alliance Lord still hopes to persuade Emperor Heaven to add an evil expert to Inferno World.

“It’s okay to surrender, and I didn’t even want to join another world!” Lin Fei shook his head, the power of Space and the strength of time were exerted to resist the attack.

Chapter Alliance Lord ’s power surges again, squeezing against Emperor Heaven, “You are fighting against the puppet. In the face of the power of this Alliance Lord, you are a cricket ant!”

“That’s not necessarily. I’m leaving, you can’t stop me!”


Lin Fei also does not intend to look out of the eighteenth Primordial Chaos Clone.

Even if it comes out. Adding together is not necessarily an opponent of the High Rank God Venerable, and at most it will be entangled for a while.

“Invincible Defense, open!”

As soon as the defense opened, Lin Fei burst out.

Seeing that Emperor Heaven gave up resisting, Chapter Alliance Lord thought he had won, sou sou cut two swords on Emperor Heaven and destroyed the other side because Emperor Heaven had too many secrets.

Chapter Alliance Lord doesn’t want to kill Emperor Heaven so fast!

If you can get the secret of Emperor Heaven, it may help a lot.

“It’s okay!”

Two swords blasted away. Chapter Alliance Lord knows best.

But at this time, Emperor Heaven was okay, and opened the distance again, which made Chapter Alliance Lord unbelievable, and his eyes burst into light. “It can block my attack. Emperor Heaven must have a God Venerable treasure on it, which can resist High Attack of Rank God Venerable, this God Venerable treasure belongs to me! “

To the chapter Alliance Lord Realm. Ordinary treasure is out of sight.

The top grade in the God Venerable treasure is only noticeable!

… ..

Lin Fei chose to use ‘Invincible Defense’ firmly resist!

Two swords down, still consume a lot of Divine Strength.

After all, High Rank God Venerable is no ordinary Expert.

Chapter Alliance Lord This hesitation, Lin Fei pulled away again. Without giving the opponent a chance to get close, the person turned into a streamer and flew towards ‘Drifting Sand Galaxy’.

Bang bang bang!! !

Seeing closer and closer!

Chapter Alliance Lord tries to stop the opponent every time. Just failed.

Any attack is blocked!

Seen from a distance, Chapter Alliance Lord uttered hundreds of swords. Regardless of the strength of the attack, it was carried down by Emperor Heaven. He was numb with scalp.

If this were replaced with him, it would not have been possible for a long time!

Chapter Alliance Lord pays more attention to this God Venerable treasure. If he has this treasure, the High Rank God Venerable will be the most powerful and can be called Peak God Expert.


A Silver Light ahead appears!

The two fled and chased each other for one hour.

Lin Fei also approached the ‘Drifting Sand Galaxy’ as he wished.

“That piece of Silver Light should be ‘Drifting Sand Galaxy’, a place where special life gave birth to.”

Although ‘Drifting Sand Milky Way’ is far away, it is not a distance in the eyes of Experts like Lin Fei. When I saw the blockbuster Silver Light, I knew where I was looking for it.

The next chapter, Alliance Lord, is in a hurry.

In the distance, a large block of Silver Light hangs down like a sky, a silver white, and Divine is bright and clean!

But everyone at Inferno World knows that ‘Drifting Sand Galaxy’ is the most dangerous place. Few people want to come here, and no one wants to approach!

The people behind were also shocked when they saw ‘Drifting Sand Galaxy’.


“Emperor Heaven could it be rushing in, falling in it?”

“How can this be!”


Sou sou sou ! ! !

Lin Fei quickly rushed under a piece of Silver Light.

It looks like the existence of a Silver Light, shot thousands of fine particles in vain, and moved towards Lin Fei.

“This turned out to be an insect!”

The particles are close. Lin Fei checked it with Divine Sense and found that this Silver Light is an insect composition. These insects are too small to be distinguished.

“This should be the Silver Light worm, with time characteristics, devouring characteristics!”

The Silver Light worm landed on him, biting and biting at God Armor. The hard existence did not take a moment, and it would bite out the small pits of each and everyone, densely packed.

“So scary Silver Light bug!”

Lin Fei urged Space to come.

There are countless Silver Light bugs. One batch after another is dead, with almost no interval. The most terrifying thing is that for every batch that is killed, the second batch of Silver Light bugs will have a strong boost.

If this goes deep, there will be no return.

…… ..

Chapter Alliance Lord stopped the attack.

‘Drifting Sand Milky Way’ The greater the movement here, the more Silver Light bugs will be attracted. Chapter Alliance Lord himself is also afraid of it, and dare not make a big noise.

Emperor Heaven really has to plunge in, chapter Alliance Lord do not know to explain to everyone.

You ca n’t say you forced Emperor Heaven in!

I really want to be a sinner in Inferno World, I ca n’t look up in my life,

“It’s hateful, how could Emperor Heaven have such a formidable God Venerable defense against treasure!” Chapter Alliance Lord had a great grievance, but at this time also knew that he lost the best chance.

“Emperor Heaven, you have no way to escape now, behind you is a dead end, you are young, already so strong, could it be want to die here?” Chapter Alliance Lord coldly said, “Just surrender the abyss Undead, join us in Inferno World to transform a Divine Strength, it is not difficult to establish a sect in Inferno World, and we will be able to enter the Hell Alliance Elder Association in the future. “

The Silver Light bug hits constantly.

Lin Fei can also eat small insects.

“Hehe, I still say that, even if you surrender!” Lin Fei still shook his head. “You know that there is a dead end behind me, you can’t catch me, not as good as listen to my opinion!”

Chapter Alliance Lord dare not persecute Emperor Heaven at this time.

Talk, you can!

“You said!”

This is what Lin Fei wants.

“I have no interest in the abyss of your Inferno World. Joining Abyss Hell is just curious. Who made me this person likes adventure. If you found me at the beginning, I would not go in, you say yes!”

Chapter Alliance Lord frowned.

I believe you are strange!

“You want the abyss to die, yes, you must come up with something I am satisfied with!”

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