After World War I, there is no difference!

Lin Fei also left the scene and took Mu Cheng and Wang Ming to find the Immortal Tree, and also to find clues for Divine Spark. Alas,

Ten Sixth Level, Dangerous Everywhere!

Lin Fei came down all the way, it was also the trouble of Complete. Every single time to find the Immortal Tree, it took a lot of time to clean up, often staying for a day.

This is still very fast for Lin Fei.

The abyss immortality on hand is also increasing, and by the end of the 100,000 abyss immortality, the problem should be small.

During this time, Lin Fei also met ten Great Clan people.

These ten Great Clan people were extremely embarrassed. Lin Fei moved them out. They were unlucky and attacked by undying creatures. Many of them died.

When they saw Lin Fei’s fear, and they were summoned to them by the East Sword, they all chose to hold back, not at all, and instead chose to leave.

Dongfang Yijian said that the opponent ’s strength was strong, and they could not doubt it.

Lin Fei is also leisurely.


At Ten Sixth Level.

Lin Fei stayed for half a month.

I was looking for Immortal Tree almost every moment, and the harvest increased exponentially.

“Well, I’m going to Tenth Level!”

Getting to Ten Seventh Level is much harder than Ten Sixth Level.

Although it is very difficult, Lin Fei has to go and see. His strength can still go down. It will be a lot of trouble to bring Mu Cheng and Wang Ming.

“You can go out first, and I will find you after I go out!” Lin Fei said.

Although it is a sentence, it also makes the two complete.

“If someone is bothering you, just say it. You are my messenger and say I am ready to take the abyss. They will understand!”

Wang Ming and Mu Cheng have also achieved a lot of immortal results during this time. As long as they go back, they only need to cooperate with some things. You can be promoted to God Venerable Realm.

This was unthinkable before.

Now the two do not look forward to the family.

“Lord, you can rest assured, we will help you spread the news!” Mu Cheng turned quickly, but it is conceivable that under the circumstances that the abyss has not harvested much, the news will definitely lead to There is a shock.


Mu Cheng and Wang Ming crushed Space Teleportation Rune to leave Abyss Hell.

Lin Fei moves on.

“Time cage!”

“Time slows down!”

“Space Teleport!”


Ten Sixth Level Entrance.

undying creatures densely packed, no less than a million, Lin Fei looked numb when he saw it, and understood why few people could get past it.

Too dangerous!

Any big move. Can’t kill them in the first place.

Lin Fei’s own strength didn’t want to be so big. These undying creatures, the battle strength is good, so the million Low Rank God Venerable is not ordinary terror.

That is, people like Lin Fei can withstand the impact.

Breaking through is indeed not easy.

The time cage and Time slows down, but suppress the unying creatures, Lin Fei rushes forward, Divinity constantly changes. Various undying creatures attacked in the sky.

“Invincible Defense!”

This was the strongest hole card and Lin Fei turned on.

At this point, even if their attack falls on the body, Lin Fei will not delay time, and Divine Strength is also constantly consumed. The benefit is constantly close to the entrance.

… ..

At this point, on a barren hill far from the entrance.

Dongfang Yijian stood with his sword in his arms, and his expression on his face became dignified.

“This person will be my strong enemy!”

Before the war. Dongfang Yijian couldn’t help it, at this time saw the other side all the way to the entrance. Dongfang Yijian once again attached importance.

“The two Bloodline masters are indeed overbearing. I sigh not as good as!” Dongfang Yijian shook his head, “You can break in, I can break in!”

“Infinite speed!”

Dongfang Yijian is a man of arrogance.

Abyss Hell’s tenth Seventh Level has also become a challenge for Eastern Sword. In family secrets, Clan Disciple broke in and left secret words.

The next level must break in!

Sou sou sou ! ! !

The sword of the east at infinite speed has reached the limit of speed. God Venerable will shake his head here too.

undying creatures, hardly noticed that someone broke in.

At this time, Lin Fei is about ten thousand li away from the entrance, but at this time the undying creatures here are all stacked here, densely packed, and the entrance is not visible.

“Space-Time is upside down!”

Can’t see the entrance, get it out yourself.

Hua hua hua! ! !

Although undying creatures are strong, they just retain their instincts. Strength and Realm have certain gaps.

Space-Time turned upside down, densely packed undying creatures were moved out, came to please exit a passage, the entrance was faintly discernible, Lin Fei moved over.

“Many thanks for opening a passage, I will take the first step!”

Dongfang Yijian took advantage of the situation, plunged one end in, leaving only the voice behind.

“I depend, take advantage of me!”


Lin Fei broke into the tenth Seventh Level.

Is to see a sword in the east surrounded by a group of undying creatures, inside and outside.

A few hundred thousand miles away are all unying creatures, glare like a tiger watching his prey.

As soon as Lin Fei came in, undying creatures killed him.

Originally I expected to use Space Teleport to go out, but now it seems impossible, because the entire area is occupied by undying creatures. The ground and the sky are the same, impenetrable.

Lin Fei couldn’t help scolding, wasn’t this Huoyou coming up to die!

Seeing this scene, even he himself shuddered. This is definitely a big pit, which is specially used to pit people, how many deaths come.

“Kill Kill Kill !!!”

Not far away, Dongfang Yijian buried his head to kill, and sword light swept away. It was that a large number of unying creatures were injured, but it was difficult to kill them.

… ..

“Fortunately, he came first and pulled away some hate!”

Lin Fei secretly rejoices.

“Space Storm!”

What Lin Fei has to do now is charge ahead.

Hua hua hua! !

Lin Fei also entered Space Storm, let Space Storm roll over, and his body also entered Wanzhong Space, gradually covering up his own breath.

“That guy must be in Wanzhong Space, it’s really shameless!”

Dongfang Yijian’s pressure doubled, and the undying creatures in the distance all stared at himself, and he knew that the guy would attract himself to the undying creatures, so that he could leave.

But he couldn’t stop him.

He is not good at Space, not to mention chasing each other in Wanzhong Space.


“Not good, I’m leaving!”

Space Storm is gone.

After losing their breath, the undying creatures had no interest in a Space Storm, and all their attention was on the East Sword.

Lin Fei came out of the dark area, and when I looked back, I couldn’t help but wipe out a cold sweat, because I was a dual-line Bloodline, otherwise, I really want to follow.

After digging such a pit, Lin Fei has to take a look. There is something good here.

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