East Sword!

The Dongfang Family’s young Supreme Talent, the strength is not up and down compared with many God Venerables in the family, and is also recognized as the Young Supreme Talent in Inferno World.

Dongfang Yijian has a good reputation in Inferno World, and he is Complete and ruthless and arrogant. To understand something is strong.

Dozens of young talents are united together, and whoever disagrees with young Supreme Talent can only suppress everyone and convince them to take it orally.

“Oriental big brother, should we go back to the ten Fifth Level to check!” A Supreme Talent stood up, he is the herd enemy of the Mu Family. From the name, we can see that this person is also Complete, “Dare to grab us The abyss of his death is immortal, no one can protect him!

“As long as the Oriental big brother says a word, we will go back!” Another Supreme Talent stood up.

“Move us, kill!”

… ..

The East Sword is prestigious.

“Those who steal our stuff must die.” Dongfang Yijian proudly said, “But don’t worry. At this time, the abyss of the ten Fifth Level is not dead. We have searched for almost. The people behind the scenes will definitely come down. One layer, life and death are not ours! “

From this point, we can also see the cleverness of Oriental Sword Complete.

In fact, Dongfang Yijian is well known for plot against and is also famous in Supreme Talent.

No matter who is coming, Dongfang Yijian has the confidence to clean up the other party.

“We’re waiting for that guy on this floor!”

“I’d like to see, who is so brave, not even our ten Great Clan?”

… ..

Abyss Hell Ten Fifth Level.

Lin Fei do not know If I searched the abyss’ immortality, it would have such a big impact.

“No more!”

After trying to get in from a valley, I found that there was no abyss on the Immortal Tree. I ran again for nothing.

Mu Cheng was disappointed again, this was the thirteenth empty run.

“This floor should have been swept away!” Wang Ming said on his own initiative. After going all the way with Emperor Heaven, I feel this person gets along well. Not as proud as Supreme Talent.

Lin Fei was not disappointed. He had drank the soup himself, and it was normal for him to get soup in advance.

“It’s okay, anyway, this abyss will not die, and someone will help us save it!” Lin Fei casually said, but made Wang Ming and Mu Cheng startled. This is to start with those Supreme Talents?

“Lord, they should be family elites. Each one is Supreme Talent, and each one is Low Rank God Venerable battle strength. Are we trying to avoid its edge!” Mu Cheng said, and he was a little scared.

Lin Fei doesn’t care if Supreme Talent is not Supreme Talent. No matter how great Supreme Talent is, he can be more insuffcient than himself.

“It’s okay, we’re on the next floor, you can go without it!”


Lin Fei does not intend to search at Ten Fifth Level.

This layer must have been swept away.

Those who can break into the next level are definitely the family elite Expert. That is Supreme Talent, Lin Fei is very interested to discuss with them, the most important thing is that when they see them, they come up with a wonderful method.

Hua hua hua! !

Not looking. Go straight to the entrance, that’s it!

Even so, it took more than a day. There are too many undying creatures, and they appear immensely. Lin Fei also had a headache, and it took a long time.

At the entrance. Lin Fei was also attacked by undying creatures and covered the entrance. As a last resort, Lin Fei shot wide and killed the war, reluctantly killing a way.

“Let’s go in!”

…… ..

Abyss Hell Sixth Level.

As soon as he entered this floor, a depressive breath came across.

roar roar roar! !! !!

Various undying creatures rushed up.

Lin Fei carried the two of them. The Teleport kept going, leaving the terrifying exit. As for Wang Ming and Mu Cheng, their faces were pale.

All Low Rank God Venerable strength is terrifying.

“Okay, it’s safe!”

Putting down the two, Lin Fei clapped his hands.

The two came back to me and wiped the cold sweat. “It’s terrifying here. No wonder every single time rushed up. No one except Supreme Talent!”

If it weren’t for Lin Fei, they would never have come to this level in their lifetime.


“People are coming!”

Dongfang Yijian sat sideways.

I haven’t even looked for Immortal Tree these days.

When such a thing happened, the Eastern Sword must be dealt with. Any one of these forces has got so many abyss immortals, and the impact is too great.

After the unresting creatures at the exit caused a commotion, Dongfang Yijian stood up, his eyes flashed.

“They’re east!”

Dongfang Yijian flew over, and the Supreme Talents behind all followed.

It is possible to come here at this time, except for them, it seems that there are no more people. It is not easy to break into the Ten Sixth Level from the Ten Fifth Level, and they also pay a huge price.

Taking this opportunity, it is most suitable to hunt them down.

They just didn’t expect that Lin Fei came in at no cost at all, and it wasn’t a group of people that everyone thought of, but a single person.


Ten Sixth Level undying creatures are more Berserk.

Lin Fei didn’t leave far, and encountered several undying creatures, Low Rank God Venerable battle strength, which was not easy to deal with.

“Our friend is here!”

Just after killing the last undying creatures, Lin Fei stopped and raised the corner of his mouth to reveal a smile.


They were puzzled and didn’t want to come over in vain.

Sou sou sou ! ! !

Suddenly, a sound of breaking air came from afar.

Less than a moment, they appeared above them.

“Mu Cheng, it’s you!”

“Wang Ming, why are you here!”

As soon as a person arrives, someone yells at it. Obviously, they can recognize these two people. Naturally, they need to be recognized as the Supreme Talent of Wang Family and Mu Family.

At this point, there were more than twenty people standing on the sky, exuding terrifying momentum.

Although everyone is God King Peak, they have been able to explode God Venerable battle strength, and naturally they can also oppress Wang Ming and Mu Cheng.

Reprimanded by this, the two sweated on their backs, and they still felt inferior in front of the Disciples.

Wang Family’s Supreme Talent and Mu Family’s Supreme Talent, seeing the disciples of their families coming in, they were quite confused and naturally asked what they were doing.

“Mu Cheng, you said, how did you get in!”

Mu Family’s Supreme Talent is called Mu Quan, and he is also a domineering person. He despise the nearby discipline, and Mu Cheng is one of them. He will only take the family name the fox exploits the tiger’s might all day.

“I ~~~” Mu Cheng really do not know how to say.

“What am I, you are a disciple, do n’t clarify things today, don’t blame me for punishing you in public!” Mu Quan sneered, “Abyss Hell Ten Sixth Level, you can come up, you said, the abyss is not dead, is It ’s not that you were taken away! “

A strong power swept towards Mu Cheng.

Today, Mu Quan doesn’t want to give you any other ideas, so we must figure out what is going on.

“Say it!”

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