This is the first time Lin Fei has seen the abyss, and it is also something that the Hell Alliance needs very much.

“This place is so full of life!”

A little induction, Lin Fei found that the valley is not like Tai Yi elsewhere. First of all, it is deadly, rich and disgusting, especially the abyss hanging under the Immortal Tree.

“Just look at it this way, there is nothing good about it!”

Lin Fei first step stepped forward, appeared under the Immortal Tree, ready to pick up an undead fruit to see, what is famous.

Sou sou sou ! ! !

When Lin Fei was about to pick, a countless tentacle suddenly popped out from the lake below, making a pā pā pā breaking sound.

“Fuck, this stuff!”

Lin Fei used Space Teleport and appeared on the other side. When he moved, there was a sound of breaking air behind him. Looking at the lake below, do not know when a behemoth emerged.

“This is a big octopus!”

In the lake, untenting creatures similar to big octopuses appeared, staring angrily at Lin Fei, while urging hundreds of tentacles to be drawn.

“This is God Venerable class undying creatures!”

Seeing that from the shot, Lin Fei was secretly surprised that the God Venerable level of battle strength still has ten lives, not ordinary strength.

Lin Fei Nonstop Teleport!

Bang bang bang!! !

The mountain behind the valley was drawn by △ ∑, …, Big hole of each and everyone, rock flying

“The abyss is not dead, I really want to decide, is not the ten lives, who is afraid of who!”

Lin Fei is not afraid.

Perhaps it is difficult for others to complete, Lin Fei has a trump card.

Long time flies out!

This is the first Killing Move!

Lin Fei sacrifices a long time, like a long rope. Entangled on a giant octopus, all that is required is to slow down the movement of this large octopus. Or how to deal with it yourself.

“Amazing undying creatures can resist 30% of the strength of Time!”

This was Lin Fei’s first encounter.

Long rivers entangled in the big octopus. The sky’s tentacle attacks are also slowing down, and Divine Strength is also rapidly consuming.


Lin Fei uses another attack.

The power of Space, tricky, is perfect for attacking such undying creatures.

Bang bang bang!! !

The sword exploded on the undying creatures big octopus, and also smashed the tentacles, but after a moment, the tentacles grew out and were suppressed by the strength of time

The losing Lin Fei has trump card suppression.

Killing such an unying creatures, Lin Fei costs a lot of Divine Strength. Secretly sighed This kind of undying creatures is not easy to deal with. In order to make this abyss immortal, it is really no ordinary trouble.


undying creatures exploded and died completely.

After the death, the sky’s dead air gathered, the immortal octopus was resurrected again, and the sky’s tentacles were drawn again.

Peng peng ! !

The attack speed of several tentacles actually increased, and they were pumped on Lin Fei’s body, and his blood was shocked. Could not help but scolded, “Dead, but also improve strength, what a matter!”

This weird thing. Lin Fei has never seen it before.

After a long time, the river rolled up again. Fortunately, it was about 30% to resist the strength of Time. Lin Fei secretly relieved. If the strength of time cannot be suppressed. That’s a haircut.

“Spelled it today!”

Ten lives, killing is not easy.

Every time you kill. The strength of the other side is greatly improved, compelling. Every single time Lin Fei has to change positions first, non-stop Teleport, time is up.

Bang!! !

The last slash was to finally kill the undying creatures like the big octopus.

“It’s finally solved!”

Lin Fei secretly sighed in relief, for the first time, it felt so hard to kill God Venerable. It is also because of his strong Divine Strength that he can easily kill such undying creatures.

The tenth floor is like this, Lin Fei dare not imagine, then Abyss Hell tenth Level, what would be the situation, I am afraid it is more difficult to deal with.

p tired p tired p tired 锛 侊 紒 锛

At this moment, applause came from afar.

“Fellow Daoist, terrific, he killed the undead tentacles with his bare hands.”

“You are clever, you haven’t shot!”

Someone here appears that Lin Fei was already knowing when he was fighting against undying creatures. He had Invincible Defense and didn’t worry about the other party.

On a black boulder not far away, there was a young man standing with a folding fan in his hands, and his face was pale, but his face was paler, as if it were a sick Young Master.

“Under the Wang Family, Wang Ming!” Jinyi Young Master arched.

In fact, at this time, Wang Ming himself was also extremely shocked. As a person of the Ten Great Clan Wang Family, he has never seen any genius. He is one of them. Although he has not yet broken through to the God Venerable realm, the battle strength has been able to match The Low Rank God Venerable battle was also famous in Inferno World.

As soon as Abyss Hell opened, Wang Ming set off on his own. With his treasure and strength, he rushed all the way to the tenth floor of Abyss Hell. He was also very confident in his strength.

But when he came to this valley, Wang Ming was dumbfounded.

I thought it was coming fast, and I expected that someone was fighting against the undead tentacles, and it showed the double Bloodline’s unexpected strength, forcibly killed ten undead tentacles in a row, which completely frightened Wang Ming.

Wang Ming, as one of the ten Great Clans, saw this scene and naturally knew that the opponent ’s strength was very terrifying. Even his hole cards were not necessarily the opponent, and he had been watching from a distance.

As for taking advantage of the lack of Divine Strength, sneak attack in secret, this kind of thought is not without, but just being crushed.

Wang Ming cannot guarantee whether he will succeed.

Not sure!

If there are several companions next to it, maybe this is the idea.

Wang Ming himself was not sure about killing the undead tentacles. I am afraid it would take time to do it. Like the other party, killing with ease is definitely impossible.

So Wang Ming took the initiative.

This kind of genius is still not guilty, but the Expert of Inferno World is ringing in my heart, it seems that there is no such number.

“It turned out to be ten Great Clan people!”

Lin Fei know What does the surname Wang stand for? Ten surnames only found in Great Clan, “have been a long name for a long time!”

Wang Ming didn’t say that he was a Great Clan. He can cultivate this kind of genius, and the forces will not be simple. “I want Congratulations Fellow Daoist. I can easily kill the tentacles and get the abyss!”

“You don’t plan to grab some back!” Lin Fei asked with a smile.

Wang Ming shook his head. “Fellow Daoist laughed and laughed, because you can easily kill the tentacles, and you are also a double Bloodline master. Ask yourself if this capability is available!”

Every person Lin Fei meets, each and everyone has a nose that grows into the sky. I am afraid that when I see this situation, a sneak attack is inevitable, and who will admit that he is not an opponent.

In light of this frankness, Lin Fei is quite impressed with this Wang Ming, at least this is a know self-restrained person.

“Haha ha, we came here on time, someone helped us clean up the tentacles!”

Suddenly, a proud voice came from outside.

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