mountain range, Immortal Mansion!

Lin Fei didn’t wait long outside, and returned with some useful things. △,

Take out the relevant material and view it.

For example, the book about Ten Eight Levels of Abyss Hell, which records some situations of Abyss Hell.

Do n’t look at do not know, only to know the horror after seeing it.

“This Abyss Hell Ten Eighth Level is so horrible. Each floor is vast and no less than a territory. There are a large number of abyss undeying creatures living in it. The strength is quite strong. It is difficult to easily kill!”

Constantly looking over, Lin Fei was shocked.

Ten Eighth Level Hell, one layer is more dangerous than the other.

For example, First Layer Hell, undying creatures can kill once, and Complete is easy.

But at the back, the Abyss Hell’s undying creatures at each level will change. For example, the Second Level must be killed twice, and the Third Level is three times.

By the time of Hell’s Ten Eighth Level, eighteen times were needed to kill.

This is no longer ordinary horror!

Lin Fei was naturally shocked. According to the book, starting from the tenth floor of Abyss Hell, it is the danger of Complete, and few people dare to go easily.

According to the book, Abyss Hell’s Ten Eighth Level was refined from the God Emperor of Inferno World that year and was used to cultivate the discipline.

The countless undying creatures were arrested until they died, and the strong immortal power gradually formed powerful undying creatures, so they now look like this.

Lin Fei opened the map of the records of the abyss’s undead fruit, and looked at it, taking a sigh of relief. Not easy to pick, beside each Immortal Tree. There will be powerful guards of undying creatures, and Complete is not easy to deal with. This kind of Immortal Tree needs to start from the Abyss Hell Fifth Level, and the number will not be too much, but after the tenth floor of Abyss Hell, the number will increase.

“These points can’t be gone, maybe they have been remembered. Depending on my strength, after going directly to the tenth floor, I can’t make a contest with them!”

Lin Fei thought very openly.

Inferno World needs the abyss immortality. There is bound to be a role, Lin Fei will not give up this opportunity, but how to do better.

Lin Fei is not such a kind person, looking for God Venerable Divine Spark is the main purpose, but from the abyss immortality, I see clues to help myself.

Maybe! !! !!

Lin Fei couldn’t help chuckled up, like an old fox who stole a chicken.

…… ..

Stayed in Immortal Mansion for ten consecutive days!

When Lin Fei was a little worried, Wan Qin sent someone to inform him that Abyss Hell would start. Everyone can go.

Lin Fei finally got motivated.

As long as it is Abyss Hell, it is not his world.

For this, Lin Fei is still very confident, even if those geniuses come in. It is the same, that is, the problem of not being abused by oneself.

.entire group came out, along with Wan Qin City Lord. Come to the hinterland deep in the mountain range.

This hinterland was opened up by a huge plaza!

The plaza is large and almost hollows out the mountain range.

at this time. One hundred and thirty-six City Lords are there, other than that. There are also ten Great Clan people, and these stand-out contestants.

Even if everyone was standing inside the mountain, the plaza was still empty.


“That’s the entrance!”

“It is unimaginable that the entrance will be inside the mountainside!”

“Hehe, don’t look at the entrance in front of us. In fact, it is not, but it is hidden in a node in Space. This node will keep Teleport, not everyone can find!

… ..

Having said that, everyone reacted, why it doesn’t look like Tai Yi.

It turns out that there is such a reason.

Lin Fei stood in the crowd and glanced at it. He could see that the entrance was in a Space node, which was arranged by the lord. Even now, he cannot easily find this node.

Looking at the entrance a little, Lin Fei was not interested, but looked around.

The mountain belly plaza is large.

Those of them are standing on the outer periphery.

Inside it is divided into ten areas, each of which has dozens of people, far more than them. A rough estimate is that there are about four or five thousand people at the scene.

The collection of the abyss’ immortality is still amazing.


“You represent the people in Sunset City. I hope you will keep united after you go in, so that you can easily break through!” Wan Qin had to say something as usual, clearly knowing that these words were useless.

Those who can come are all people with background.


Impossible at all.

This is turned on every single time Secret Realm, and it has become normal. Wan Qin will not say much, as long as the abyss brought back at this time is more deadly than last time.

It’s not a good thing to have one hundred and twenty hanging all the time.

Moving forward, the surrounding interests can also be expanded. Similar to the top XNUMX Great City, the benefits are huge.

Sunset City has always been at the end. As a City Lord, every single time feels inferior. Every single time hopes that the people they bring can get a good result, and it’s good to exult.


“Here is the Deputy Alliance Lord of the Hell Alliance. Welcome everyone!”

I don’t know who shouted. Under the crowd of a group of people, a middle age person in a Jinyi suit appeared, exuding a powerful aura.

“God Venerable, High Rank God Venerable!”

Lin Fei saw the strength of the other person at the first sight. He had no doubts about the power of his space and strength of time. If it was against this High Rank God Venerable, it was basically useless.

In contrast, Lin Fei knows Inferno World is much better than Heavenly Profound World.

A High Rank God Venerable is enough to sweep a large area of ​​God Venerable.

Aiming at this, Lin Fei can also see that Inferno World was also the Great World that was no less than Divine World, but it later fell, and strength also had little effect.

A hundred years, with enough resources, it is enough for Expert to restore strength.

The appearance of High Rank God Venerable is no surprise.

A deputy Alliance Lord, the battle strength is High Rank God Venerable battle strength, so what about the Alliance Lord? How can it be Peak God Venerable, or half-foot into the God Sovereign Realm.

…… ..

Hell Alliance’s Deputy Alliance Lord arrives.

Everyone can feel the power of this Deputy Alliance Lord.

After the Deputy Alliance Lord came, he took a brief look and said, “You can start it!”

Immediately, two God Venerables appeared, exerting the power of the domineering Space. With the treasure, they opened the Space node in one fell swoop, in other words, Abyss Hell opened.

“Everyone is the proud Son of Heaven of Inferno World.” Deputy Alliance Lord indifferently said, “You are fighting for glory, and everyone must be disappointed!”

In a word, it has a powerful rendering power.

Mobilize everyone’s emotions.

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