Inferno World, Sunset City!

Central Plaza, crowds!

Everyone was staring at the battle on the ring.


“That guy has punched again!”

“It’s so tricky, you can’t see any traces of it!”


With the ups and downs, the people who originally met flew out, hit the ring, and no more breath.

“It’s too fierce!”

“It’s eighty-three!”

“And do not know that the genius came out of that family!”


Start with the third place in the contest.

Competition is intense.

What the educated person did not expect was that this rampant one went up and took the initiative, defeating the opponent one after another, showing Divine Power, and now they have won eighty-three games in a row!

This guy only needs to win another XNUMX games to qualify for the third place.

So fast, it’s also shocking.

After all, in the previous time, the two places competed fiercely, and even someone was driven off from above in more than 70 games.

And now the guy above, it ’s all the same no matter how he looks, there is no injury on his body, and it makes people clicking one’s tongue in wonder.

… ..

Defeated another opponent.

Lin Fei took God Stone to refining, also to confuse the opponent, so as not to be too conspicuous.

Low profile!

From start to finish, Lin Fei has always used Fist Technique.

This Fist Technique is not an ordinary Fist Technique, but the power of integration into Space. It is fickle and falls in the eyes of people, and it has become a tricky Fist Technique. Almost difficult to crack.

Winning eighty-three games in a row.

No one dares to come up easily.

No strength comes up to die!

Lin Fei is not in a hurry, the third place Contest. I have to make a decision, no one can take it from myself.

… ..

Such an inexplicable black robed man!

Also let God Venerable on the platform secretly guess. What kind of forces come from.

With their eyesight, it is enough to see the exquisite Fist Technique of the other party. It is not so easy to resist, this black robe brat is a guy who is trying to fight.

“It looks like this third place is on this guy’s hand!” Bald God Venerable squinted with a smile.

This bald God Venerable is the City Lord of Sunset City.

“It should be no accident!”

“Fist Technique is so subtle, it’s rare, as if Space profound mystery exists!”

Several God Venerable said one after another.

…… ..

The battle is still going on.

In the next seventeen battles, the strength of the players has become more and more formidable.

No more formidable than Lin Fei.

It took Lin Fei some time to rush them one after another, which was kind of mercy. On the surface, he was playing Complete with hard work and fell into the eyes of outsiders, and thought that the black robe brat had reached the limit.

“Now I announce that the third place will be won by this little friend!”

Defeat the last person, and someone came out immediately to announce the result.

Such a fast speed is also rare for Complete. The first two qualifications are Contest. It took several days, and this black robe brat only took more than a day.


“Fellow Daoist, follow me, City Lord wants to see you!” A God King led Lin Fei into a magnificent palace.

Lin Fei followed calmly.

After a while. Came to a palace.

When Lin Fei arrived, two young men stood in the palace, when Lin Fei came in. A sharp gaze shot and landed on him.

Needless to say. Lin Fei also knows that these two are the two qualified.

Strong strength!

God King Peak Realm, actual battle strength. Can reach God Venerable Realm, at least the Low Rank God Venerable’s battle strength.

“Look what you see, and then I’ll dug your eyes!”

Inferno World Chongshan Martial Power.

The Ghost Expert here is always Complete and overbearing.

Lin Fei also doesn’t want to be suspected.

At first glance, their eyes seemed to be provocative. Regardless of the three or seventy two, they scolded and said, so that they might leave a fierce impression in others’ eyes.


Young people receiving two places.

Completely proud.

I heard that a great Expert has won a hundred games in a row, it takes less time than them, and I feel very uncomfortable. I also need to see what the other party is about.

Both of them have a relationship with Sunset City.

I’m not afraid that this outsider will be upset.

“You want to dig into our eyes?” One of the young men with long hair shot two golden lights in his eyes. “Good breath, let me dig your eyes first!”

Two golden lights shot, straight into Lin Fei’s eyes.

Lin Fei laughed and shook his head. “You can’t!”

Peng peng !

Lin Fei’s eyes also shot two rays of light, one hit the other’s golden light, crushed the other’s golden light, and crushed the young person who took the first shot back the first step.

“Kill Sword Technique, kill with one sword!”

The other one also quietly shot, a fine sword, fast speed, one sword out, baleful aura soaring into the sky, Jin Ge iron horse galloping, mighty, integrated into the killing Battlefield.

This sword is very powerful!

When God Venerable meets, he must be cautiously.

Lin Fei coldly snorted, shattered the opponent’s Battlefield effect, quickly blasted with two punches, smashed on the sword, and forced the opponent’s sword back.

“Your killing Sword Technique, too!”

…… ..

“The three are young heroes. It’s enough to learn from each other, why should you try again?”

Suddenly, someone spoke.

They didn’t take any advantage. They wanted to continue to shoot, their faces changed and they stopped.

“City Lord lord said yes!”

“I learned a lot from this little friend today!”

The attitude of the two became very fast, and they were also shameless.

Lin Fei secretly thought, “These two guys had better not come to provoke me. I want to kill you like a puppy!”

… ..

Inside the palace.

There are several God Venerables.

They also saw the strength and temper of this black robe brat.

Really strong!

When people look at them twice, they have to dig people’s eyes. The fierce and evil eyes are dreadful and palpitating. They also make them believe that this person is definitely a person from the Great Clan. Even if it is not the Great Clan, it is also a first-class family power.

The God Venerable present did not dare despise.

This kind of person is not easy to offend, not afraid of 10,000, just in case.

The bald God Venerable first encouraged and spoke a few words, such as taking a good rest, etc., and then when the end was about to end, he finally raised the purpose of calling for an interview.

“Three are all heroes. It is your rare opportunity to enter Abyss Hell,” said Bald God Venerable. “Abyss Hell has ten Eighth Levels, and each floor has a treasure. I hope the three will go in. Be able to fight for Sunset City and help us collect the abyss of Sunset City. “

Lin Fei is listening quietly!

“An abyss? What the hell is this! Why does Sunset City need it!”

Lin Fei pondered.

“We help you collect the abyss immortality, do not know what good it is!” Lin Fei asked, “everyone knows Abyss Hell is dangerous, there is no good, I will not do it!”

Lin Fei asked directly.

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