Thirty-two God Venerable.

This is great talent!

There are only eight major God Sovereigns with this background. God Venerable Expert is gathered in a short time. Such a powerful force is enough to wipe out all the forces.

If it wasn’t for Emperor Heaven’s defeat of Time Control’s Xue Kai God Venerable, the Big Eight God Sovereign wouldn’t take it that seriously.

Ordinary God Venerable is easy to deal with, even if the opponent ’s battle strength is comparable to God Venerable, and God Venerable wants to kill the opponent with no difficulty, there is almost no obstacle.

But want to kill a Time Control, then the trouble of Quite.

“Heaven, you sure that brat will still be outside!”

Thirty-two God Venerables, flying in front of them are eight God Venerables, which can be said to be eight masters, and strength is the most powerful.

Time Control is not easy to deal with.

The eight masters were ordered, and they didn’t take the other party as a thing in their hearts. Long time didn’t mean that they could be condensed and condensed. Most of them suspected they were telling lies.

The questioner was Earth Control wu tu.

Heavenly God Venerable is also uncomfortable by the gas field of the person in charge. It is just uncomfortable and can only bear it. “Yes, it will be there. The brat is very evil, and it can absorb a lot of Divine Strength. The body seems to be bottomless. Like pit, the attack is also terrifying for Complete! “

This time, wu tu God Venerable is even more uncomfortable.

“Heaven, how can you say that, Divine Strength 吸收 .. Absorption, our wu tu brother is the first, a Mortal World brat, what’s so good about it!” Said a tall God Venerable.

This person is the master of God’s Heavenly Palace. He controls ice and snow, and is named Han Bai God Venerable.

How much Divine Strength determines the strength of a God Venerable.

Earth Control. That is recognized first.

Absorb Divine Strength, no one can reach.

God Venerable said this. No doubt makes wu tu God Venerable Complete uncomfortable.

Divine Strength in Divine World. wu tu God Venerable really doesn’t think that someone can compare with himself. As for a Mortal World person, he can’t compare with himself.

wu tu God Venerable indifferently said, “Han Bai, you ca n’t say that. It ’s not impossible for a big guy to be so big in this world. Maybe the brat really has this ability and it ’s uncertain. Otherwise, eight Why did God Venerable leave like this! “

Now, it’s the turn of the eight God Goderable faces.

formidable It’s not a glorious thing for a God Venerable to be scared back. Wu tu God Venerable, as the person of the God Sovereign of the Emperor, will inevitably have to mocking.

In front of the controller, we dare not say anything.

“Here, he comes!”

Suddenly, God’s Venerable cried. Pointing forward.

The crowd noticed that a black robe brat appeared in front of them, just standing not far away, as if to stop them.

God Venerable was secretly surprised.

This brat is so fast!

It is far from Shenting Mountain. There is also a long distance, but they are so known to others, and if they are not God Venerable reminded. Presumably do not know people are here.

“He’s the Emperor Heaven!”

“Too young!”

“Long time!”

God Venerable is proud.

Seeing such a young guy, he didn’t even take the other person seriously. God’s Venerable. They are too.

“Zhu Mortal World brat. Dare to come in and ask the old man!”

In God Venerable, there is a one-year-old God Venerable. When he took a photo with his palm, he secretly smugly killed the brat but did a great job. In front of him, this brat was not dead.

This palm shot, set off a gray force, revealing the cold, at a glance, knowing is a horrible Palm Technique.

In fact, this is indeed a bad Palm Technique.

As long as this gray power is swept, the battle strength will be suppressed by 50%.

This old man shot with one palm, and people also flew out, shooting more than ten palms in a row, without giving the other party any chance to pant, it can be said that Killing Move is connected.

Lin Fei was also surrounded by gray power.

God Venerable who did not shoot, scolded old man shameless, actually the first shot, too shameless skin, they are all ready to shoot, but when I saw myself, I was slightly startled, missed the best mobile phone meeting .

The eight controllers are indifferent to Quite. They want to see why the guy in front of them scares away God Venerable from the sky. Is it that powerful?

The old man’s Palm Technique was taken. Although the person was standing still, the Palm Technique passed through the other person.

“This is Space Technique!”

“He keeps Teleport in Space!”

“Gold Twelve’s attack is dead!”

God Venerable behind was startled.

Gold Twelve God Venerable’s attack is known as extreme poisonous attack. Grey power is a kind of extreme poisonous. It is a fusion of thousands of extreme poisonous. God Venerable is a little bit of a headache, so there are few people who dare to offend Golden Twelve Old Codger. .

The extremely poisonous attack has a large scope and a large impact, which is how it was cracked. The Golden Twelve God Venerable really looks dumbfounded. In the past, everyone wanted to resist. In addition to treasure, it was forcibly evacuated, so it was not as easy as the other party .

“watch out!”

A blade glow is cut from Space.

When this sword was cut, Jin Twelve God Venerable felt a hint of danger. Raising his hand was to blast the blade glow. With his strength, he directly crushed the attack of the opponent, and it was not difficult.

Bang bang bang!!

Blade glow passed by, and fell on Jin Twelve God Venerable with one stroke, flying him out.

“God Venerable, but Seoul!”

xiu xiu xiu!! !!

Golden Twelve God Venerable spit blood and flew out, and the blade light that could not be captured, one after another, fell on Golden Twelve God Venerable, and Golden Twelve constantly vomited blood, and his face paled.

“Awesome, really amazing!”

“The power of Space is contained in this attack, and the power of Space is also the most mysterious existence. It is the hardest to resist. It is really a loss for Jin Twelve this time!”

Just a simple fight.

The God Venerable present was afraid to despise this brat called Emperor Heaven.

this person very difficult to deal with!

If you just replaced them, it is not easy to resist this attack. The attack containing the power of Space, unless it is Space Control, it is really impossible for anyone to stop it.

“Save Kim Twelve!”

Gold Twelve God Venerable concentrate attention completely, still can’t stop the attack. The original one fell directly on the body. The most terrifying attack in the world is this kind of attack.

Twenty three God Venerable, the first hands-on attack.

At this moment they couldn’t care if they were bullying the little ones. They really wanted to let Jin Twelve die here. It was only them who shame.

God Venerable shots together and set off a Storm.

No one can survive this fierce attack. At this moment, they really want to see how the other party can crack the attack they joined.

They don’t think Emperor Heaven can stop it!

It’s worth their twenty three God Venerable shots together, that’s a matter of can be counted on one’s fingers.

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