Xue Kai God Venerable, how could he never imagine that brat would progress so fast!

“Could it be really because I played for a long time and was recognized by that brat, so the first step stepped out of condensed time? There is no such genius in this World!”


Xue Kai God Venerable condensed a long time in that year, it took five hundred years, and finally the first step stepped out, condensed a long time, and became Time Control.

But now a junior, just so condensed a long time, can hardly believe it, he feels that the cultivation of this life has been cultivated on the dog.

No matter how Xue Kai God Venerable thinks about it, he can’t think of what it is.

All I can say is that there is such a genius in this World.

“If it is such a genius, this kind of person is too dangerous, and he is still the owner of the double Bloodline. Once Space Bloodline also has a big breakthrough, I am afraid that few people can really suppress Emperor Heaven!”

Xue Kai God Venerable did not expect that things would come to this first step, not just kill a Mortal World brat, but now it seems to be kicking a big iron plate.

This iron plate is very hard.

“He hit me hard over a long time, and my strength has also been damaged. This breath must come out. Fortunately, he hasn’t Space great accomplishment. As long as it is properly arranged, he can still kill him!”

Xue Kai God Venerable forgot a direction and turned around to leave.

This matter must be frustrated .. I must pull a few friends over to help, and this kind of genius must not be allowed to grow, otherwise it is too dangerous. This time, you can borrow the Space portal, and next time someone is prepared, it is not so convenient

On the other side, the eight God Venerables finally got together. With horror and anxiety on his face.

“That Emperor Heaven bastard, this king used a space gate Scroll. This king is still ready to be used in important times, now it is so wasted!”

“Don’t call it bitter. We all used Space’s Door Scroll!”

“How can that guy cultivation out a long time, this is too unreasonable. Divine World has no time for Bloodline, and it is impossible to condense a long time. How can he condense out!”

Eight God Venerable sighed.

As long as the river appeared, they knew that they were no longer rivals.

People want to kill them, and at least waste some time, and if they do n’t choose fast. Use treasure to leave, this will get stuck and get stuck.

The terrifying of Time Control, they know it.

Xue Kai ’s God Venerable was defeated, not to mention that they are God Venerable, but also thanks to the bottom of the scroll of the door of Brat do not know Space, if you really catch up, do not know how to do it.

This Scroll’s Space door is 10 billion miles away, and anyone who is good at speed can catch up. Unlike a fixed Space portal, it can be fixed in one place.

The God Venerable Expert on Divine World is not easy to kill because of the treasure of the Space portal.

However, open the portal and leave. It’s also commonplace!

“What should we do now?”

“The brat of Emperor Heaven must have occupied that place!”

You look at me, I look at you, there is no one to find a suitable way.

go back?

Killed them without this courage to go back. Just in case Emperor Heaven didn’t leave, waiting for them. The consequences are definitely unacceptable to them.

“Still quickly go back and report the news. This is no longer something we can deal with, who knows Chao has arranged such an Expert!” God Venerable sighed and turned to leave.

That’s right, things are out of scope.

As soon as God Venerable left, the others also left one after another. How to report back, instead, they had a headache. The best thing is to take off the hat

Eight God Venerables left, and Xue Kai God Venerable left warily.


This brat couldn’t hide it.

The first time spread in the upper levels of Divine World.

The upper floors of Divine World were uproar.

In the morning, I also saw the Emperor Heaven wolverine leaving, this half a day passed, come up again, show Divine Power, Thoroughly to kill the resident God King.

This is definitely a sensation.

Now I can’t even think about it.

Lin Fei didn’t even catch up, and he became the fiercest thug of chaos.

At this time, he was refining Space Bloodline, and for a while, those people would not come. He had time to refining Space Bloodline. How to condense the door of Space and other methods, it was not very anxious.

Divine World.

There are more than a dozen continents.

Every continent is large.

These named continents are all resource-rich continents and are occupied by Expert. Each of the eight God Sovereigns has one continent and controls Divine World’s richest cultivation resources.

Who makes them strong and has the absolute right to speak can naturally get the best continent of resources.

And such a continent, each has the vastness of Complete, and each continent is almost as large as hundreds of territories.

The power of the Eight God Sovereign is also the most powerful.

Below any God Sovereign, how can there be more than a dozen God Venerables? There are hundreds of God Venerables in the eight major God Sovereigns and the attached God Venerable Expert.

The total number of God Venerables is also over two hundred.

There are dozens of God Venerable, one after another occupying a remote continent, resources and so on are not as good as those continents, but in any case is also a place to stand

God Venerable is the man of Zheng Yi God Sovereign.

Zheng Yi God Sovereign controls Zheng Yi continent.

The names of the continents on Divine World are all taken from the names of the controllers. This is also to strengthen the ability to rule. Once the continents change people, the names will change.

The continents controlled by the eight major God Sovereigns have not changed, but the outer continents, after almost a thousand years, will change again, and the test is extremely fierce.

Zheng Yi continent, with huge population, experts as common as the clouds.

God Venerable in the Zheng Yi continent is also an Overlord with his own territory, but at this time he was confused. Rushing all the way, they did not respond to the crowd’s greetings.

Entering the Zheng Yi continent, God Venerable heads straight to the God Sovereign Palace.

“Heaven, aren’t you sitting here? Why are you back? Is it deal with the deal?”

At this time, the people in the God Sovereign Palace have not received any news. For this kind of news, the God Venerables will not care about it. After all, it is a trivial matter. In their hearts, the chaos is the major event. It’s all a trivial matter.

“Heaven, you’re in luck!”

Tian Zhi God Venerable came in and met several God Venerables in God Sovereign Palace. One after another said good to him. If it is normal, Tian Zhi God Venerable will be complacent.

But at this time, God Venerable was really not proud.

Things are messed up!

“Don’t make fun of me!” God Zhierer smiled bitterly. “It’s a mess, I’m here to report the situation!”

God Venerable was shocked.

“How could it be, not just to deal with the chaos, what major event can happen!”

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