Just a knife!

The superalloy hull was broken into a huge hole!

Lin Fei was also injured!

“Is this the power of the master?”

This is the first time Lin Fei has been attacked by the controller. Invincible Defense has also been turned on a bit slower and was injured by Zhen’s vomiting blood.

Lin Fei also revealed grave expression.

For the controller, Lin Fei has long heard about it. It is even stronger than God Venerable. It seems true now that the controller is really very powerful.

A powerful strength of time, shrouded in a war ship, Lin Fei can easily feel that it is far more powerful than his strength of time.

“A good master, is not to bully the small, what is the ability, when I reach God Venerable Realm, see who abuses who!” Lin Fei cried loudly with a smile.

Lin Fei is not afraid of each other!

The controller appeared and broke the ship’s hull.

Eight God Venerable secretly suck in a cold breath of air. The controller is better than them. Not just can’t be convinced. Previously, their attack could not break the Warship defense.

The master is so easy to break.

This is something they can’t do, and it’s still so easy.

It’s not bad to be a God Venerable Bloodline, but compared to time Bloodline, it’s a big difference.

“Xue Kai Fellow Daoist, the fellow in Warship,” Is the person on the chaos side, and I ask you to take him out, what happens must not kill! “Tian Zhi God Venerable said.

“We suspect that this brat knows a lot of secrets, we must catch up and interrogate it, it is best to leave a life!” Xiutian God Venerable also followed.

Seeing that this brat was not an opponent of the master, several God Venerables hurriedly made their own voices.

at this time. I’m so sorry, they have to say it. In case they kill the brat inside, they will lose it.

Xue Kai God Venerable of Silver Vendorable. Just coldly glanced, “How to deal with it, I only have ideas, you don’t need to say anything, you are so disappointing!”

The owner never looked down on God Venerable.

Especially at this time, Xue Kai God Venerable looked down on them very much. A Mortal World person made this kind of movement. They not only failed to stop, but also asked for help. I look down on them even more.

Eight God Venerable flashed dissatisfaction in their eyes, but they didn’t vent, they could only endure, who made them not the opponent of the master

They have just finished speaking.

Lin Fei’s voice came from within Warship.

After listening to the eight God Venerables, they even sneered again and again. This brat died during courting and dared to abusive the controller. I am afraid that without them, the controller will kill the other party on the spot.

This time. They want to stop it!

“Big breath, no wonder so arrogant!”

Xue Kai God Venerable sneered, and after a long time behind him, Changhe moved again, “I broke your turtle shell first. See where else you can go!”

hua hua!

Time is like a sword, cut on Warship.

Level 4 energy shield, super alloy hull. There are time delays.

The silver-white battleship broke open several times in an instant.

“In front of my Time Control. Any defense is useless, no one can escape the attack of time!” Xue Kai God Venerable dismissed. Even if the Warship in front of him is weird, he won’t look squarely because he is Time Control.

Lin Fei in Warship was virtually affected by time, and his action speed slowed down, but his thinking did not slow down.

“Time Control is indeed very powerful. My Warship defense was too late to be opened, and I was attacked by time. Warship was a rival!”

Lin Fei secretly analyzed.

“War One, restore the gap first!”

Lin Fei know Encounter a strong enemy, especially Time Control.

Hua hua hua! ! !

Divine Strength works, Warship breaks the place, and gradually begins to recover, but the repair is not as fast as expected.

“Damn the strength of Time, preventing the recovery of the superalloy hull!”

Warship is unhappy.

Lin Fei scolded in a hurry.

“Give me an attack!”

Fighting with Time Control, Lin Fei didn’t think of a suitable solution, and he knew in his heart why Little Devil said that there was danger, and a Time Control suppressed Warship.

Bang bang bang!! !

Thousands of small cannons attacked without stopping.

The sky attacks, locking the silver armor master in the distance.

Xue Kai God Venerable faintly smiled, “Is this attack? Too weak!”

The beam attack came and stopped in front of Xue Kai’s God Venerable, all locked in Void.

“Time rebounds!”

Hua hua hua! !

The beam that blasted out turned the direction and blasted on the warship. Instantly, the warship was drowned by the attack.

“Fuck. That’s OK!”

Lin Fei suck in a cold breath of air, this Time Control is too formidable.

“Mortal World people, what kind of ability is there, even if you use it all, otherwise you won’t have a chance!” Xue Kai God Venerable stepped forward, “No one can pretend to be a cow in front of me!”

Bang bang bang!!

As Xue Kai God Venerable came along, a long time came, and the warships were full of gaps, all of which were attacked by time. This kind of power could not be resisted at all.


Lin Fei clearly realized that the warship could not exert its power temporarily, and the other party was a Time Control, who could easily suppress everything.

There is only a slight chance that you can do it yourself.

The entrance to the various God Pass is in the vicinity, as long as you return to Mortal World, the owner of the cow will not want to deal with himself.

Wow! !!

After a long time, the river blasted to Warship again.

In vain, Warship disappeared, and time passed, Lin Fei in a black robe appeared in the original position, and after appearing, his body was constantly Teleport.

“Time slows down!”

Lin Fei was fast and hit ‘Time slows down’.

“God Level is one-size-fits-all!”

To deal with this Time Control, Lin Fei must resolve it as soon as possible.

The horrible blade light cut off Xue Kai’s God Venerable’s head.

Xue Kai God Venerable’s eyes flashed a strange color, with a small accident, “It turns out that you are also a time Bloodline, but your Realm is not home, your Time slows down, it’s useless to me!”

The blade light in front of me was also fixed in midair.

“Let me teach you what is the real Time slows down!” Xue Kai God Venerable came over. “Your Time slows down is only XNUMX times, and my Time slows down is XNUMX times!”

Bang!! !

Lin Fei was instantly shrouded in strength of Time, and he was fixed in midair like mud around him. No matter how he struggled, he couldn’t restore his freedom.

Very terrifying Time slows down, is this a thousand times Time slows down in his mouth? “

Xue Kai God Venerable is close to Lin Fei, “I don’t like people who are on Bloodline very much, let alone a guy who is on Bloodline, so you can only die!”

Long time cuts again! r1292

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