Half a day.

Various God Pass has blood flowing into a river nearby.

How strong the blood and blood of a God King is, it takes more than half a day to kill it.

People far away from the Various Gate of the Gods can also feel the thick bloody air.

At this time, they saw the sword Da Jinma sitting in Emperor Heaven, with fear and worship on their faces. Everyone present had heard the name of Emperor Heaven, but they saw God King for the first time.

If it were n鈥檛 for God King’s guarding them, God King’s coercion would be enough for them.

This tragic God King battle, they also looked scalp tingling.

Many people think that Emperor Heaven has a large background, but never thought that Emperor Heaven’s background is so large that it can command a large group of God Kings.

“How many God Kings are this dead!”

“How come there are more than 100,000!”

“I thought I was good at innate talent. After becoming a God King, I am also a character. Now it seems that God King is really nothing!”

“Yeah, yeah, I just saw that several 7-Star God Kings were blasted into fragments!”

“Fortunately, we have a partnership with Emperor Heaven, so don’t worry he will deal with us!”

If anyone tells them Emperor Heaven is bullying at this point, they will definitely despise him.

A God King is in Mortal World, and his influence is Complete 鈽? .. Now, God King is in a bloody battlefield, and a respect is fallen. Who dares to say that Emperor Heaven is bullying.

It’s ridiculous to think about it. Many people thought that Emperor Heaven was bullying.

If today’s news spreads, everyone will tremble involuntarily.

This is a gap that is unimaginable

In the sky, Lin Fei sat a golden horse.

Most of the time. God King sent out was 60% dead, a huge casualty. It also made Lin Fei painful, fortunately on the side of Divine World. It’s not so easy, and it’s dead a lot, how can there be more than XNUMX God Kings.

Fierce fighting, Lin Fei is used to it!

These God Kings were made through God King Divine Spark. Innate is used for fighting, and Much better is much affected.

“Big Eight God Sovereign, if you want to play, we will continue to play, there are ten days left anyway!” Lin Fei was very calm. Secretly arranged to take back Divine Spark.

Fight God King, who is afraid of who!

As long as there is God King Divine Spark, I really do n鈥檛 worry about not getting God King

Shenting Mountain.

Here at this time there was a slump.

The black King Gods are lined up neatly and in an orderly manner, and take turns entering the forward rotating channel. These people have excited and disdainful expressions on their faces. They don’t pay much attention to Mortal World. They are God King.

At this time, the Eight God Sovereign brought in the following God King. Entering the Mortal World deal with, for God King, if you can make great achievements below, you will definitely make a good impression in front of God Sovereign.

The distance of swirl. Eight God Venerable are standing, expression is indifferent, but from time to time will throw gaze to a place.

That’s Shenting Mountain!

because. The Eight God Sovereign is on the top of Shenting Mountain.

They stayed here to command these God Kings. Avoid any mistakes.

Last time was killed by Mortal World people, killing a lot of God King Expert. Almost killed the people who were stationed here. They were very annoyed. They sent people down for several times in a row, and the army was obliterated. In desperation, they could only report God Sovereign and ask for the treasure given by God Sovereign. Killing people while they were unprepared, but the whole army was annihilated, and the next eight God Venerables were helpless.

This time, there was a major event at Divine World. They are God Venerable. What is natural know?

The Eighth God Sovereign personally took the town. They, as God Venerables, also commanded and prepared a shame before revenge and revenge, so that the guy would regret offending them God Venerable.

This time, not only sealed the Divine Strength flow, organized a large number of God Kings, prepared wheel battles, and slowly dealt with them.

They still underestimate the people below.

For half a day, tossing more than XNUMX God Kings and still not occupying the Various Gate of the Gods, the eight God Venerables were anxious. Through their investigation, there was only one guy named Emperor Heaven on God Tomb Battlefield, leaning on a ship The weird Warship can issue terrifying attacks, and the wheel battle is also to deal with this strange ship.

“Continue to arrange people, this king will not believe that Emperor Heaven can continue to survive!”

“We convened a 10 million God King at this time, and each of them sent out 150,000 God Kings. Even if we spit, we can drown that guy!”

“That Emperor Heaven won’t last that long!”

The eight God Venerables were worried, but they didn’t think Emperor Heaven could stop God King from going down. It was only a matter of time.

If it was n鈥檛 for the Mortal World Heavenly Dao restriction, they would all want to go down and clean up that Emperor Heaven. No one dared to kill them and leave calmly. In this tone, they have not swallowed. How can they find an opportunity to deal with Emperor Heaven?

On the top of Shenting Mountain.

Eight God Sovereign gathered again.

They don’t care much about Various God Pass, it’s just a trivial matter. They have eight God Sovereign to sit in town, it’s been a long time in Divine World.

“Zheng Yi, everyone who is really chaotic is not good, is it?” Said God Sovereign coldly of Huangxian.

Zheng Yi is the one who last went down to Projection.

It is precisely that he left the phrase “don’t regret” about chaos.

“He has been completely enchanted with chaos. He would have killed him as early as that year, and there would be no trouble today!” Zheng Yi God Sovereign said, “The pillar of the sky was set up by us that year so that Separating Immortal World and several other Sub-worlds, once they are all broken, it will cause a series of consequences. The most headache is that the remaining Sub-worlds will be liberated and the repressors will be born. Trouble. ! “

The rest of the God Sovereign revealed a killing intent.

“Ah, it was a long time ago to be able to bombard and kill, Chaos. He is not like us. He was born in Chaos. He can only suppress it and cannot kill him!”

“Chaos, what a goddamn!”

“This time cleans up the chaos completely anyway!”

The Chengtian pillar was broken, which had a great impact and caused trouble.

This is also their headache.

If the pillars of the sky are ordinary things, they don’t need to have such a headache. In fact, the things involved are very big, and they are related to the position of things now.

“Chaos dares to do this, it must be to break through the remaining five Sub-worlds, in order to reproduce the glorious scenes of Divine World. We must recreate chaos in the shortest time, and even seal it back!” Said Wan Yao God Sovereign, “Once the pillar of the heaven breaks, the six Sub-worlds return, and those who are sealed will reappear, which will definitely affect our current rule!” “As long as the chaos is suppressed again, the remaining Sub- The guys of the world ca n鈥檛 turn around, and Chaos does n鈥檛 want to use their power! 鈥?

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