Divine World !

Divine Court Hill!

The Eighth God Sovereign teamed up to break through the barriers of Mortal World, reopening the sealed channel, and a large number of Divinity from Vast poured into God Tomb Battlefield of Mortal World.

Standing on Shenting Mountain, looking high, a huge swirl formed, and Divinity of Vast poured in, like a bottomless pit.

“Various God Pass is open, and you can send someone down!”

The eight major God Sovereign teamed up, but they also consumed a lot of Divine Strength, their faces were very calm, but the God King Expert behind them looked very excited.

They are going to Mortal World right away.

Being able to go to Mortal World to perform the task, but not everyone has a chance to go down. Being able to go down and come up again is equivalent to making a big contribution. No doubt in Sect’s position, you can take the first step. If you are lucky, you will be rewarded. May be promoted to God Venerable Realm and become a young Giant of Divine World.

The Eighth God Sovereign didn’t say much, the God King Expert one after another stepped into the opened Various Gate of the Gods and went to Mortal World.


After the opening of Various Gate of the Gods, as the first God King came down, the horror of coercion was not weak, and it was frightening.

The position of Zheng Yi Gate was standing at this time with a black King God King, and it turned into a scorching sun behind him. This is the powerful Divine Art of Zheng Yi Gate.

Black King God King Realm is very tall, indifferent and arrogant, ordering Zheng Haoran, “Gathering your selected genius disciples together, how much you can be promoted depends on their luck!”

Zheng Haoran adjusted his mentality and immediately convened the genius disciple and brought it to God’s Envoy lord.

Black King God King said indifferently, “You are very lucky, now you enter this Formula, and absorb the Divine Strength as much as you can. The remaining Special Envoy will solve it for you!”

Zheng Yi’s disciples are all very excited.

Here comes the opportunity!

…… ..

Eight Supreme Gates was almost the same at this time.

The down King God King simply arranged a Formation Restriction to arrange everyone in, and they stood with their hands on their backs, their sharp eyes glanced around.

Bang bang bang!! !

They enter the Formation.

Various God Pass once again lowered the strong Divine Strength and poured into the Formation Restriction in one fell swoop.

Within a moment, someone broke through the Realm and the breath soared.


“Fuck, get down a 9-Star God King?”

Lin Fei was disappointed.

In the imagination, the channel was forcibly opened above. According to the truth, a large number of Experts should be down. Why is a 9-Star God King?

“Master, in our world, there is the suppression of Heavenly Dao’s power, even if God Sovereign Expert is not easy to send Expert down.” Lin Yi said, “They took a 9-Star God King Expert, which is used to With a lot of Divine Strength, it is easy to cultivate a God King Expert! “

In a few words, someone in Zheng Yi’s Formula broke through Realm.

A huge God Platform emerged from the sky, and it jumped up. Standing on the God Platform, Divine Strength swarmed in, the breath broke through again, and it was promoted to God King Realm in one fell swoop.

Several other Sects, at this time the Sect Master was promoted to God King Realm one after another, the breath didn’t stay, and broke through again, but when it couldn’t hold it, 9-Star God King would take out a treasure and transfer Berserk’s The power is suppressed, and breaks through the existing Realm.

“Haha, I’ve been promoted!”

“I’m 8-Star Heavenly God!”

“9-Star Heavenly God!”


Various God Pass Road nearby.

The people at Eight Supreme Gates are breaking through.

The most beneficial one is Eight Great Sovereign. From Heavenly God Realm to God King Realm, there is a 9-Star God King Expert guard. Their strength improves faster, 2-Star God King, 3-Star God King Realm ~~~ Go up like drinking water.

Lin Fei looked at each other in shock.

“What a great talent!”

Lin Fei’s eyes were bright, and the power of a Divine World was used to give birth to God King Expert. This method was really not simple.

“It doesn’t take long for the strength of Eight Supreme Gates to overwhelm all forces in the territory, even the Seven Overlords and the strongest races. At this time, it is not necessary to prevent the crushing of Eight Supreme Gates. I am afraid they will The expression should look very nice! “

Lin Fei was still holding back and didn’t decide to do it. In his eyes, these promoted God Kings, each and everyone are all treasures of Teleport, let them be happy for a while now.


Divine Strength is strong in the area where Various God Pass is located.

The dynamics caused by someone’s breakthrough constantly make the Seven Major Overlords and the strongest races in the distance see in the eyes.

None of them looked very good.

In particular, the Seven Overlords, although not together, have also seen that the Sect Masters of Eight Supreme Gates have broken through to the God King Realm, and that Realm is still being promoted. When they stop, the strength is no longer good. 8-Star God King, to the point where they need to look up.

“It’s not good to go on like this!”

“Blames those guys in the strongest race!”

“Now, Eight Great Sovereign. They were not very good to our Seven Overlords at the beginning. They suppressed us everywhere. Now they are promoted to God King Realm. We are afraid of a bad life!”

“This is the above. To make this a place for promotion, Eight Supreme Gates has these Divine Strength helpers. As long as the innate talent is not bad, it doesn’t take long for a group of God King Experts to emerge!”

“How good is this!”


Seven Overlord have a headache!

do not know what’s up.

Eight powerful God Kings, like Divine Ability, guarded them, and they saw hairs with sturdy gaze. Even if they had War Fortress on their hands, they were not necessarily their opponents. Besides escape, they still escaped.

The people of the strongest race are also uncomfortable at this time, especially when they see the constantly breakthrough Sect genius disciple, their expression is even worse. In a short time, the overall strength of Eight Supreme Gates has been greatly improved, and this is just the beginning , Not at all the way to stop.

Kill in?

They dare not have this idea.

The eight God Kings are not a weakling. They did not drive them out, but they did not treat them as one thing.

The backing of Upper Realm was silent at this time.

The strongest race people are neither walking nor walking, Complete tangled.


Eight Supreme Gates breakthrough is getting more people.

Especially the genius disciple, originally good, under the infusion of Divine Strength, 9-Star God King used treasure to take care of it, and it became easier and easier to break through.

A respected God King also appeared in the area of ​​Various God Pass.

Each Sect has seven or eight God Kings. Realm is different. When promoted to God King, the Various Gate of the Gods will reward the God King-level Divine Equipment and God King-level Battle suit. With these two distinct things, This is where Undefeated stands.

Those who were first promoted to God King Realm were all Sect’s genius disciple, and some of them were old opponents familiar to Lin Fei.

“Dragon Fellow Daoist, if you would like me to join Demon Profound Sect, I can give you a dedication post!”

Zong Mo Shan was promoted to God King Realm and turned to draw Dragon Lie to burn the original Dragon God. People also sent Half-Step to God King Realm, and his promotion was also a great Expert. r1152

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