I have to say that Eight Supreme Gates came at the right time.

In this trip to God Tomb, the purpose of Eight Supreme Gates is the same. I got the order above, and there is a path map of God Tomb for safe entry, and take away what belongs to them Sect.

By God Tomb Battlefield, they were dumbfounded.

The things that originally belonged to them were gone, and one and two had the same result, and no matter how stupid they knew what was going on.

Tian Huzi’s words are undoubtedly a big hit.

Our stuff was taken away by the Seven Overlords?

Eight Great Sovereign was immediately angry. The Seven Overlords themselves were not well-impressed in their eyes. The strongest race and their Eight Supreme Gates had a relationship.

When they were in doubt, Sky Fox again spoke.

“Everyone, when our strongest race came, everything was gone, and the Seven Overlords were still breaking the formation. This is what I have seen with my own eyes. My character, you should know it! “

These words played a big role.

The ability to take things before them is definitely the Seven Overlord’s. The strongest races do not need this reason to slander others because they disdain to do it.

The Seven Overlords are all bullshitting.

Damn it, you are trying to persecute us to the dead end.

Bastard, what a bastard!

The Seven Greats + Overlord naturally have to explain that even the strongest races put a lot of pressure on them, not to mention Eight Great Sovereign. In case they intervene, they will be defeated in the end.

“Listen to us and explain, we really didn’t take the things here!” Morrow Overlord said with a shame. Keep moving on hand, alert Eight Great Sovereign.

Explanation is useless!

Eight Great Sovereign wanted to pack up the Seven Overlords. Regardless of the strongest race against the Seven Overlords, now they have a chance to shoot. Still justified.

“It wasn’t what you took. If you want us to believe you, then stop and let us search your Storage Ring!” Zong Mo Shan Li said.


The Seven Overlords certainly refused.

What are their identities, they really need to be searched by Eight Great Sovereign for Storage Ring. They don’t have to continue to be Overlord, maybe there will be no Overlord in the future.

“Want to search us, you are a fool!” Wan Dao Overlord sneered, urging War Fortress. Blast a beam of destruction, and kill you.

When Wandao Overlord started, the other Overlord also shot one after another, pushing War Fortress to the limit, and all his men were received in War Fortress.

In mid-air, seven War Fortresses constantly ejected a beam of destruction.

Eight Great Sovereign is completely outraged!

If you don’t search us, there is a ghost in my heart, and things must be taken away by them. Apart from this, it is difficult for them to think of other reasons.

“Let’s attack together!”

Eight Great Sovereign is not a weakling either, and follows the take out treasure to fight back.

Both sides, who were originally at the balance point, got involved with Eight Great Sovereign. Leaning on one side, the Seven Overlords were immediately in a downwind and began to lose ground.

“Eight Great Sovereign. It’s really strong, Sect Master has a Low Grade God King weapon on hand that can be played for a long time!” Lin Fei’s mouth raised. “It’s that strength hasn’t reached God King Realm and can’t spur the power of the Low Grade God King weapon.”

A scuffle outside. Lin Fei was very enjoyable.

The Eight Great Sovereign is very strong, coupled with the Divine Equipment attack on the hand, the seven Overlord defeated. If it is not a War Fortress defense formidable, such as a turtle shell, it can not be broken in a short time. I do n’t think survive until now.

“They are going to withdraw!”

For the first time, Lin Fei saw Eight Great Sovereign, and he shot against the Seven Overlords. The power at hand was really terrifying, and he felt proud for a while, “Hit, hit, anyway, I’ve taken things away!”

After the Seven Overlords fell into the downwind, they quickly broke through.

The power of War Fortress is also demonstrated.

After a fierce onslaught, the seven War Fortresses flew away in different directions, forcibly breaking out from their attacks, Eight Great Sovereign also left horrific marks on their war weapons.

This is the limit that Eight Great Sovereign can do.

It’s impossible to keep them, after all, War Fortress’s fame lies, and speed is the first.

The Seven Overlords fled, and Battlefield left Eye Supreme Gates and the strongest race. After a few embarrassments, the two left separately, as if nothing had happened.

“Little Devil, just stare at Eight Supreme Gates!”

Lin Fei didn’t think it was addictive, how could he have a big fight. The departure of the Seventh Overlord made him somewhat regrettable, but he was not in a hurry.

Commanded Little Devil, and got busy again.

Anti-Zheng Yi For a few months, Lin Fei has to guard the Various God Pass, and sometimes has time to fight with them, and now I still have to do what I do.

Little Devil guarantees that the Various God Pass will be opened and Lin Fei will be notified as soon as possible

The Seven Overlord defeated.

Eight Great Sovereign each searched for a large soil bag belonging to their Sect.

As a result, he got busy and had nothing to gain. He remembered that he hated the Seven Overlords, a group of assholes, and swept away everything.

With the emergence of the strongest race, Eight Great Sovereign seems to be nothing, but it is actually alerting each other.

There is no harvest in the big soil bag, but helplessly, we can only move on.

I just entered the next Battlefield, and I was always on guard with Eight Supreme Gates, and I couldn’t help wondering.

Haven’t those grievances Heavenly God Expert?

The danger of God Tomb Battlefield, they understand.

I came here quietly, but how is the situation different now?

Could it be made by God’s Envoy?

As soon as the conclusion comes out, everyone thinks this is very possible. In addition to God’s Envoy lord, who else can clear up these troubles.

All the way, there was no danger. They came to the central area and saw the huge black swirl.

Eight Supreme Gates finally felt relieved after seeing the black swirl.

I had to pay a lot of money to get here, and even used the treasure rewarded by God’s Envoy lord. I didn’t expect it would be easy.

black swirl, always closed.

After discussions at Eight Great Sovereign, each person stood in a position, waiting for the Various God Pass to open. At the same time, a Sect disciple was sent to patrol around. Once found, kill without mercy.

In fact, they are targeting the Seven Overlord and the strongest races.

After five days of anxious waiting.

black big swirl, finally there is movement

“Master, Various God Pass is about to start!”

With the first moments of activity, Little Devil quickly reminded Lin Fei.

“So fast, but I’m ready!”

Lin Fei has been busy and busy for the past five days, and there is a trace of exhaustion on his face. Fortunately, it has been completed. He has not only upgraded the War Fortress several times, but also raised the eighteen Primordial Chaos Clone to 200 billion. Divine Spark, it ’s almost the same, with millions of Divine Spark on hand

Bang!! !

On the depressing God Tomb Battlefield.

With the emergence of Soul’s vibrating atmosphere, the black swirl that has been closed, a golden force pierced down, and the rays of light of God Xi shine on God Tomb Battlefield.

Various God Pass is opened! r1292

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