Lin Fei is really brave.

When I first saw the chaos of red-clothed, the time-taking and Space’s Top Grade method helped Lin Fei a lot. Now I was told to my face, my face was somewhat uncomfortable.

Lin Fei is not easy to lose, even if there is a God Sovereign in front of him, it will not make Lin Fei really scared.

Now Lin Fei, although there are not many means, but there is Invincible Defense, plus a few 100,000 God King bursting beads, as long as you swarm, how can you win for yourself the opportunity to leave.

White clothed The words of the teenager no doubt stimulated Lin Fei.

Lin Fei said with a sneer, “Chaos Senior, I respect you as Senior, but you want to kill me, have the ability to try it, Founder can’t kill me, you can’t kill me now, don’t think you are God Sovereign Expert, I will be afraid of you. “

If these words are passed on to it, it is estimated that everyone will think that this person has a problem in their minds. Whoever dares to say such a thing to God Sovereign in the entire Divine World is simply dead.

Lin Fei is just such a person.

white clothed Chaos is not angry, it is still indifferent to Complete, “Okay, okay! Young man, hot personality, good, good, if I replaced with that year, I will kill you with one sword, but millions of Era of Chaos in the past , My temper has faded, naturally I will not kill you, on the contrary, there will be a great benefit for you! “

Lin Fei is ready, as long as the white clothed chaos dares to act, he dares to fight back, what shit God Sovereign, big deal, who is afraid of who.

Unexpectedly, white clothed Chaos said such a thing, and said that there was a great benefit to give to himself, Lin Fei wondered if he heard it wrong.

“How do I trust you, do you mean it!” Lin Fei said.

“In the beginning, Eight Supreme Gates besieged your Great Heaven World. It was I who ordered it. Chaos City sent 9-Star Heavenly God to help you through the difficulties. Primordial Chaos is actually my Bloodline. Now you always believe Come on! “White clothed chaotic said with a smile.

This incident, Lin Fei does owe people a favor.

I didn’t expect this to be a command under Chaos God Sovereign.

If 9-Star Heavenly God was n’t in town, it would be difficult to guarantee that Great Heaven World would not be defeated, and his wife daughter would be arrested if he did n’t do well.

Lin Fei is a person with gratitude and grudges are clear. Although my heart is very skeptical of the white clothed chaotic intentions, this relationship will still be returned.

“You say, I listen!” Lin Fei said simply.

White clothed Chaos really appreciates the young people in front of him, who can survive under Founder, but not everyone can do it, even if the strength of Founder Void Shadow was only 9-Star God King Peak at that time, in this world, who would like to kill? It’s easy to complete, but it’s rare for a young man to do it.

Soon after seeing this young man again, the white clothed chaos was even more surprised.

God Tomb is dangerous inside and out, no one knows better than him.

The young man in front of him crossed a few 100,000 God King Expert’s blockade, and the white clothed chaos had to give a high look.

“This matter, don’t rush!” Said the white clothed Chaos, looked towards the swirl not far away, “Various God Pass said, the passage opened by the Eighth God Sovereign, sent a large number of Heavenly God Expert, God King Expert, in Mortal World There was a big war, and my subordinates suffered heavy casualties. Eventually, I was also sealed in Mortal World. Later, they closed the Various God Pass, but soon after, the Various God Pass will open again. At that time, God Sovereign will send God King Expert down again! “

Lin Fei suddenly realized, dare to love the meaning of Various God Pass.

“So what does this have to do with me!” Lin Fei said with his mouth, wondering in his heart, that the Various God Pass was good for himself.

“I see that you searched for Divine Spark and God King-level Divine Spark. Although do not know what you do with these things, but this thing is on the top, it is not worth mentioning, if you can guard the Various God Pass, , Forcing them to leave God Tomb, I will prepare 100 billion Divine Sparks for you! “Chaos of white clothed.

100 billion Divine Sparks can irritate Lin Fei.

Even if 70 30,000 God King-level Divine Sparks are currently charged, the ordinary Divine Spark consumes more than XNUMX billion Divine Sparks. Now the Divine Spark on hand is more than XNUMX billion.

100 billion Divine Sparks, if you put it another way, Lin Fei would never believe it.

And the white clothed chaos in front of me is one of the nine God Sovereign. Even if it is not now, it is also a super expert.

“Senior, you despise me too much, 100 billion Divine Sparks, I like them, but I just like strength, where they can guard the Various God Pass, once their army comes, I must not get rid of it!” Lin Fei shook his head, a helpless expression on his face.

Little Devil’s voice rang in Lin Fei’s heart, “Master, you must take down the 100 billion Divine Sparks. In this world, you want to collect so many, it is impossible, 100 billion Divine Sparks , Your War Fortress will be able to break through to the Divine Equipment level, you can carry out deep level transformation, there are 9 billion Divine Sparks, your War Fortress is powerful, and your eighteen Clone can also be promoted to XNUMX-Star Heavenly God Realm ~~~~ “

Lin Fei didn’t worry that Little Devil would be discovered by the other side.

“Don’t seduce me again!”

Lin Fei couldn’t take Little Devil, and in the face of Little Devil, he really couldn’t find any reason to refute.

There is a limited number of Divine Sparks in this world. There is a God Tomb Battlefield that is already very good. As for the details of the major forces, I am afraid that there will not be many. With a billion or so Divine Sparks, it may be the top.

With 100 billion Divine Sparks, Lin Fei is really excited.

“Actually, you don’t have to reject it so early.” White clothed Chaos is still indifferent, “Your strength, you know clearly, that the Various God Pass is not as scary as you think, as long as you can solve the people here, Various God The Pass road is opened once, and it needs eight God Sovereign to work together to urge, every single time is only a few dozen people ~~~ “

“Wait!” Lin Fei interrupted the chaos of white clothed, “You say dozens of people at a time, how did those people come back then!”

“This is what I want to say, because they need to lay out a huge formation here, and with the help of the formation, strengthen the Various God Pass, they can kill them on a large scale. You are a smart person and you should understand what it means! “

Lin Fei is not stupid. Know Various God Pass said that if he wants to transport a large number of Experts, he needs to use Formula to stabilize the side channel. Otherwise, he will transport dozens of people at once. Lin Fei really has the confidence to kill people in the future.

“No, no!” Lin Fei still shook his head. “Don’t say dozens of people, just a few God Kings down. I’m not up to this, you still have to find someone else!”

“As long as you hold it for a month and don’t give them stable formation, I believe you can do it, and I will pay you 100 billion Divine Sparks at once!” White clothed chaotic smiled.

“100 billion Divine Sparks in a month, now, this can be considered!” Lin Fei contemplates, “100 billion Divine Sparks are too few, why do we need 200 billion Divine Sparks!” R1152

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