“Okay, you can come in!”

Less than a stick of incense, Little Devil flew out again, standing on Lin Fei’s shoulder.

“so fast!”

Although Lin Fei is not very good at Formation Restriction, but it is also clear that the Formation Restriction here is different from the outside, and it should not be so easy to break.

Little Devil scorned, “Humph! Just these Formula Restrictions, come and break it easily!”

Lin Fei surrendered.

“Go in from there!”

Little Devil pointed to the previous position, “I have broken the Formation Restriction. You just have to go in from this position. Remember, what happens must not go around, I just open a channel, in case it is attacked by the Formation Restriction, then It’s none of my business! “

Lin Fei blinked, “Channel, what do you mean, you didn’t completely crack, could it be and Formation Restriction!”

This is the least nice to hear joke from Lin Fei.

Little Devil instead said in a serious way, “Master, you think too beautiful, 500,000 Divine Spark, can only open a channel, not a full crack, this price code can’t do it!”

Lin Fei opened his mouth wide.

… ..

Lin Fei walked into this big bag.

As Little Devil said, the large soil bag is covered with Formation Restriction inside and outside, Lin Fei can only cautiously walk in a passage, next to the Formation Restriction, the thundering thunderbolt, the breath of Gengjin, densely packed.

Lin Fei didn’t dare to breakthrough. Under the guidance of Little Devil, he finally came to the center of Datubao with no risk.

“so big!”

It didn’t take long for Lin Fei to come to the middle of the big soil bag, which felt that Complete was big inside.

In addition, the bones are piled up like mountains, some are a dozen feet long, and some are hungred zhang long, densely packed.

“So many bones!”

Lin Fei glanced at it and knew it was here that someone had collected the corpse with a large Divine Ability, and it all piled up here.

“Master, there are words here!”

Shouted Lin Yii moved towards Lin Fei in the distance.

Lin Fei heard that there was no Formula Restriction inside, so he was relieved, came to Lin Yi and saw a stone tablet in front of the bone.

Word on stone tablet.

“Zheng Yi God Sovereign?”

Also do not know whether it is a matter of time or a problem of stone tablet, Lin Fei saw a few powerful characters left on the stone tablet.

“This should have been erected by one of the nine God Sovereign. Could it be be the God Sovereign behind Zheng Yi’s door?”

Lin Fei squinted his eyes, unknowingly, and connected Zheng Yi’s door.

“No matter how bad it is, this should be the man of Zheng Yi God Sovereign, who died under the Starry Sky and was buried together!” Lin Fei quickly concluded.

Lin Fei didn’t pay much attention to these things.

Divine Spark is the focus.

After spending 500,000 Divine Sparks, I can’t go home empty-handed. Lin Fei asked Lin to find it, and he started to find it himself.

“Master, Divine Spark, in fact, you don’t need to find them, they are all collected and placed on the God Platform in the center of the bone, as well as the run-down Divine Equipment!” Little Devil interrupted Lin Fei’s idea of ​​looking.

“Ah, why didn’t you say it earlier!”


In the center of the bone, there is indeed a God Platform.

This God Platform is huge.

After seeing the God Platform, Lin Fei narrowed his eyes, cry out in surprise, “A lot of Divine Spark, Zheng Yi God Sovereign, finally made a good man!”

God Platform is stockpiled with a lot of Divine Spark.

In addition, there is Divine Equipment in the mouth of Little Devil, most of which are broken. After a long time, it has already become a broken copper and iron, and it has no use value.

Of course, if you look carefully, there are still some that can be used, and the power is quite good.

Now Lin Fei, these Little Things have been turned down, and Divine Spark is the biggest help.

“Master, these Divine Sparks should have been left intentionally, or they were left for Zheng Yi’s door!” Lin Yi suddenly interjected, “This time they are destined to be disappointed!”

Lin Fei laughed, “I do n’t care if he left it for Zheng Yi’s gate. Now it belongs to me. 500,000 Divine Sparks broke the Formation Restriction. Finally, it was not wasted. How come there are millions of Divine Sparks!”


The pile of bones, densely packed, countless.

There are indeed a lot of Divine Sparks.

Although there is a Formation Restriction on the God Platform, Little Devil can’t be avoided, and another 300 Divine Sparks have been paid. Lin Fei can only help but agree.

Eighty hundred thousand Divine Sparks were used. Lin Fei stood in front of the God Platform and completely packed up Divine Spark. System also calculated the Divine Spark number in the shortest time.

“Eighty 30,000 Divine Sparks!”

Lin Fei couldn’t help but be excited when he saw number.

There are millions of Divine Sparks in a large clay bag. When Lin finds a lot of large clay bags outside, isn’t that how he can harvest several 10 million Divine Sparks?


If it weren’t for Little Devil, Lin Fei would probably just stare wide and couldn’t hold anything.

Divine Spark received it, Divine Equipment of broken copper and iron, Lin Fei did not accept it all, and converted it, in any case, you can also get a portion of Divine Strength.

“Unfortunately there is no Medical Pill and God Stone!”

Lin Fei scoured everything on the God Platform, and all that remained was a pile of bones.

“Master, this Deity bone is also recyclable, because their bones are god bones, and although they are of average quality, they are also countless Divine Strength!” Little Devil reminded.

Lin Fei slaps his head, how can he forget this.


Lin Fei is not an ordinary god. Divine Strength is like boiled water, and you will never be afraid of it. Divine Strength can be said to be more beneficial. Once the original XNUMX Gigabits of Divine Strength is consumed, there will be about XNUMX Gigabits left. There is an urgent need to replenish Divine Strength.


“Master, if you are willing to pay 100,000 Divine Sparks, I can rearrange it here, no one can recognize it!” After coming out, Little Devil again hehe’s bad said with a smile.

This works too! !!

Lin Fei has just harvested 100,000 million Divine Sparks and repaired them with XNUMX Divine Sparks. Even if the Zheng Yi gate really comes, no trace will be found.

Now, Lin Fei doesn’t want to expose all the secrets.

“Okay, 100,000 Divine Sparks is 100,000 Divine Sparks.”

Little Devil took another trick, the gap in the Formation Restriction was repaired back, no matter how Lin Fei looked at it, the results were the same.

“Master, Zheng Yi, they will be dumbstruck if they come in and go in!” Lin Yi could not help saying with a smile, and the scene was particularly interesting to think about.

“That is necessary. They are not trying to figure out how to deal with me. I also make them uncomfortable!”


After harvesting in the first big dumplings.

Lin Fei begins grave digging.

At this time, as long as it is a big bag, Lin Fei’s eyes are a glittering Treasure House. There is a little Devil sitting town, no matter what Formation Restriction is on it, it can be broken.

The prerequisite is to be paid by Divine Spark.

Compared to the harvest in the big soil bag, Divine Spark, which breaks the Formula Restriction, becomes less important.

“Five hundred 300 Divine Sparks!”

“Six hundred 70 30,000 Divine Sparks!”

“Ninety-one 150,000 Divine Sparks!”


Every time you go in a big bag.

Lin Fei will have a satisfactory harvest. At the same time, I also found that each big bag has a stone tablet, with different names. Some are Zheng Yi God Sovereign, some are good fortune God Sovereign, and more are God Sovereign. .

In this way, Lin Fei is more sure that these big soil bags were made by God Sovereign.

It’s cheap for Lin Fei now.

The number of large bales also exceeded Lin Fei’s imagination.

When it came to a hundred, Lin Fei searched XNUMX million Divine Sparks. In other words, the battlefield in Battlefield already had more than XNUMX million Heavenly God.

This huge number is just the shot by Divine World.

Lin Fei quite was shocked. In order to deal with the chaotic God Sovereign, the Eighth Big God Sovereign put a lot of Heavenly God on Battlefield.

Maybe, these Heavenly God Experts came to Battlefield, but they also exist like cannon fodder.

Although Lin Fei sighs, I hope that the more Divine Sparks, the better. Except for God Tomb, it is not easy to find so many Divine Sparks.


There are far more than one hundred big bales.

And this is just the beginning.

Two hundred, three hundred, four hundred, five hundred!

The number of big earthen bags also gradually increased, not so close before all at all, and the Heavenly God Expert who participated in the battle also had 1 billion Heavenly God Expert.

Lin Fei’s Divine Spark has reached more than 1.3 billion Divine Sparks.

This number is not generally huge.

Lin Fei opened the flowers with a smile. Not only did she receive a large amount of Divine Spark, but Divine Strength also rushed from two gigabytes to more than three gigabytes, which is a full one gigabyte.

After the six hundredth big bag.

On the Battlefield, there was almost no big bag, and Lin Fei went from the outside of God Tomb Battlefield to the central area of ​​Battlefield.

Bang bang bang!! !

Lin Fei searched all the way and saw all kinds of Grand Dao waste on Battlefield, transformed into a Void Shadow, and kept in Teleport.

“Master, be careful, these are the Divine Sense left by God King Expert!”

Lin Yigang reminded that a vague Shadow with a vague appearance not far away seemed to sense someone. He was blown away with a punch in the air, powerful killing intent, and instantly locked both of them.

Lin Fei followed the complexion sank, Lin Yi quickly shot, and the same punch came out, “Master, go!”

The fuzzy Void Shadow blasted out with a punch, and the nearby Void Shadow killed him instantly, blinked, and there were more than 40 God King Experts, killing both of them.

Bang bang bang!! !

The terrorist attack, Lin Fei turned on Invincible Defense for the first time, and people burst out and exited this central area.

Cough cough cough! ! !

The sky’s attack raged on him, Lin Fei was so angry that he fled the central area and returned to a safe place.

God King Expert, who seems to be killing, seems to be restricted and cannot be killed. After stopping for a while, he starts to swim again.

Lin Fei patted his chest. “Lin Yi, don’t you say that they are under the influence of Divine Sense. This strength is too scary.”

At this time, Lin Yi was also uncomfortable. The Top Grade Heavenly God Battle suit on his body had been broken for a long time, he kept coughing blood, and the injuries were not minor, but not to a very serious degree.

Lin Yi smiled bitterly, “Master, this is not their Peak battle strength. When Peak was more terrifying, they are full of the atmosphere of Grand Dao. They can be used perfectly, and their lethality has become exceptionally strong. We have to go deeper. It ’s not that easy, we ca n’t deal with these God Kings alone, and once they shoot, nearby God King Experts will also follow suit. In the end, there will be hundreds of besieged God God Experts. ! “R1152

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