Dragon God’s territory is controlled by people. ☆ →,

Things continue to ferment.

After returning to their respective Sects, the Giants of Eight Supreme Gates used the Secret Technique to communicate with Upper Realm without exception, and spread the news.

Mortal World has a powerful God King, and the bottom line of Emperor Heaven has also become mysterious.

Until the real details of Emperor Heaven are not clear, the Giant of Eight Supreme Gates will remain silent, and will never go to the trouble of Emperor Heaven at this time.

Demon Profound Sect.

Deep into the Forbidden Land on mountainside.

Zong Moshan suffered a loss in the territory of Dragon God, returned to his own territory, arranged for someone to guard the mountainside, and came in alone.

Deep in Forbidden Land, there is a black stone tablet.

Zong Moshan urged the stone tablet, and mysterious power penetrated the Upper Realm.

And on the same day, almost no territory has this mysterious power, but it is a pity that this mysterious power, not at all, is noticed.

A moment later, a Void Shadow appeared over the stone tablet, and Void Shadow was filled with a formidable will and a terrifying breath.

Zong Mo Shan bowed his head, “disciple Zong Mo Shan has seen God’s Envoy lord!”

“Zong Moshan, why did you turn on the stone tablet, didn’t you say, there is no important thing, you can’t allow Xu Kai to start the stone tablet?” The will in Void Shadow was dissatisfied.

Zong Moshan instantly felt that the surrounding temperature had dropped and he could only brace oneself, “God’s Envoy lord is angry, please listen to me and explain, I also had to open it as a last resort!”

“What do you say!”

Zong Moshan was afraid that God’s Envoy was unwilling to listen to himself. In the face of God’s Envoy’s anger, he could not stop it.

“God’s Envoy lord. It’s like this ~~~~” Zong Moshan explained things in detail, focusing on Emperor Heaven. And God King Expert, and thousands of Heavenly God Expert.

“Are you sure?” Will whispered.

“I’m sure.” Zong Mo Shan said. “In the territory, there is almost no Expert to promote God King. Just a few of us, with the power of Upper Realm, can be promoted to God King Realm in a short time. The Senior Brother Complete of this Emperor Heaven is suspicious. I think it is necessary to tell God’s Envoy. lord know! “

“Okay, you did good!”

Zong Mo Shan sighed in relief. “This is what I should do!”

The will in Void Shadow spread the voice again, “Emperor Heaven and the God King, you put it aside for a while, do n’t worry about it. After one month, you bring Sect Expert and the most innate talent disciple, go to God Tomb. I will lift your strength up through God Tomb! “


The Void Shadow on the stone tablet dissipated, and the powerful will disappeared.

Zong Moshan’s body became straight and yin said with a smile. “Emperor Heaven, I’ll make you happy for a month, and I will make you regret it at that time!”


Almost at the same moment.

Eight Supreme Gates. Have received this top secret message.

The following days, Eight Supreme Gates. Seven Overlord, surprisingly quiet.

This makes many people wonder. Eight Supreme Gates has a good background. Could this be really behead this time in front of Emperor Heaven? This is really a rare thing for Complete.

After more than ten days, the top forces remained silent.

Emperor Heaven’s fierce name has made everyone afraid, and various gossips have spread constantly.

“Emperor Heaven too awesome, my idol!”

“Now Emperor Heaven is really the first person in the young generation. You look at Eight Supreme Gates and they dare not speak!”

“Emperor Heaven Powerful!”

“I’m joining Invincible Palace!”


Outside rumors are full of excitement.

At least, at this time, Emperor Heaven’s fierce name was the loudest.

No matter which corner, the name Emperor Heaven will be known. If you have never heard of it, it can only mean that you are out of date.

Ten days later.

World Chamber of Commerce sent an Elder to the Dragon God territory and asked to meet Dragon God. Nine Dragon Kings met Elder of the World Chamber of Commerce.

The Elder explained that the assassination of Dragon God was a misunderstanding, emphasizing that the World Chamber of Commerce would not intervene in anything, and sent a generous gift to the nine Dragon King, and also 5 million pieces of Divine Spark. Finally, it was easy to say that the nine Only then did the Dragon King promise to go back.

After receiving the Vice President Vice President, Elder of World Chamber of Commerce took the person out of Dragon God territory. Fear of being placed under house arrest by Dragon Clan’s people.

With 5 million Divine Sparks in hand, Lin Fei is not as excited as before.

Eight 10 million Divine Sparks have been seen, and the 5 million Divine Sparks are really not in my mind.


In the secret space of War Fortress.

Lin Fei’s retreat has just begun.

The first is to promote Realm, which is a must.

Searching for Divine Spark, Lin Fei has been useless, wait until 5 million Divine Sparks are in hand, and came to XNUMX million Divine Sparks on hand, you can spend it freely.


One hundred million Divine Sparks are piled up like a mountain, and the visual shock is very shocking.

“As long as I’m promoted to God King Realm, I can summon God King Expert, even God Venerable Expert, no matter what conspiracy idea of ​​Eight Supreme Gates, I can stop worrying!”

Lin Fei hasn’t despised Eight Supreme Gates. It’s because their backstage is too big. God Sovereign Expert is the backing, not the general bully.

The most important thing is that they seem to lay out the territory below, even if there is a God King nearby, Lin Fei also feels unsafe.

“Ding, Congratulations Player Lin Fei, promotion to God King Realm, achievement of 1-Star God King!”

5 million Divine Sparks went down, Lin Fei was promoted to God King Realm, and a stronger feeling appeared on my mind.

“Ding, Congratulations Player Lin Fei was promoted to God King Realm and turned on God King summon Mode!”

“Ding, Congratulations Player Lin Fei was promoted to God King Realm and allowed a summon God Venerable Expert!”


The icy voice of System became extremely tempting in Lin Fei’s ears.

“Grandma, finally summon God Venerable Expert!”

Lin Fei opens the page and sucks in a breath of cold air.

“Summon God Venerable Expert, 0 / 100000000God Venerable fragment!”

Lin Fei can’t help but suck in a breath of cold air, how many is a God King Expert, and now the summon God Venerable Expert requires XNUMX million God Venerable fragments.

“Black, it’s black!”

Originally, Lin Fei also planned to summon a God Venerable Expert immediately.

It now appears that this needs to be postponed.

Lin Fei opened another page about summon God King Expert, and it will not rise to a very high number.

At this point, I really guessed it.

“Fortunately, summon God King Expert is not that expensive, it only needs a 10 million God King fragment.”

Lin Fei in any case sighed in relief.

A 10 million fragment is acceptable, and you can summon one or two Body Defenses anyway.

Originally thought that there were a lot of XNUMX million Divine Spark fragments. At the moment, not at all imagines that you can spend as much as you like.

“I need to study it carefully, how will the remaining 5 million Divine Sparks be used!”

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