Dragon City does not have Formation Restriction turned on!

The strongest race is from the letter. I don’t think anyone dares to kill Dragon City. At the time of Dragon God grand meeting, he will not open the Formation Restriction.

The reason is also simple!

The strongest race stands for absolute strength.

The horrific beam of light struck, and the buildings of Dragon City large and small collapsed and turned into ruins, dust Fei Yang.

The Dragon God statue on the plaza was also blown up by more than ten in an instant, and the scene was a mess.

The Immortal of the various races watching, all chaotically, hiding around.

There were not many attacks against them.

The key target of the attack was the forces on the platform.

“Impossible, Emperor Heaven, you are courting death!”

At one of the high platforms, a big guy was furious, and took out a towering green tree, standing in front of the high platform.

On another high platform, that is the position of Giant Human Race. When I saw the attack of War Fortress, the giant Human Race boss was furious, his body soared, and turned into a hundred zhang high giant, throwing his fist into the beam Attack and burst the beam into fragments.

On the high platform, all the lords present here were quick to respond without any hesitation.

When the attack came, they all took out treasure to resist, all screaming at Emperor Heaven shameless, all the way up to them.

There were also some people who were too late to escape and were killed by the beam.


Nine Dragon Kings and six Dragon Kings stood behind sucking in a breath of cold air.

They had killed it.

Compared with Emperor Heaven, it is no longer a grade at all.

Hundreds of attacks continued, and a good Dragon God grand meeting could not continue. This means they can’t do it, so Emperor Heaven is not afraid to be torn by angry gangsters.

“Emperor Heaven. How dare you dare to kill me in Dragon City!”

Dragon God thought of Emperor Heaven coming back. My nine brother, clearly linked with Emperor Heaven, but did not expect that the other party would come in such a way, hit everyone a completely unprepared.

Bang bang bang!! !

Long Lie burned into the sky, and the golden armor also emerged, punching the beam towards the beam, bursting the beam attack without any effort. Seven or eight beams of light were attacked, and people rushed out of Dragon City plaza.

Lin Fei also appeared above War Fortress, stepping on the giant beast of War Fortress, playing with a smile, “haha, I have always been very brave, you only know now, yes, it seems. I just killed a while ago A Clone, it should be you, no wonder it looks familiar! “

At this point, the War Fortress attack also stopped.

Expert on Dragon City plaza. They rushed out one after another.

When these lords have been so embarrassed, if not for their resistance, the genius disciples they brought will be badly damaged. When I saw Emperor Heaven on War Fortress, my eyes shot cold light.

“Emperor Heaven. What do you mean!”

“Don’t bully Demon Profound Sect!”

“Emperor Heaven, you must tell us today. Otherwise you don’t have to leave!”


Several Sects in Eight Supreme Gates originally had a bad impression of Emperor Heaven, but can’t do anything to each other. Now when they see the opportunity, they naturally target Emperor Heaven.

Several of the seven Overlords, such as Sen Luo Overlord, Hanyin Overlord, etc., looked towards Emperor Heaven are all cold killing intents.

This asshole guy really does everything.

However, they barely fell down and heard the words of Emperor Heaven.

Dragon God’s Clone was killed?

real or fake?

This is a blast.

The power of Dragon God is unquestionable. A simple Clone and strength can reach 9-Star Heavenly God Realm. This is the advantage of the strongest race. A lot of resources can build a strong strength.

And now Dragon God’s Clone was killed by Emperor Heaven? It is indeed a shocking news.

When was the strength of Emperor Heaven so terrifying that it could kill a 9-Star Heavenly God Clone? This may have progressed too quickly, and they were unwilling to believe it.

Long Lie’s face did not have how big is it’s anger.

“Emperor Heaven, you are indeed very difficult to deal with, but that is also what I might as well, was successful by your five 9-Star Heavenly God sneak attack, and now my dear, do you think there is still a chance?” Longlie laughing out loud.

These words still shocked everyone.

Emperor Heaven has five 9-Star Heavenly Gods around him? Damn, this is where it comes from.

The battle strength of a 9-Star Heavenly God is Complete horror, not to mention the five 9-Star Heavenly God, absolutely kill anyone who wants to kill.

Dragon God named, no doubt let everyone sighed in relief, have prepared in advance, and do not worry about Emperor Heaven sneak sneak attack.

“Emperor Heaven, you kill me eldest son Long Yikun, and you kill me Clone, and bombard Dragon City. Anything is unforgivable.” Long Lieyan suddenly raised his voice, “However, you are the eighth Overlord in the territory. , I can never blame, as long as you surrender the Dragon Clan traitor behind you! “

At War Fortress, not only Lin Fei was here, but nine Dragon Kings and Six Dragon Kings, as well as Great Elder were all there.

Only then did everyone notice the people behind Emperor Heaven.

Especially the grandfather of Dragon Clan.

“It’s him!”

“Nine Dragon King is back!”

“There are six Dragon Kings.”

“Isn’t that the Great Elder that year?”

“How did they become traitors!”


Dragon Clan Many people recognize the people above, and everyone looks at each other in shock.

Those who can recognize the nine Dragon Kings are the old people of that year.

People today don’t even know Dragon King and Great Elder.

Lin Fei chuckled, “This Dragon God is not simple in heart. It seems to respect my identity in public. In fact, he is trying to force me to surrender the nine Dragon Kings. After all, it is not for the Dragon God Sceptre God King treasure. Wait for Dragon. God Sceptre is here, I’m afraid it will be the first to deal with me. I will be a fool! “

“Dragon Lie, who do you say is a traitor!” Six Dragon King sneered, “who united an outsider and seized the position of Dragon God. Thanks for your kindness, I will blush for you!”

These words, Six Dragon King have been stunned for a long time, and now finally have a chance to say, no longer have to worry about anything, no Worry.

“Do n’t think that I do not know, I ’m someone in this lineage, killed from time to time, actually you are n’t telling you secretly, my king city, it ’s not that you deliberately suppress, a branch, why press me This lineage, you do not know when I do everything! “Six Dragon King said angrily.

Long Liezi said very disappointed, “Little Liu, you really let me down. If I want to deal with you, then this lineage of you was passed away. Why wait till now, you blame me, hate me, I will not take it to heart Up, but the last thing you should be with the traitor of Dragon Clan, really, you’re letting me down! “

Dragon God is also really not simple. In a simple sentence, six Dragon Kings are thrown into the traitor. The other meaning is how the traitor’s words make people believe.

“You say Little Liu is a traitor, what about the old man!” Long Ao Blood Vitality was not light, and shouted in anger.

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