“It’s so easy to break through the iron shoes and find nowhere!”

In a Void in Exile.

Long Yikun showed a hint of sneer, and there was a big taste that everything was under control.

“His Royal Highness Congratulations, I would like to make a great contribution to the next level.” Long Meng and Long Bai brothers Congratulations said.

Long Yikun chased all the way, easily found Nine Dragon King, and also witnessed the battle. I even saw the legend of Emperor Heaven, who was very difficult to deal with, 6-Star Heavenly God battle strength, just let him little accident.

“He’s Cultivation Technique, I want it!”

Long Yikun’s eyes were very hot.

If he has this set of Cultivation Technique, even if facing 9-Star Heavenly God, he will not frown. It is a waste to use on Emperor Heaven. Such people should not have this Cultivation Technique.

Long Yikun not only wanted the Clone Cultivation Technique of Emperor Heaven, but also cut off the heads of nine Dragon Kings, and Dragon Clan’s first Divine Equipment Dragon God Sceptre.

Congratulations, Long Yikun is very proud.

This trip is a real gain.

When you return home with great credit, your brothers will also bow their heads in front of themselves. Long Yikun knows his Imperial Father, and the most important thing is to retrieve Dragon God Sceptre. Over time, it also becomes a heart attack.

“His Royal Highness, Demon Clan is an Expert of Demon Clan. The other strengths are not weak. The worst are 6-Star Heavenly God strength. They don’t need us to act, they will be in a mess.” . Analysis, “We just have to wait for them to act, no matter who wins afterwards, no one can leave us!”

Long Yikun said with a smile, “A group of guys who don’t have long eyes, it’s good to fight, then you’re ready. I’ll ask for your help in front of the Imperial Father!”

Bang!! !

A breath of terror rose.

The whole place of exile is up and down. Everyone was in panic.

“A terrible atmosphere!”

“Why is this breath so strong, I’m in front of this breath. I can’t even move!”

“Could it be 9-Star Heavenly God?”

Experts in exile are at risk.

do not know what horror happened, attracted such a terrifying breath.

Mo Haitian was also crushed by the breath. He opened his mouth to vomit blood, and he vomited several blood in succession. He was still good. As for other Heavenly God, none of his face was not pale.

“9-Star Heavenly God!”

Mo Haitian’s face was moving, and he stared at the front with a terrifying breath. Only 9-Star Heavenly God is available.

“It’s not too late, let’s do it.”

Devil Sea Sky is indeed Demon Clan Expert. There is an Expert from know old bastard. No matter what the Expert is, it is at least a strong enemy.

Before he hits, take the initiative.

Devil Sea Sky’s first shot, Demon Flames towering, took out a gust of White Bone mountain, this is Middle Grade Divine Equipment. It can be big or small, biting flesh and blood, powerful and terrifying, smashing at everyone.

The other three were also welcome. Also know this is the only chance, one after another took out treasure, a bloody river. A gold war chariot, a Deity Void Shadow.

The four took the lead. Not to mention the thousands of Heavenly Gods behind it.

The sky’s treasure attacked, and it was dark. This shows the horror of this attack.

“Old bastard, even if you are 9-Star Heavenly God, in this place of seal, don’t want to take advantage!” Mo Haitian urged White Bone Mountain, Middle Grade Divine Equipment masterpiece.

With so many people doing it, Mo Haitian is indeed qualified to say this.

Long Ao, who was waiting for the blood, was also in shock at this time. The mind couldn’t turn around. In the face of this breath, they were also shocked. Although it was not positive, it was also bloody.

“This is not 9-Star Heavenly God. This is the breath of God King!”

Long Ao’s blood memory seems to return to a long time ago. His body was slightly shaken, his eyes widened, and he finally realized that this aura is not the breath of 9-Star Heavenly God, but the breath of God King.

This kind of breath, which he had seen in Dragon God that year, is also this kind of terrifying breath, both of which are exactly the same.

“Junior Brother, it’s one thing for these people to be themselves. I’ll help you out!”

Everyone was shocked again, especially Nine Dragon King was full of joy, secretly thought, “I know Emperor Heaven is very powerful. I didn’t expect his Senior Brother strength to be so arrogant. Once it came out, it was 9-Star Heavenly God Realm. No, he Breath! “

The burly man came in front of the crowd, and a random palm attacked a black treasure.

Bang bang bang!! !

This palm shot, the sky attacked one after another and exploded. Divine Equipment was poor, almost scrapped. The white sea of ​​Devil ’s White Bone was deformed and its size was reduced by a large margin. The blood river was scattered. Deity Void Shadow is detonated.

With one palm, all threats disappeared.

Mo Haitian vomits blood again, his scalp is numb, and the person who came is not 9-Star Heavenly God. He can easily break away their thousands of attacks, and only God King can easily do it.


At this time, Mo Haitian can only run as far as he can.

Are n’t you just grabbing something? As for using God King to deal with yourself, isn’t that pitting people.

The others are almost the same, the people under him don’t care, let’s save their lives first.

“I still want to go!”

Coldly snorted, Rowen threw down the Divine Strength light ball. The light ball fell in the Heavenly God group. No matter what the Realm’s Heavenly God, when the Divine Strength exploded, it was blasted into a fragment on the spot.

It can be said that this time is their end.

Two Divine Strength lightballs went down, thousands of Heavenly God Experts were annihilated, and none of them survived.

The third ball of light blasted towards the three of Mohaitian, and the area was flattened. The four top Heavenly God Experts were also exploded into fragments, and even Divine Spark was damaged.

“All dead!”

Long Ao’s blood body was unable to control the trembling. The words of the burly man were also clear. He dared the lover’s family to be qualified to speak. He was supported by a senior Senior Brother Wang. He was indeed qualified to say this.

Fortunately, I didn’t take a shot!

Long Ao’s blood was scared after a while, and he really shot. Maybe he was the same as them?

Nine Dragon Kings and Six Dragon Kings, including the Dragon Clan Expert at the back, are not calm, all of them are frightened, the visual impact is too shocking, and they have to fight a fight just now, but they are destroyed at will.

“Junior Brother, there seems to be someone peeping there. Killing intent is very big for you, if you want to kill it, two 6-Star Heavenly Gods, one 5-Star Heavenly God, the master said, but anyone who has a killing intent for you , All killed! “

Rowen’s eyes glanced at Long Ao’s blood.

“Your Highness, go!”

In the distant Void, Longmeng and Longbai were frightened after the shock, and the two teamed up very strongly, but they killed thousands of Heavenly God in the blink of an eye. Swept away, how they are rivals.

Long Yikun has seen various Experts, and Imperial Father is also one of them. But at this time, he was also afraid, and hurriedly took out the Space-Time door and left the sealed place.

“I can’t die here, I must leave alive !!”


A Divine Strength sphere of light is dropping from the sky and exploded in their Void.

Long Yikun, including two confidants, was instantly smashed into fragments, and Divine Spark was tattered.

Lin Fei laughed, “Fuck, it’s fierce, how much Divine Spark do I have to collect this time!”

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