Dragon God has a large territory.

After the invaded land was invaded, Dragon God’s eldest son Long Yikun knew immediately.

Now, he was on his way to the place of exile.

“Imperial Father is right. My nine uncle is really trying to get those people’s ideas, trying to make a comeback with those old monsters?” Long Yikun sneered, didn’t really care, “Don’t look, when is it now? It is Dragon God Sceptre that appears, if I can bring Dragon God Sceptre back, the heir to the future must be me! “

The people nearby didn’t dare to disturb the Main Hall.

“Give me full speed, order my Experts, assemble all the Experts of Black Dragon Legion, and surround me with the place of exile. Your Highness wants them to impossible to escape!”

Black Dragon Legion is the main force held by Long Yikun.

As the eldest son of Dragon God lord, there is also Dragon King behind him, who has a terrifying power, otherwise how to test in brothers.

Long Yikun realized that this was an opportunity for himself.

As long as the nine uncles, including some traitors, are beheaded and taken back with Dragon God Sceptre, the other four brothers can’t compete with their own heirs at all, and they can make a fortune in one fell swoop.


Black Dragon Legion is coming soon!

Block this place as soon as possible.

The densely packed Black Dragon expands a Killing Formation and surrounds eight Dragon God Mountains.

“Formation is done under Main Hall.” Someone came to report.

Long Yikun stood on Dragon God Mountain, nod satisfied, “Once they come out, no matter who they are. Kill without mercy, one is not left!”

This Killing Formation. It is also one of the Super Killing Formations.

It was bought from the Auction Market of the Top Grade Chamber of Commerce World Chamber of Commerce, and the light spurred the Killing Formation. That is 100,000 Black Dragons, and Realm above Paragon.

The order also spread out the first time.

“Longmeng, Longbai, you two follow me in!”

Outside lay out Killing Formation, Long Yikun was not satisfied, so he called the two confidante Experts around him to enter the place of exile and kill them as soon as possible.

“As you bid!”

Longmeng and Longbai are two brothers, cultivation a combination of Cultivation Technique. Battle strength Complete is horrible, and it is 5-Star Peak Heavenly God battle strength. If you use this combination of formations, the battle strength can barely reach 7-Star Heavenly God.

This is where Long Yikun dare to go in personally.


“This place is really a place of seal.”

Within the land of exile.

The entire Heaven and Earth is deserted, and almost no green life can be seen. Even the most common green leaves are not there. In the eyes, apart from the barren yellow sand, it is still a barren mountain. And the bare, towering Gao Shan.

Lin Fei had already stowed the War Fortress, flying on the deserted sky, between Heaven and Earth, with the seal power blessing on him. Cut off everything.

Nine Dragon King and six Dragon King expressions are also dignified.

They still underestimate the horror of the place of exile.

“I still underestimated here, not only did we have a seal on us, but we were shrouded in Endless’s gravitational magnetic field. We lost Dragon Clan, and the Divine Body was strong. In a long time, it was really unbearable!” Nine Dragon King sighed.

Six Dragon King also came in for the first time. It’s also the shock of Quite, “If there weren’t you nine brothers, I would doubt that I would be here in my life!”

Lin Fei don’t think of the seal on her body.


He has a lot of Divine Strength in the system. He is not afraid of consumption at all, and has taken advantage in the place of exile.

“The place of exile is really not ordinary. Experts who can be exiled to this place want to be the top experts in Dragon God territory, and only they can survive here!”

“You are right, people without strength are not qualified to survive here, you are people who are not qualified to survive, haha ​​ha!”

In vain, a piece of yellow sand set off and turned into a Heaven and Earth, moved towards them!

“This person is strong!”

Six Dragon King yelled openly, blasting Dragon Prestige, blasted on the yellow sand, and the yellow sand was completely motionless, still covering it.

“Great tone!”

Lin Fei laughed. This Heaven and Earth Divine Ability worked well. In front of System, there were still a lot of weak spots. He pulled out Heavenly God War Blade and blasted out at one of them.

The yellow sand exploded.

A middle age person wearing a yellow robe also appeared in the distance.

“You are an expert of the Sha people, why are you here!” Six Dragon King said in surprise.

“Hmph, none of you at Dragon Clan is a good thing. Anyway, you come in and don’t even think about going out. Obediently becomes my blood food.” Yellow robe middle age person loudly shouted, rolling up the yellow sand, and people disappeared .

“Emperor Heaven Fellow Daoist, be careful, this person is an expert of the Sha people, the best is Clone Thousand, and this person is already 4-Star Heavenly God, and with Bloodline Divine Ability, you can resist 5-Star Heavenly God!” Dragon King reminded that there was a faint feeling in his heart.

Lin Fei is worried about how to shoot.

Those who beheaded Dragon Clan didn’t make them happy, and when they heard that they were not Dragon Clan, they didn’t need to worry.

“This person, let me deal with it!”

Bang bang bang!! !

The eighteen Heavenly God Clones are soaring into the sky, one after another, the Sha expert is shocked. The eighteen Clones enter Lin Fei within the body, and the momentum rises constantly, breaking through to 6-Star Heavenly God Realm in one fell swoop.

“God Level is one-size-fits-all!”

Lin Flying God battle moved towards one of them and Divine Strength blade glow cut one of the Void.


Up and down two corpses, fell from the sky, blood red stained yellow sand.

Oh la la !

The Heavenly God War Blade on Lin Fei’s hand could not bear the strength and was torn apart.

“This is dead!”

Six Dragon King know Emperor Heaven is very powerful. After witnessing the battle, it was completely shocked. This is too horrible. The Sha Expert is good at hiding body shape. Ordinary people ca n’t grasp the position of the body. Emperor Heaven can kill him with one stroke. Awesome, this means awesome.

“Stop hiding guy, killing him is easy!” Lin Fei got the two corpses inside the War Fortress, where Hairball would be responsible for eating them.

Inside Storage Ring, fifty-six Divine Sparks are stored, and Lin Fei’s eyes are bright.

This harvest! !! !!

“Divine Spark I’m useful, you divided these things!” Lin Fei tossed the Storage Ring to them, Divine Spark took it away and took the level up directly, and the first step was close to the level up.

Six Dragon King was surprised again. I didn’t expect Emperor Heaven to be so generous, so he was willing to share the rest with them.

Most of the Dragon Kings, Six Dragon Kings are arrogant. If you usually do not care about them at all, these are the past. Constantly was suppressed. He has limited resources for this lineage cultivation. Now I see that my heart is very emotional, but Sorry to get it.

Nine Dragon King politely accepted, “Liu, he is Nouveau riche, other things can’t be seen, and Divine Spark can be seen, these things should not be for nothing!”

Nine Dragon Kings said so, and six Dragon Kings also secretly thought that this lineage and some Divine Sparks were collected, should they trade with Emperor Heaven?

“My movement just now attracted a lot of people, so be careful!”

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