Under the mighty Starry Sky.

A black mammoth crosses.

It ca n’t be captured fast with Divine Sense. It passes through the stars of each and everyone, the world of each and everyone, and finally crosses the territory and moves towards the next territory.

“Sen Luo Fellow Daoist, this time is really bothering you. I want you to take us all the way to Dragon God territory!”

The black behemoth is a war weapon, War Fortress.

The person in charge of War Fortress is Senlord Overlord.

In the large territory, Teleport, the general Teleport Warship, cannot break through the limit, which is what War Fortress can do, in the shortest time, to the farthest place.

Any one of the Seven Overlords is very popular. Many Heavenly God Experts need to go out, travel to distant territory, and even go to some dangerous Secret Realm. Almost all of them seek Overlord to send them over.

Sending it once with War Fortress is also amazing, and Heavenly God Expert has this net worth.

“President Feng, you laughed, we are friends for many years, not just to go to the Dragon God territory, it is not a troublesome thing!” Sen Luo Overlord said with a smile.

President Feng is naturally windy.

After the World Chamber of Commerce held a meeting, up and down were all angry about Emperor Heaven’s revenge on Emperor Heaven, and they were determined to deal with Emperor Heaven, otherwise the face of the World Chamber of Commerce would not exist.

As the wind that led to this, Third Young Master is also the focus of attention. As the wind of father, it is inevitable that it will become ° F, and…

This time, Feng Wanquan is really hard to explain. Fortunately, in the World Chamber of Commerce, his lineage is still quite strong, which is barely to block the attacks of others.

For this reason, Feng Wanquan also paid a lot of price.

At the end of the meeting, Feng Wanquan was arranged to go to Dragon God territory. Connect with contemporary Dragon God to get the hands of the people in Dragon God territory. Leaving Emperor Heaven in Dragon God’s Territory will never hurt again.

Emperor Heaven takes people back to Dragon God territory. It’s not secret news. It is easy to investigate such a large Chamber of Commerce like World Chamber of Commerce.

In connection with the events of that year, the High Level of the World Chamber of Commerce knows what Emperor Heaven is going to do. This is to go to the Dragon God territory, which also makes the World Chamber of Commerce realize that this is an opportunity.

The World Chamber of Commerce suffered heavy losses this time, not only damaging Heavenly God, but also a large number of treasures, including Divine Spark.

This tone must come out.

How come out. It also needs to be carefully considered.

Feng Wanquan is now being forced to shoot. To this end, Heavenly God Expert from the World Chamber of Commerce is brought out. There are twenty Heavenly God Experts, two of which are 5-Star Heavenly God and five 4-Star Heavenly God. All that’s left is 3-Star Heavenly God Expert.

Such an overbearing strength is to deal with Emperor Heaven.

The main force, of course, is Dragon Clan in Dragon God territory.

Feng Wanquan and Sen Luo Overlord have many years of relationship, this time representing the World Chamber of Commerce. What should be paid is still to be paid, which is also a great effort.

“I heard, Sen Luo, you played against Emperor Heaven, do not know what was the impression?”

Sen Luo Overlord knew the purpose of this trip.

World Chamber of Commerce goes to Emperor Heaven. It’s just not the main force.

“Emperor Heaven is a bad in the bones!” Sen Luo Overlord still couldn’t forget the last thing, he really planted a follower and became the eighth Overlord in Emperor Heaven. He made a lot of effort in order to add some hate value to Emperor Heaven. “If you can’t take a shot, it’s better not to take a shot. Of course, this is my personal opinion.”

Feng Wanquan frowned, even an old friend said, this time let Dragon Clan’s people do more.

“I heard that the Dragon God Territory will hold a new Dragon God grand meeting to compete for this inheritance. Dragon Clan’s various Experts will come out. It seems that the most powerful races will also go and watch. I believe it will be very good. Interesting! “Sen Luo Overlord said casually.

Feng Wanquan’s eyes flashed a strange color quickly.

Sen Luo Overlord also looked at the changes in the wind, and said, “Emperor Heaven, don’t think that sweeping the Refiner Sect is great. If you dare to go to the Dragon Clan place, you will inevitably make your head bloody. , It ’s impossible to subdue them, I’ll see how you look ugly! “

World Chamber of Commerce Division People go upstairs.

Lin Fei gave up and continued to sweep, full power rushed to the Dragon God territory.

In the following days, War Fortress advanced at a high speed. Lin Fei didn’t care much about the Energy Points consumed, and the wool came out of the sheep, so he didn’t even care.

It took a full month.

Lin Fei and the others have unlimited access to Dragon God territory.

Most of the people who appear here are Dragon Clan, or a dragon-man hybrid.

“After all these years, I never thought I would come back one day, old man never thought of it.”

Nine Dragon King stood on a platform in the fort, overlooking the Star World below, with great emotion and familiar feeling, spontaneously emerged.


It’s always home!

No matter how long ago, there is still a home in my heart.

The Dragon God territory is its own home.

Lin Fei stood not far from Nine Dragon King, “Are you afraid!”

Nine Dragon King laughed, “No, Dragon Clan is not afraid of death. Even if it’s dragon’s pool and tiger’s den, there is no Master yet.”

This bullshit is done ~~

The Dragon God territory has not arrived, Lin Fei has also seen people living in the Foreign Domain in Xinjiang, and the Strength is Complete, and most of them are Monster Beast.

“Your brothers should know that you are ready to return to Dragon God territory!” Lin Fei looked at the distance, “do not know what expression will be now!”

When Dragon Clan was sent out to raid the World Chamber of Commerce Division, Lin Fei had no intention of concealing his whereabouts.

A proper high profile is needed.

Lin Fei just wants people in the Dragon God territory to feel a little pressure, so that the Dragon God territory will be chaotic. Many people will feel guilty about what happened in the year.

hua hua ~~~

In vain, the sky is bright red in the distance.

The big Starry Sky is full of fire red.

A scorching breeze blew across the face, like falling into Endless’s fire sea.

“This ~~~ This seems to be the power of Phoenix Clan among the strongest races!” Nine Dragon King looked at him with a complete look, surprised by Complete.

Not long after that.

A million feet of Fire Phoenix flew across the sky, and Starry Sky was fiery wherever it passed.

Looking from their direction, came to can see Fire Phoenix, there are many people standing, and for a moment, the huge Fire Phoenix disappears, leaving only Heaven and Earth a wave of fire.

“God Beast, it’s so powerful!” Lin Fei narrowed his eyes.

This is the first time Lin Fei has seen God Beast.

Still a very powerful God Beast.

“Humph! What is God Beast? Sooner or later, I am also God Beast, or the most powerful God Beast.” Hairball lying on Lin Fei’s shoulder said with great dissatisfaction, “Eat, eat!”

Lin Fei appeased, “Okay, okay, you are the best God Beast!”

“When did your Dragon Clan come so close to Phoenix Clan!” Lin Fei said curiously.

The closer to the Dragon God territory, the more people travelling to the territory constantly.

The first is the emergence of the wind race, and then the tall and strong Giant Human Race, which is also one of the powerful races. The other two were shocked.

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