Lin Fei did not suppress his voice.

Here comes the Refiner Sect, Lin Fei just wants to tell the Refiner Sect up and down, he is here to calculate the account, delisted? It’s not difficult.

“Who is Emperor Heaven, why don’t I know it!”

“Fool, Emperor Heaven is the guy who has the invincible weapon.”

“He came to Refiner Sect!”

“Isn’t he saying that his strength is bad, how could he kill Heavenly God so well.”

“The most incredible thing is that he has eighteen Heavenly Gods around him, and I really find it hard to believe it is true!”

Refiner Sect inside and out.

It was all in shock.

The name of Emperor Heaven, everyone who do not know, especially Half-Step Heavenly God and Heavenly God Expert, is no secret in this circle.

Emperor Heaven has mastered the invincible weapon, and when he enters a certain level of Expert, he knows the strength of the invincible weapon. Now in the territory, whoever has the invincible weapon is a worthy boast.

Everyone naturally knows Emperor Heaven.

Anyone can offend, 10 million can’t offend Emperor Heaven, lest he regret it in the future.

Many of the Heavenly God Experts came to Refiner Sect just to ask Refiner Sect if there is such a refining method, so as to occupy a market quota in the future.

The emergence of invincible weapon has a great impact on ordinary weapon, even if it is from the Grandmaster’s puppet, …., the fame is not as good as invincible weapon.

At this moment, they even did not expect that Emperor Heaven would personally kill Refiner Sect, killing more than a hundred Half-Step Heavenly God in one breath, and sweeping the middle power of Refiner Sect.

If Refiner Sect can kill Emperor Heaven, that’s okay.

But if left by Emperor Heaven. Refiner Sect is Origin Energy’s major injury, which hurts the muscles and bones. The strength of Refiner Sect will also be greatly affected, and speaking will not be as hard as before.

“You ~~~ You are Emperor Heaven. How could it be here!”

Shi Hengshan was shocked and arranged for Sect Heavenly God to deal with Emperor Heaven. He wanted to get the invincible weapon refining method and sent several Heavenly God Experts. In addition to participating Heavenly God, it was not difficult to win Emperor Heaven.

But now Emperor Heaven kills Refiner Sect and kills hundreds of Half-Step Heavenly God. Shi Hengshan’s heart is bleeding, and Refiner Sect needs to be cultivated again. do not know how long it takes and how much resources it consumes.

“Why can’t I show up here, you Refiner Sect shameless want to catch me under the excuse of Sansha, how can I give you a big gift for Refiner Sect!”

Lin Fei also rushed up.

“Time slows down!”

Divine Strength burns violently, holding up Time slows down.

This is the best way to kill Heavenly God.

No one can stop it temporarily.

Time slows down shrouded in them, all eight Heavenly God figures slowed down, eighteen God Slayer came in, and attacked Heavenly God.

Invincible Low Grade Divine Equipment at hand against eight Heavenly Gods. It can be said that it is the same as crushing.

No battle suit is useful.

Divine Body is also useless.

“I don’t want to die ~~~”

A Heavenly God Battle suit was broken, the second Battle suit was not yet worn, Low Grade Divine Equipment’s attack was on the body, and Divine Body spread all over the cracks. Divided, a Divine Spark burst.

The burst of Divine Spark was also suppressed by time. Unable to move even a little bit at all.

Shi Hengshan couldn’t accept this scene, and Heavenly God beside him had no ability to resist. Watching Heavenly God being bombarded, leaving one after another Divine Spark.

Come out of eight Heavenly God Expert. Three blinks left.

As the Sect Master of Refiner Sect, Shi Hengshan has not felt what is the breath of death for a long time, but can feel the breath of death at this time.

This young man of ordinary strength in his mouth, finally fiercely threw him a slap, telling him what strength is.

“Really, everything is true!”

Shi Hengshan know Emperor Heaven has Clone Heavenly God, but that’s just five. Plot against it. I think there is great hope. But where is know, Emperor Heaven Clone has eighteen statues. More terrifying is that the body is armed with teeth, and weapon is invincible weapon, invincible at the same stage, terrifying dare not imagine.

Arming a Clone Heavenly God is okay, and eighteen Clone Heavenly God are fully armed, this is the most terrifying.

When Shi Hengshan’s thoughts were chaotic, the last three Heavenly Gods around him were also killed, and he was left alone.

Shimengshan Realm is not low, blocking part of Time slows down, the movement is still very slow, even if it is 3-Star Heavenly God Peak strength, it is difficult to get rid of easily.

“Emperor Heaven, you don’t want to kill me!”

Shi Hengshan still had some cards, spit out a blue star bead, and a blue sky appeared around it, blocking Clone Heavenly God’s attack.

“Dear friends of Refiner Sect, if you hurt Emperor Heaven, we at Refiner Sect are willing to give you a Low Grade Divine Equipment, a Low Grade God Armor reward, and Top Grade Divine Ability, and my old Ancestor Expert will be right away Break through, it won’t matter if you take Emperor Heaven! “

As soon as the blue beads came out, blocking the first wave of attacks, Shi Hengshan was still unable to Teleport.

The onlookers are naturally Heavenly God Expert.

Refiner Sect has a wide network, knows many Experts, and has more cooperative relationships. Normally, there will be a lot of Heavenly God in Pill Saint.

At this time, in order to block Emperor Heaven, Shihengshan used Bounty.

“Sect Master, I’ll help you!”

“Emperor Heaven, a junior, dare to kill Refiner Sect, it is too arrogant, this person should kill!”

“I’m here to help!”

I have to say that Shi Hengshan’s words have a great appeal, and the Heavenly God of the Refiner Sect, but the Half-Step Heavenly God, all wanted to fish out in troubled waters, especially when I heard that the Old Ancestor of the Refiner Sect would appear.

All they need to do is entangle Emperor Heaven.

In less than a moment, there are thirteen Heavenly Gods, plus a half-step Heavenly God from the fifty-sixty.

“Emperor Heaven, I have to admire your courage, dare singlehanded to kill us Refiner Sect, you are the first, but you will regret the refiner Sect killing later!” Shi Hengshan tried to calm himself down.

Lin Fei indifferently said, “That’s not necessarily!”

War Fortress appeared with invincible power, stayed in the sky, the muzzle of each and everyone appeared, and hundreds of beams moved toward them without any difference.

Bang bang bang ~~~

Half-Step Heavenly God with poor strength was blasted into fragments on the spot.

Rebirth? Undying Body? Anyway.

Just the first wave of attacks stopped the Heavenly God and had to put on a Battle suit and procure defense treasure, and Teleport’s speed was also suppressed by infinite slowdown.

“It seems your people are useless!”

Lin Fei thought about it when he came.

Those who are not afraid of death will come up to contribute to themselves.

Eighteen Heavenly Gods are still attacking the blue beads, and Shi Hengshan sinks to his heart. “War Fortress, no wonder you will come so fast. It seems that this Sect Master still underestimates you!”

“Old Ancestor, come out quickly, otherwise I’m really finished!” Shi Hengshan had to pray, the power of the blue beads was consumed constantly, began to show cracks, and could not support for long.

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