Senro Overlord!

An Overlord Expert rising in the territory. Alas,

Killing a blood path from the sea of ​​blood, and mastering the Top Grade war weapon, such as War Fortress, Senro Overlord’s reputation also spread throughout the territory.

No one doesn’t know Terrifying of the Senlord Overlord.

The super expert promoted from Paragon Realm to Heavenly God Realm.

Even now, no one knows the real strength of the Senlord Overlord, and everyone who has ever dealt with him has died in his hands, thus achieving great fame.

Senro Overlord is terrifying.

Moro Hell is a famous item of Moro Overlord.

This is the main reason Zhao Zhi was so scared to see the signs of Sen Luo Hell.

Sen Luo Hell came to Great Heaven World in person. If people know it, they will probably widen their eyes.

Experts such as Sen Luo Hell rarely go out.

Even if you go out, it is to explore some dangerous places, looking for various rare treasures, so as to strengthen your strength.

…… ..

After a brief conversation between the two.

The old man invited Sen Luo Overlord to speak inside.

No one outside knows what the two said.

It was just that when the old man came out, there was a smile on his face, and Sen Luo’s Overlord cloak was covered, and he went away as if he had never appeared.

“Xiao Zhao, don’t go out these days, as soon as the Sect person arrives, you will come and inform me!”

The old man re-entered the Space Treasure he carried. When he went in, he could n’t help but secretly thought, “With the intervention of Samurai Overlord, it is much easier to deal with Emperor Heaven. Dare to do right with us Refiner Sect, sooner or later there will be regrets . Now as long as the High level is together, Emperor Heaven is not about how about it, how about it! “

Zhao Zhi Eyeball One Revolution. It ’s just a moment of happiness, and I have repeatedly expressed that I wo n’t forget. When the old man disappears, my heart is proud, secretly thought, “Emperor Heaven, Emperor Heaven, you are dead this time, you can only say that you should not master the invincible weapon of refining. Method! “


Sen Luo Overlord is now in a Small world outside Starry Sky.

“Brother Sen Luo. You are back!”

This Small World is a death star, and World is also limited.

At this point, the core of World.

Sitting on three Experts, the momentum of the body converged perfectly. Even then, you can still feel that these three Expert strengths are very powerful.

The unintentional breath was also suppressed by them.

“If I don’t come back. Will you be at ease?” As soon as Senro Overlord reached the core, he said with a sneer to the three.

“Brother Sen Luo, look at what you said, as if we are not assured of you!” A small middle age person in the middle. said with a smile, from time to time flashing rays of light in his eyes, opening his mouth to draw people together.

Sen Luo Overlord sat down. “What do you think, I could it be and do not know. In any case, we have been fighting for so long, everyone knows it. If it was not important this time, it would be difficult for us to sit together!”

The small middle age person laughed and seemed to be saying something.

“Sen Luo, you still have that temper. Whatever you say, it hasn’t changed at all.” The burly man on the left, the beard with a look on his face, and his eyes were terrifying.

If anyone hears the name, they will be surprised.

Dare to call it Zhen Hai, and dare to talk to Sen Luo Overlord, so who can it be, except for Zhen Hai Overlord of the Seven Overlords.

The short middle age person is indeed Zhen Hai Overlord, one of the Seven Overlords, and Giant in the territory.

“I just casually said, who knows Brother Sen Luo seriously!” Zhen Hai Overlord said indifferently.

“Okay, everyone says a little less.” The middle age person on the right is full of vitality, like a fire, “We are not far away, not for a few words, Sen Luo, don’t take it seriously, he this person That’s it! “

Sen Luo Overlord glanced at Zhen Hai Overlord, “I won’t take it seriously, just do this one thing, whatever you like.”

If someone knows at this time, a total of four Overlords appearing under Starry Sky together, it is estimated that it will be a shock, any Overlord strength is unusually horrible, let alone four Overlords appear together. Regardless of the size of the force, it will change color.

“Sen Luo is right. You can’t hurt each other for this!” The middle-aged person called Wandao Overlord, “You went to Great Heaven World, did you feel the presence of Emperor Heaven!”

The four of them came here for the same purpose.

The reason is to take down Emperor Heaven.

The eighth War Fortress appeared, and the news spread very early. At first, they didn’t care. The three War Fortresses that had disappeared disappeared for a long time. It was not easy to find them.

A stinky brat, how can you control a War Fortress.

However, as the news came back a few days ago, several people were shocked. I did not expect War Fortress to really appear. With the news, it was not only about War Fortress, but also news about the invincible weapon. Even pushing the Weapon of Refiner Sect is definitely a major event.

Several Overlord’s rare choices joined forces.

If the War Fortress is won, or even the invincible weapon method, the benefits are immeasurable enough for the strength of their seven Overlords to surpass Eight Supreme Gates.

Today, Eight Supreme Gates, without restraint, has expanded its influence. The territory is headed by Eight Supreme Gates. Their seven Overlord positions are still under Eight Supreme Gates.

This makes the Seven Overlords very in a bad mood. There are not many ways they can restrict Eight Supreme Gates. Experts are not as good as Eight Supreme Gates, and it is not unrelated to their War Fortress.

So there is today’s scene.

“I have already mentioned with Refiner Sect. They are dissatisfied with the invincible weapon and Emperor Heaven Complete. I mentioned a few words and they said that they had their own means. I believe that in the near future, we will have trouble with Emperor Heaven. We also You can take the opportunity to watch Emperor Heaven’s backstage! “Said Sen Luo Overlord with confidence.

“Emperor Heaven this child is indeed very mysterious, and now it is reported that when the first generation of this year’s younger generation, it is the deliberate sound of Eight Supreme Gates, that is, to hate Emperor Heaven.” Mando Overlord 讥 taunted, “It’s mysterious backstage of this guy. It’s young and strong, and it’s rumored that five Clone Heavenly Gods have been cultivated. If we can get it, this world, Eight Supreme Gates should also stand aside!”

“Yes, Eight Supreme Gates is not the God Sovereign Expert when it comes to the backing, what’s so amazing!” Said Zhen Hai Overlord coldly, but everyone heard a sour tone, “As long as we get the War Fortress, Clone Heavenly God’s method, The invincible weapon method, Eight Supreme Gates stand aside at night, and in the future Divine Right Era, we also have the capital to stand! “

“Divine Right Era is coming, and there is not much time for us. Came to Emperor Heaven is coming out. Maybe his appearance will complete us!” Another Overlord’s tone also became dignified.

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