Great Commander leaves contentedly.

“Luo Xian Fellow Daoist, you are here too!”

Outside the Invincible Palace, Great Commander met Luo Xian Heavenly God at Zheng Yi Gate.

Luo Xian Heavenly God was surprised to see Chaos Heaven Kingdom’s Great Commander, and said, “could it be he came to the Emperor Heaven privately to trade it? Look at his beaming appearance, can’t really negotiate with Emperor Heaven. what.”

“Yes, Fellow Daoist looks in a good mood!” Luo Xian Heavenly God said with a smile.

Great Commander was really in a good mood. After talking about a major event, he would inevitably be happy when he came out. I never expected to be seen by Luo Xian Heavenly God.

“You’re looking for Emperor Heaven Fellow Daoist, he’s in there, I have to go beforehand!” Great Commander said at will and left.

Luo Xian Heavenly God slightly frowned.

“This Great Commander and Emperor Heaven, I must have agreed on something, come early as soon as possible!” Luo Xian Heavenly God secretly thought, looking at the Invincible Palace in front of him, booing, “If that Founder killed Emperor Heaven, Nothing is happening, it ’s better now ~~~~ “

Once Auction was over, Luo Xian Heavenly God knew Emperor Heaven was no longer something that could be despised.

Sect also sent news that you should not offend Emperor Heaven for the time being, and try your best to get Paragon weapon and Paragon Battle suit from Emperor Heaven, even if it is not possible, there is no need to offend.

“Fellow Daoist at Zheng Yi Gate, Emperor Heaven you also want to visit!”

No 9, …. outside the enemy’s palace, another wave of people came.

The headed person saw Luo Xian Heavenly God and greeted him with a smile.

Luo Xian Heavenly God turned around and saw the person moved towards himself, with a smile, “Hello President Tian Yang!”

Tian Yang, President of the Chamber of Commerce. How can Luo Xian Heavenly God not know, one of the lords in the territory. No one dares to offend easily, they are still the old Heavenly God Expert.

Tian Yang came. It’s also to visit Emperor Heaven early.

The news of the auction had already spread in the territory as soon as possible.

Emperor Heaven at this time is like a big piece of fat. Anyone wants to take a bite, but Emperor Heaven strength out of the ordinary. The strength is unfathomable. There is no Heavenly God with more than seven or eight statues. Certain danger.

Tian Yang is here. For cooperation.

From the perspective of the Chamber of Commerce, everything is divided into two types, one is cooperative and the other is not cooperative.

Emperor Heaven can work together.

Great potential!

At least for now, the Chamber of Commerce will not use violence against Emperor Heaven.

“President Tian also came to visit Emperor Heaven, not as good as everyone together?” Luo Xian Heavenly God originally thought that he was a family and was good at negotiating things. Now Tianyang Heavenly God, the Chamber of Commerce, comes out. Sorry. But he couldn’t refuse, he could only invite him.

“Yeah!” Tianyang Heavenly God said with a smile.

“Chairman Tian, ​​you are really cunning, don’t call me when you visit Emperor Heaven!”

They just walked a few steps. A voice came from behind.

Arakawa Heavenly God walked with a smile, before he came to the front. Secretly thought in my heart, “Fortunately, I am here today. Otherwise, I really want to be landed by Tian Old Ghost, eh. Zheng Yi is here, and there are many people who want to cooperate with Emperor Heaven!”

Whether it’s the Chamber of Commerce or the Chamber of Commerce, the rise of Know Heavenly Fortune Building is overwhelming from the end of the first Auction, and both of them should be jealous.

Weapons of the same rank all auctioned a surprisingly high price.

Although two Chamber of Commerce can do it, it is not as simple as Heavenly Fortune Building.

On the same day, the two of them went to visit the person in charge of Heavenly Fortune Building. They did not get anything useful in the population of Heavenly Fortune Building. They were not disappointed. The little baby girl was not bad. Also talked about some cooperation.

The rise of Heavenly Fortune Building is inevitable, and the two do not mind selling personal relationships.

As long as Emperor Heaven is in the day, the growth of the Heavenly Fortune Building is inevitable. No one can refuse, unless someone can make a better weapon Battle suit. Defeat the weapon and Battle suit from Emperor Heaven.

So, they all came, but they didn’t expect to run into one.

They are all glad to have arrived early. Those who know, even if they want to rush over, it will take a short time.

Tianyang Heavenly God cursed this guy’s whereabouts, and smiled on his face, “Ah, I can’t blame this thing. I asked someone to notify you before, as if you are not there, I can’t help it!”

Arakawa Heavenly God complained, “It seems that those under me are not taken seriously, and I must discipline it when I go back, otherwise I really miss a chance!”

“If you want to come, just say it!” Tianyang Heavenly God said

“Zheng Yi Gate, Fengyun Chamber of Commerce, Hell Paradise Chamber of Commerce, want to visit me?”

“Yes, this is their visiting post, people are outside!” His men replied.

Listening to the words of his men, Lin Fei was startled first, then he laughed, opened the visit post, and was very formal and let go. ! “

His men retreated.

Lin Fei took a bottle of Immortal Wine and poured himself a glass.

“Unexpectedly, one day, this great force will also visit me, Chinese cabbage’s Paragon weapon and Battle suit, this time it will sell a good price!” Lin Fei raised his glass and drank it.

See them?

Lin Fei is not in a hurry.

Now they beg themselves.

Lin Fei poured himself another cup, thinking about how to kill a pain from their hands. It would be better if they could get Divine Spark, and now he has less Divine Spark.

Eighteen Clones, now six are Heavenly God, and there are still twelve Clones. As long as eighteen Clones become Heavenly God, and by virtue of their strength, they want to deal with themselves. There are no more than twenty Heavenly Gods.

“Everyone drink tea, my Master deal with good things coming soon!”

“Deal with things?”

When Tian Yang and Arakawa heard this, they understood what was going on.

This is the display of others.

They just couldn’t say anything. According to the previous time, who would dare to show them off, as long as they say one word, the bad luck is the other party.

Now they can only drink tea.

Luo Xian Heavenly God is very complicated.

At first strength not as good as his own guy, but now it is God Slayer’s hands, the top ten Heavenly God died. Several of them were in the hands of this guy, such as Demon Profound Sect, which has damaged two Heavenly Gods.

If they had to take revenge on Emperor Heaven on that day, maybe Zheng Yi had to lose two Heavenly Gods. I did not see that there are still four Heavenly Gods under house arrest at Invincible Palace.

Luo Xian Heavenly God really didn’t want to come here, but there was no way, what Emperor Heaven had in his hands, they wanted to get all of them to improve strength.

If other Sects get weapon battle suit, they have no Zheng Yi door, and they will be greatly affected when fighting.

“Not good, just deal with good things, tell everyone to wait long!”

After a stick of incense time, Lin Fei hurriedly appeared in the reception hall.

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